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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Don't mind them

Don't mind them tradutor Espanhol

353 parallel translation
Don't let them weigh upon your mind.
No dejes que pesen sobre tu mente.
In fear of Turkish revenge, he went Over Sava river to Srem, but... His stepfather Petronije changed his mind and said that he is going to give them away to Turks if they don't come back.
Por temor a la represalia Turca, el fue por el río Sava a Srem, pero... su suegro Petronije cambió de opinión y dijo que los entregaría a los Turcos si ellos no regresaban.
Well. I'll put them in the incubator. but. if you don't mind.
Lo haré, pero si no te importa, me iré a casa.
Never mind.. don't bother them.
No importa. No les moleste.
They're both sore-tailed anyhow, so don't mind them.
No le des importancia.
Never mind. No, no, I don't want them. Where shall I send them?
No, no las quiero. ¿ Adónde debo enviarlas?
I'd rather keep them if you don't mind, Bill.
Prefiero que los guardes.
I don't want to use my family name. I'll probably have several scandals while I live. I don't want to cause them trouble until I'm famous, when nobody will mind.
No quiero usar mi apellido porque provocaría escándalos y no quiero causarles problemas hasta que sea famosa.
Oh, they just wandered away. But if you're of mind to hunting them up, why, you just save your time, Jim because they don't want to have nothing to do with you.
Se fueron, sin más pero, si estás pensando en buscarlos, ahórratelo, Jim porque no quieren saber nada de ti.
I don't mind people stepping on my feet, but I do object to them loitering there.
No me importa que me pisen los pies... pero sí me opongo a que se queden merodeando ahí.
Oh, you don't Mind them stupid,
¡ Fuera de aquí! No le importan que sean estúpidos.
You don't mind my knowing about them, just my talking.
No te importa que las sepa, te importa que las diga.
- I don't mind them a bit.
- No me importa para nada.
Don't mind them, Mike. We're all tickled pink you got a break.
Nos alegramos por ti, Mike.
I don't mind if you wanna join them.
No me importa que vaya con ellos.
Oh, I don't mind them, sir.
- Ellos me dan igual.
I don't mind carrying them.
No me importa llevarlas.
I - If you don't mind my saying so... I think you're making a mistake following them around this way.
Si me permite... creo que está cometiendo un error siguiéndolos de esta manera.
I don't mind talking to them, but...
No me importa hablar con ellos, pero...
Baby, don't mind them.
Niña, no te preocupes por ellos.
If they don't mind, I'd like them to live with us
Si no les importa, me gustaría que vivieran con nosotros
The identities of all five of you are of the greatest importance to us but if you don't mind, we prefer to check them for ourselves.
Las identidades de los cinco son de la máxima importancia para nosotros. Pero si no les importa, preferimos comprobarlas nosotros mismos.
I was mighty glad to get out of them if you don't mind my saying so.
Me alegró mucho dejar los submarinos, si no le molesta que se lo diga.
Oh, I don't mind them.
Ellos no me molestan.
Mind you don't burn them pretty fingers.
No se queme esos dedos tan bonitos.
Never mind why, don't tell them anything.
No importa por qué, no les digas nada.
Don't mind them, Sir, they're ignorant.
No importa, señor, son unos ignorantes.
As for the photographs, I'll destroy them myself, if you don't mind.
En cuanto a las fotografías, las destruiré yo mismo, si no le importa.
Puts them in a frame of mind where they naturally feel obligated, don't you know.
Ponlas en cierto estado mental y se sentirán obligadas.
Scientists don't believe in visions and I don't wanna hear about them. Wouldn't it be sensible even doubting me to... keep an open mind?
Como científico, no creo en visiones y no quiero oír hablar de ellas.
I don't mind you having fun with them.
No me importa que salgas con ellos.
I don't mind your brother Frank, but them Fords.
No diría eso por tu hermano Frank, pero ese Ford...
If you don't mind, I'll just run out and see to them.
Si no le importa, saldré a echarles un vistazo.
Now for this trick I should need the assistance of two members of the audience and to show you I don't mind who they are I'm going to pick them out myself
Necesito a dos espectadores. Como les da igual quienes sean, los elegiré yo.
Them Belgians are calling me all the names they can think of, but I don't mind being cussed out in a foreign language.
Esos belgas me dicen de todo, pero no me importa que me insulten en otro idioma.
If you don't mind, ladies I'm going back and say hello to them.
Si no les importa, damas voy a ir atrás a saludarlos.
Don't pay them no mind!
¡ No les hagas caso!
I told them, you don't mind, do you?
Les he avisado yo, ¿ te molesta?
I'll rack them up for you if you don't mind.
Las ordenaré por ustedes si no les importa.
You've been perfectly wonderful to me - and don't think I mind pretty speeches, because every girl loves them - but you mustn't overdo it.
Has sido maravilloso conmigo... y no me molesta que digas cosas bonitas, a todas las chicas les gusta... pero no exageres.
Don't mind them.
No te preocupes por ellos.
I don't mind them watching, but they talk about it endlessly.
Eso no me importa, pero hablan de aves sin parar.
Now, mind you, I don't think you'd ever show any real style like some of my boys, but you'd probably lick them all because you got something inside of you that a lot of fighters will never have no matter how much I teach them :
Mira, no creo que vayas a tener un gran estilo porque tienes algo que muchos otros nunca tendrán por mucho que les enseñe.
Don't you mind losing them? Let them show me the agreement, monsieur.
Que me enseñen nuestro compromiso.
- Don't mind them, they're four jerks!
- ¡ No les hagas caso, son cuatro bocazas!
- Am I going crazy? - Don't mind them.
- ¿ Me estoý volviendo loco?
Don't mind them, Camilo...
Déjelas Camilo...
No me importa repararlas, no es eso.
These are all my friends, I don't mind if you talk in front of them.
Todos ellos son mis amigos, puede hablar frente a ellos.
- Don't pay them no mind.
- No les paguen.
And if you don't mind, I think I'm going down and join them.
Y si no te importa, creo que voy a bajar para unirme a ellos.

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