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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Don't look at him

Don't look at him tradutor Espanhol

508 parallel translation
Pick him up on Sunday at 1 : 00 and bring him back by 6 : 00. Look at these photos, it's a small part of what you missed and will never get back. Don't lose them, they're precious.
Ven a por él en un domingo y para volver a los seis ver estas fotos una pequeña fracción de los perdidos nunca se puede compensar y esperamos no perder, porque quiero
I don't want to look at him anymore.
No quiero mirarle.
I don't like to look at him.
No me gusta verlo.
- Don't look at him.
- No lo mires.
She got a picture of him, and ain't more than a week goes by she don't look at it.
Tiene una foto suya y no pasa ni una semana... sin que vaya a mirarla.
I don't know anything about him being smart, I didn't even look at him you only have eyes for Philip, that stupid schoolboy
No sé si era guapo, ni siquiera lo miré. ¡ Sólo tienes ojos para Philip, ese estúpido colegial!
And when he comes, he may not look like he did when you last saw him. But don't say so. Don't look at him like that, dear.
Y cuando llegue quizá no tenga el mismo aspecto que cuando le viste por última vez, no se lo digas.
Don't look at him.
No le mires.
I don't think Velma wants him to look at her. Do you, dear?
No creo que Velma quiera que la mire, ¿ verdad?
If you don't want him to look at your foot, you don't have to.
Si no quieres que mire tu pie, no le dejaremos.
Don't look at him.
No lo mires a él.
Look, Zitza, he goes again at "Union". We please him right, don't we?
Ves, Zita, él va otra vez a "Los Jardines".
Don't look at him, pat.
No lo mires a él, Pat.
I met him by accident. - David, don't look at me like that.
¿ Desde cuándo conoce a la Srta. Damien?
I didn't look at the brand on this steer when I shot him, but I don't believe there's a man in New Mexico mean enough to make a fuss under the circumstances.
No me fijé en la marca de la vaca al dispararle, pero, en esta situación, no creo que nadie se enfade.
If another man speaks to you alone, if you smile at some man I don't like... or even if you look at him in that way you do, he dies right here.
Sólo con que otro hombre te dirija la palabra, que sonrías a otro hombre, sólo con que lo mires como tú sabes mirar, lo hago rebanadas.
I don't want to make a scene I just want to take a look at him. Drop it.
No quiero montar una tragedia, sólo tenerlo cara a cara.
Look at that little face. - Don't touch him!
- Mira qué cosita más bonita.
Don't just sit there and look at him.
No te limites a quedarte sentada mirándole.
You don't look at that one. and you don't think about him!
Eso no lo miras y no lo piensas!
Don't look right at him!
¡ No mires disimula, agacha la cabeza!
I know you, don't even look at him.
Que te conozco... Ni se te ocurra mirarle a la cara.
Of course, he was much taller than I, but there's something about a tall man that I, well I don't know, you look up at him and he looks down at you, and I don't know, you just go on like that indefinitely.
Jamás hubiese imaginado algo así de Kimo, un encanto con las mujeres.
Don't encourage him, miss, look at me, I've already been fooled.
- Mis amigos. No le haga caso, señorita, míreme como me han atrapado.
Don't look at him.
No lo mire.
I don't usually complain of an attractive jiggle but you save that jiggle for your husband to look at if and when I get him out of jail. Let's go.
Y ahora, vámonos.
Why don't you take a look at him, Jabe?
¿ Por qué no lo haces tú mismo, Jabe?
- Aw, look at him. - Don't let him go.
Es mi amigo, no lo sueltes.
Don't look at him, they may understand.
No le mires, podrían darse cuenta.
Don't talk back at me. Look at him, he wants to join the partisans!
Dirígete a mí como es debido. ¡ Mira para eso, quería unirse a los guerrilleros!
- Mme Dravet, Don't look at him like that.
Sra. Dravnet, no le mire de esa forma.
Don't look at him like that.
No le mire así.
I don't know him but I need only look at you.
No lo conozco, pero me basta con mirarte.
And if I don't hear the bells and the banjos ringing everytime I look at him...
Y si no escucho campanillas y banjos cada vez que lo miro...
If it wasn't for you, at this time.. Don't worry, you won't look bad! I'll pay him back first.
Estate tranquila que no quedarás mal, el primer dinero que consiga será para él, no quiero deudas con Giancarlo.
You don't look like him at all.
No te pareces nada a él.
Don't look at him!
No lo mires!
Don't look at him, Catherine!
! No le mires, Catherine!
But I don't want to look at him! I don't want him to give me ideas!
¡ No voy a dejarme sugestionar!
Look at him. Don't you think he's tremendously talented?
Contémplalos. ¿ No son verdaderas obras maestras?
Sergeant, I don't want to look up at him.
Sargento, no quiero subir a buscarlo.
- Don't look at him.
- No empieces a mirarlo.
I don't quite understand, but perhaps we better go out and have a look at him.
No entiendo, pero quizás usted debería ir a echarle un vistazo.
- Don't look at him.
- No le mires.
Don't look at him, look at me.
No lo mires a él, mírame a mí.
Look, Captain, we are at war! - I don't understand him!
- No le entiendo.
He enjoys it more if we don't look at him.
Le excita que no le veamos.
Don`t look at him.
No Io mires.
Hide your face. Don't let him see, One look at it, and he will flee.
Esconde la cara, que no la pueda ver, porque si la ve, echará a correr
Don't look at him, look at me.
No lo miren a él, mírenme a mi.
I don't look at him any more.
No puedo mirarlo más.

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