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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Don't look at it

Don't look at it tradutor Espanhol

1,231 parallel translation
Well, I don't know. Bob told me to bring it out this weekend so he can have a first look at it.
Bob quiere verlo antes este fin de semana.
But, dad, i don ´ t drink beer. Look at it... oh. It ´ s just a souvenir.
Pero, papá, yo no bebo cerveza.
When the Japs get a load of lettuce they don't want in the country, they let it sit on the docks until they get ready to look at it.
Cuando los Japoneses obtienen una carga de lechuga, y no están seguros sobre si la quieren en el país, ellos la dejan en el puerto que repose hasta que están listos para inspeccionarla.
I don't want to take a look at it, you can't make me.
¡ No quiero verlo! ¡ No puede hacer que... ahh!
What I'm saying is if I see a nice painting, I look at it, but I don't pull it off the wall.
Lo que digo es si veo un lindo cuadro, lo veo, pero no lo saco de la pared.
Percy, it don't look like you got a case at all.
Percy, me parece que no tienes ninguna posibilidad.
It was quite crowded. And when you are called to look at the wounds of the dead President you don't ask people for their names and who they are.
Debe entender que había mucha gente y cuando le piden que examine a un presidente uno no le pregunta el nombre a la gente.
Look, if you don't want to talk at first, it's cool.
Mira, si no me quieres hablar al principio, está bien.
- Don't look at me. It weren't my fault!
- ¡ No ha sido culpa mía!
I mean, the colleges, they look at them as if they're gospel! - I don't know what to do. I mean, it's...
De todos los estudiantes de último año que se gradúan este año ¿ a cuál te gustaría ver en "Los Más Destacados"?
Don't look at that. It's very boring!
Yo de usted no lo miraria, es muy aburrido.
Look, it's bad enough you call me every hour on the hour when I'm home... but I don't appreciate being paged at school.
Mira, es bastante malo que me llamaste a cada hora sobre la hora cuando estoy en casa... pero no me gusta ser paginado en escuela.
Don't look at it!
No lo mires.
I don't believe it. Look at this place!
¡ Mire este lugar!
- You don't want to look at it.
No deberías mirarlo.
Don't take it so seriously. That was very insensitive, my dear Mama, just look at the sari.
- Mama, mira que hermoso...
- Don't look at it!
- ¡ No miréis!
Don't look at it that way
No lo veas de esa forma.
Don't look at that, it's not interesting.
No mires eso, no es interesante.
Did you ever look at your watch and then you don't know what time it is.
Alguna vez miran su reloj... ¿ Y luego no saben que hora es?
And you look at a third time, and somebody says what time is it, and you say I don't know.
Y miran otra vez... Y alguien les pregunta : "¿ Qué hora és?" y dices : ¡ No sé!
" Oh look at Edina isn't she marvellous and she's got a family, I don't know how she does it.
"Mira, es Edina. Qué guapa, y qué familia tiene. ¡ Es genial!"
Please, don't look at those and tell me, "You get used to it."
Por favor, no mire y me diga : "Te acostumbras a verlo".
So I told him, "Why don't you come by and look at ours, " and maybe it would work out? "
"¿ por qué no vienes a ver la nuestra... y tal vez nos arreglemos"
It's just that you don't look at all like C.S. Lewis.
Sólo que usted no parece en absoluto C. S. Lewis.
Don't look at me, Nat, I didn't do it, I swear.
No me mires a mí, Nat, yo no fui, lo juro.
- Yeah, I don't want to look at it.
- Sí, no quiero ni verla.
When we look at Michelangelo's David or Symnay's Tomb, we don't ask, "What does this mean to other people?" The real question is, what does it mean to us?
Cuando observamos el David de Miguel Ángel o la tumba de Symnay no nos preguntamos lo que significa para los demás, sino para nosotros.
Don't look at it!
No lo mires!
They don't even look at it.
Ni siquiera lo leen.
Why don't you take a look at someone who could do it!
¿ A alguien que pudiera hacerlo?
I hold the stuff you give to me. I don't look at it, I don't touch it.
Guardo la droga como me la dan.
No, I don't just look at it. I - I read the articles.
No sólo las miro, leo los artículos
Don't look at it. Don't read it, John.
No lo mires, ¡ no lo leas, John!
It's for women who don't want to look like they're driving home alone at night, so they stick him on the front seat next to them.
Es para mujeres que no quieren que las vean conducir solas de noche así que lo colocan en el asiento delantero junto a ellas.
Trust me, I don't know if you can tell that or not but just look at me and you'll know it's true.
Créame, no sé si apreciará la diferencia pero míreme y sabrá que es cierto.
Don't forget... if you want to look at something... do it discreetly.
No se te olvide, si quieres mirar lo que sea, hazlo discretísimamente.
Look, kid... don't you think we would have already done that if it were at all possible?
Mira, chico no piensas que ya habríamos....... hecho eso si fuera de algún modo posible?
Well, you know what, if I get my tattoo, you don't have to look at it.
Bueno, si me hago el tatuaje no tendrás que mirarlo.
Ho, Ho, Ho! Oh, don't look at me, he said it.
No me mires a mí, él lo dijo.
Well, don't look at me. I didn't take it.
- A mí no me miren, yo no lo agarré.
Look, this is gonna be my first radio interview at this college and I don't want you future fry cooks to screw it up.
Esta sea mi primera entrevista radial en la escuela Y no quiero que la arruinen dos futuros cocineros de segunda.
It goes so fast, we don't have time to look at one another.
Va tan rápido que no tenemos tiempo de mirarnos.
I can't go on, it goes so fast we don't have time to look at one another.
No puedo seguir, esto va tan rápido que no tenemos tiempo de mirarnos.
I know you were at the movie theater. I know you don't want to talk about it. Look, it's just how rumors get started.
Sé que viste una película y no quieres hablar.
You know I don't like you to look at my stuff before it's done.
Sabes que no me gusta que veas mis cosas antes de terminar.
Carl, the numbers look good so far. Why don't you keep at it?
Carl, por ahora todo está bien.
I don't know. Depends on how you look at it.
No sé, según cómo se mire.
Don't you get it? Look at Northern Ireland.
Los dejaré hablar.
Well, don't look at me. It's what they breathe.
- Es lo que respiran.

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