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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Don't leave without me

Don't leave without me tradutor Espanhol

136 parallel translation
I don't want anyone to enter or leave these headquarters without a pass issued by me.
No quiero que nadie entre o salga de este lugar, sin un pase firmado por mí.
Don't leave me. What would I do without you?
No me dejes, ¿ que sería de mi?
Now you quit this horsing around, or I'll jump in without you! Don't leave me, Ollie!
Si sigues en ese plan, me arrojaré sin ti.
And don't let him leave here without notifying me.
No deje que se vaya sin avisarme.
- Don't worry. I promise you I won't leave Germany without you.
No se preocupe, le prometo que no me iré de Alemania sin usted.
That's all, but don't leave town without checking with me, huh?
Es todo, pero no se vaya de la ciudad sin decírmelo.
Don't you dare to leave here and go to another shop without letting me know where you are.
No te atrevas a marcharte de aquí e irte a otra tienda sin avisarme.
Don't leave me alone too long without me hearing from you.
No me dejes mucho tiempo sin noticias.
Don't leave me without news from you.
Pero no dejéis de mandarme noticias.
Don't you ever do that to me again, leave me without telling me.
No vuelvas a hacerme esto nunca, marcharte sin decírmelo.
Oh, Mama, don't leave me without a horse!
¡ Ay, mamá, me quedo sin caballo!
Master, don't leave without me again!
¡ Maestro no te vayas sin mí otra vez!
I don't think anybody should leave this earth without making a comment - you, me, anybody.
No creo que alguien deba dejar esta Tierra sin hacer un comentario, tu, yo, cualquiera.
And, uh, if I don't leave here with it, I'm not gonna leave here without it.
Y si no me voy de aquí con él... no me iré sin él.
Don't leave without me.
Quiero ir contigo, para siempre.
Please, honey, don't ever leave me without saying nothing.
Cariño, no vuelvas a dejarme sin decirme nada, por favor.
Don't leave without me.
No empecéis hasta que yo diga.
Well, you can go, but don't leave Paris without giving me your address.
Muy bien, pueden irse. Pero si abandonan París, déjenme su dirección.
Though I let Daisy come to parties without me, I certainly don't want her to leave them without me.
Si bien dejo que Daisy venga a fiestas sola de ninguna manera la dejo marcharse sin mí.
Don't you leave without me.
No te vayas sin mí.
'Don't leave without me! '
No se vayan sin mí.
- Don't leave without me!
- No se vaya sin mi.
Hey, don't leave without me.
Hey, no se vaya sin mi.
Don't leave without me.
No te marches sin mí.
Well, don't leave without me.
Bueno, no te vayas sin mí.
Don't let her leave without telling me
Que no se vaya sin avisarme.
Mamá, no me quiero ir sin ti.
Don't leave me without news.
No me dejes sin saber nada de tí.
Don't leave without me.
No se vayan sin mí.
Don't leave the house without telling me. All right?
No te vayas sin avisarme, ¿ vale?
If I don't get there, th - they'll leave without me.
Si no llego, se irán sin mí.
It don't seem right... for William and I to leave these little lambs... without any kinfolk around.
No me parece correcto... de Guillermo y yo, dejar estos corderitos sin parientes cercanos.
Don't leave without me.
No os marchéis sin mí.
I rest my case. lf that doesn't leave me without a stain on my character then I don't know what it does leave me without a stain on.
No tengo más que decir. Si eso no me libra de toda sospecha entonces no sé qué puede hacerlo.
- Don't leave tonight without seeing me. - What?
- ¿ Qué?
Don't leave without turning me off.
¡ No se vayan sin apagarme!
Listen, I'm gonna get her to move. Don't leave without me.
voy a hacer que se mueva no se vayan sin mi.
Don't leave without me.
No se vayan sin mi.
If you leave without talking to me, don't come back.
Si te marchas sin hablar comigo, no necesitas volver.
Please don't leave without me.
Por favor, no te vayas sin mí.
Don't you ever just unload and then leave without me having my say.
No puedes desahogarte e irte sin dejarme explicar mi versión.
Don't let me leave without the name of that carpet guy.
No me deje ir sin el nombre del chico de la alfombra.
You know I don't leave without seeing you.
Sabes que nunca me marcho sin verte primero
Don't anybody leave without me getting a chance to talk to you, okay?
Que no se vaya nadie sin hablar conmigo, ¿ sí?
Don't leave without me!
¡ No te vayas sin mí!
Don't leave without me.
No te vayas sin mí.
Don't leave without me!
No se vayan sin mi!
Please, don't leave the country without telling me, Doctor.
Por favor, no deje el país sin decírmelo, doctora. Si insiste.
What'd you do that for? ! Don't you ever leave for the months without telling me.
No vuelvas a irte 3 meses, sin decírmelo.
Tengo algo que hacer.
And don't give me this beam-of-light shit, because I don't buy it. You don't leave here without a discharge.
No te vas sin que te den de alta.

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