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Earlier this evening tradutor Espanhol

227 parallel translation
You won't lack company. You didn't earlier this evening.
Y no te apetecerá mi compañía, como a primera hora de esta noche.
Nor were you here earlier this evening.
Ni tampoco estabas al comienzo de la tarde.
Earlier this evening we broadcast a report of an invisible man.
Hemos emitido la noticia de un hombre invisible.
I find these plans earlier this evening... but regret no fingerprints.
Yo encuentro estos planos más temprano esta tarde... pero lamento no encontrar huellas digitales.
Dancer... we almost ran into each other earlier this evening.
Dancer, casi nos encontramos esta misma tarde.
- Sometime earlier this evening.
- Esta noche.
Shoemaker and Poulnot, and a third man, Dr. Rogers... were dragged from a meeting earlier this evening... arrested by the police, held without charge... and then released into the arms of the Klan.
Shoemaker y Poulnot, y un tercer hombre, el Dr. Rogers... fueron sacados de un mitin por la tarde... arrestados por la policía, detenidos sin cargos... y luego liberados en manos del Klan.
I saw them together earlier this evening.
Les ví juntos al anochecer.
She came to the Opera House earlier this evening.
Vino a la Opera esta noche.
This report came from the laboratory earlier this evening.
Llegó este informe del laboratorio en la tarde.
There was some rather queer business earlier this evening.
Ocurrió algo extraño más temprano esta noche.
Miss Selby, there was a Mr Wilcox here earlier this evening,
Srta. Selby, ¿ estuvo aquí un tal Sr. Wilcox esta noche temprano?
I saw him arguing with you earlier this evening.
Los vi discutiendo antes.
Why, he was here earlier this evening.
Como, estuvo aquí temprano en la noche.
Earlier this evening, you saw me in that condition and you thought.. I might provide a solution for you.
Esta noche me viste en estas condiciones y pensaste... que podía significar una solución para ti.
Body reported seen earlier this evening.
Cuerpo visto antes en la noche.
I made this one especially for you, earlier this evening.
Esta mañana, a primera hora, hice este especialmente para usted.
This is about the call that was interupted earlier this evening.
Llamo para continuar la conversación interrumpida.
Earlier this evening you told me to leave the cause alone.
Esta tarde me has dicho que dejase correr el asunto.
Spotted in a drug store on the east side earlier this evening.
Le han visto en una farmacia del East Side esta tarde.
According to the station agent, this man was killed by a young man... who visited the monastery earlier this evening.
Según el guarda de estación, Floyd fue asesinado por un joven que visitó el monasterio esta misma noche.
Earlier this evening Bonner came to see me.
- Temprano esta tarde, Bonnet vino a verme - Sí.
Earlier this evening, a Captain Montez was killed.
Esta tarde han matado al capitán Montez.
Earlier this evening, my lord.
Temprano esta tarde, mi lord.
I trusted you earlier this evening.
Yo confié en Vd. esta tarde.
Wasn't she discharged earlier this evening?
¿ No le dimos el alta esta tarde?
Mr. Humbert, your daughter left earlier this evening.
Sr. Humbert, su hija se fue esta tarde.
I found that out earlier this evening.
Lo descubrí esta misma noche.
Sir, about our conversation earlier this evening,
Señor, en cuanto a nuestra conversación de esta tarde...
But don't think I have forgotten... what happened earlier this evening.
Pero no crea que he olvidado... lo que sucedió esta tarde.
Earlier this evening you complained about being bored, Bohrman.
Esta tarde, te quejaste de estar aburrida, Bohrman.
He was doing pretty well earlier this evening.
Lo ha hecho bastante bien antes.
You know, I was looking at the portrait of Josette earlier this evening.
Estuve mirando el retrato de Josette hace un rato.
Earlier this evening, Arno wounded the murderer.
esta noche Arnó hirió al asesino.
'Earlier this evening, General Hollister was honoured by his alma mater,''the Marine Military Institute.'
Esta noche, el general Hollister fue honrado por su alma máter el Instituto Militar de Marines.
- Erm, you and I earlier this evening, yes?
¿ Usted y yo nos conocimos esta tarde, no?
I ran out of it, earlier this evening.
Se me acabo, hace rato.
Arthur's my brother, he was here earlier this evening.
Arthur es mi hermano, estuvo aquí temprano esta tarde.
Earlier this evening, a Father Stuart Diller pastor of the church of Saint Damien's, blew up the main switching circuits of the telephone company's long-lines operations center in West Lost Angeles.
Esta mañana temprano, un sacerdote, Stuart Diller pastor de la Iglesia de San Damián, voló los interruptores de los circuitos principales de las líneas telefónicas del centro al oeste de los Ángeles.
He removed two of the family's men earlier this evening one of whom happened to be the nephew of the local godfather
Mató a 2 miembros de la "familia." Uno era sobrino del padrino local.
One more thing, Mr. President. Earlier this evening an unidentified flying craft entered our airspace.
Algo más, Sr. Presidente... esta noche una nave no identificada ingresó a nuestro espacio aéreo.
The action follows reports earlier this evening of wide spread rebellion among several divisions of the East German Army.
Los reportes preliminares hablan de masivas rebeliones en divisiones del ejercito de Alemania Este.
Well, he was here, earlier this evening.
Él estaba aquí antes.
Did chris seem upset to you earlier this evening?
¿ Estaba Chris molesto por algo?
I doubt that, since you saw me earlier this evening.
Lo dudo. Me has visto esta tarde.
Earlier this evening, a heavily armed commando unit held up the payroll office at the base and fled with $ 3.5 million.
Esta noche, una unidad comando fuertemente armada asaltó el área contable en la base y escapó con $ 3,5 millones.
County authorities say that the man... a patient at the Pleasantville Institute for the Criminally Insane... escaped earlier this evening... and should be considered extremely dangerous.
Las autoridades del condado afirman... que es un paciente del Instituto Penitenciario para Psicóticos... quien escapó esta noche... y que debe ser considerado de alta peligrosidad.
And what's happened is this, that earlier this evening, I crept into Hugh's dressing room while he was asleep, and very carefully, took out his brain, making sure not to wake him up.
Y lo que pasó fue esto, anoche muy temprano, me deslicé dentro del camerino de Hugh mientras estaba durmiendo, y muy cuidadosamente, le saqué el cerebro, asegurándome de que no se despertara.
Have I mistaken about this evening, you expect me earlier?
¿ He hecho algo mal, he llegado tarde?
I enjoyed the earlier part of this evening very much.
Disfruté mucho de la primera parte de esta velada.
He telephoned earlier to say he'd be back in London this evening.
Hace rato llamó por teléfono para decir que estaría aquí esta noche.

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