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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Duckie

Duckie tradutor Espanhol

121 parallel translation
Here, duckie, say he follows her about.
Tesorito, dile que él la persigue.
Hello Duckie. - A cup wants mending?
- Hola, ¿ qué, te arreglo la taza?
Hello, duckie.
Hola, querida.
Go on, duckie, do as you're told.
Vamos, querida, haz lo que te han dicho.
Fill me up, duckie.
Lleno, querida.
Sorry, duckie.
Lo siento, querida.
I don't know, duckie.
No estoy seguro, querida.
- Thank you, duckie.
- Gracias, querida.
Anytime, duckie.
Con gusto, querida.
Why is that, duckie?
- ¿ Cómo es eso, Duckie?
I'd like a gold licence for my duckie who lays gold eggs? I understand what you mean.
"Necesito una licencia para mi patito que pone huevos de oro"?
Wait, duckie, don't move.
- Espera, patita.
She slipped, poor duckie, that's nothing, nothing, I'm coming.
Resbaló, pobre patita. No es nada. Ahora voy.
- Hi, Duckie. How are you?
- ¿ Qué tal, Duckie?
Love's a bitch, Duck. Love's a bitch.
El amor da asco, Duckie.
If you worship the Duck, why not hang out somewhere he could get in?
Si idolatras a Duckie, ¿ por qué no vas a donde le dejen entrar?
- It's OK, Duckie. - OK.
- No pasa nada, Pato.
- Get in, Duckie. - OK.
Sube, Pato.
Duckie Dale. Give me a call.
Soy el Pato, llámame.
Duckie Dale again.
El Pato otra vez.
This is Duckie.
Soy el Pato.
Duckie, I'll talk to you in the morning.
Hablamos mañana. Adiós.
- Duckie, I'm really sorry.
- Pato, lo siento de verdad.
Duckie, you're being a real jerk.
Te estás portando como un imbécil.
And that's Duckie Dale over there behind the glasses.
Y ahí detrás de las gafas está Pato Dale.
- Hi, Duckie. - Phillip F Dale to you, scumwad.
Phillip F. Dale para ti, idiota.
- Duckie, shut up.
- Cállate.
- Duckie, please!
- Pato, por favor.
Thanks, Duckie.
Rubber Duckie I'm awfully fond of you
Patito de goma, eres mi amiguito...
Here duckie, duckie, duckie.
Ven, patito, patito, patito.
- If it isn't Captain Ducky.
Si no es el Capitan Duckie?
Only what I read in the papers, duckie.
And what is this smashing little item? Waterford. Hand it here, duckie.
After you make the phone call, duckie. Ooh, this is quite heavy.
Esto es bastante pesado.
- Duckie!
- Duckie!
- Luminous Duckie, I would never neglect this.
- Claro baby, no me lo perdería por nada.
remain like this. DVD, duckie!
- Oh, sí, DVD.
the Zero of money! And so much duckie!
Nada por adelantado, eso nos costó.
¿ Pollo?
Let's face it, I got "Duckie" written all over me.
Admitámoslo, no soy más que Duckie.
- Yeah, Duckie. Molly Ringwald's best friend from Pretty in Pink? The guy who does not get the girl.
Sí, el amigo de Molly Ringwald en Pretty in Pink que no termina con la chica.
This girl that you have developed impossible feelings for are you going to stand by her in a very Duckie-like fashion or are you gonna let hurt feelings prevent you from being the friend you so innocently purport yourself to be?
¿ Vas a apoyar a la chica que te inspira ese amor imposible al estilo de Duckie o vas a permitir que tu orgullo y tus sentimientos te impidan ser el amigo que inocentemente fingiste ser?
You rallied to a certain someone's side in a very Duckie-like manner.
Manifestaste a su lado al estilo de Duckie.
Ah, hello, duckie.
- Hola Duckie.
Lovely song.
Una preciosa canción, Duckie.
- Don't Dickie me, duckie.
- No me llames Ricky, rico.
Rubber Duckie Joy ofjoys
Patito de goma, para mí solito...
this is strike, duckie.
Recuerda lo que te enseñé.
- Duckie?
¿ Duckie?

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