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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ E ] / Educate me

Educate me tradutor Espanhol

180 parallel translation
You don't want to please me, you always want to educate me.
Tú no quieres complacerme, siempre me quieres educar.
- Nor that you will educate me.
- ni tampoco que me educaras.
General and all them big shots a-trying to educate me.
Que el General y esos tipos quieran educarme.
Of course, you'll have to educate me.
Claro, tendrás que educarme.
If this was the case, why did you educate me?
Si este fuera el caso, por qué me has planteado?
Educate me, darl.
Instrúyeme, cariño.
Re-educate me?
¿ Reeducarme?
And for what purpose? For you to educate me... and for me to develop my conscience...
Para que tú me reeduques, mediante una agitación instructiva... y yo crezca moralmente...
Oh, you're man to educate me into being a woman, the kind you need.
Oh, tú eres el hombre que me va a educar para ser una mujer, de la clase que necesitas.
And he wants to educate me?
¿ También quiere educarme a mí?
Show me, educate me, involve me.
Muéstramela, enséñame, involúcrame.
No, but I was thinking that we might drop by later and you could educate me.
No, pero estaba pensando que podríamos pasarnos luego... y tú podrías educarme.
If your Alex would educate me, I would be very grateful.
Si Alex me educa, Le estaría muy agradecido.
He's going to educate me.
Me va a instruir.
- Educate me.
- Eseñame.
There was always somebody there to educate me in literature, history, art, sex.
Siempre había alguien para enseñarme literatura, historia, arte, sexo.
Then educate me.
Entonces, explíquemelo.
- Educate me.
- Edúcame.
You worked for me, helped educate me.
Has trabajado para mí, has ayudado a educarme.
And you can educate me on the finer points of the point guard.
Podrás darme clases sobre los secretos del escolta.
Okay, Cory, you educate me.
Bueno, Cory, edúcame.
Educate me.
You said you wanted to educate me.
Dijiste que querías educarme.
Konstantin Dmitrich Levin, Stiva's told me that you're supporting the movement to educate the peasants. - Yes, I am.
Konstantin Dmitrich Levin, Stiva me dijo que apoya el movimiento de educación a los campesinos.
And it's taken me two years to educate himself where to put his hands on things.
Y tardé dos años en enseñarle dónde están todas sus cosas.
You'll be doing me a great favour when you begin to educate the local girls, Sister.
Me harán un gran favor al educar a las jóvenes locales.
She needs me to educate her.
Necesita que la eduquen.
If you please, madam, have you heard me educate these young gentlefolk?
Por favor, señora,... querría escuchar cómo educo a estos jovencitos? Con su permiso.
I study, read, educate myself.
Yo estudio, leo, me instruyo... ¿ Porqué voy a París?
Jervis, the last time you accused me of being evil-minded... was when you wanted to bring that young French girl to this country to "educate."
La última vez que me acusaste de ser malvado... querías traer a esa joven francesa a este país para "educarla".
Are you against me to educate the child?
¿ Está usted en mi contra para educar al niño?
I assumed it for thinking Sissy is still a child... and the women of our age can educate better.
Me asumido por pensar Sissy es todavía un niño... y las mujeres de nuestra edad puede educar mejor.
I brought my son here to him, so he can educate him for me.
Le traigo aquí a mi hijo, para que me lo eduque.
You will tell me which ladies are most like Europeans and educate them in European customs and manner for presentation.
Me dirá cuáles damas parecen más europeas y las educará en las costumbres europeas para presentarlas.
Are you against me to educate the child?
¿ Estás en contra de que yo eduque a la niña?
You, you put children in the world, but me, I raised them and educate them.
Tú has traído los niños al mundo, pero yo los he criado y educado.
I care about my business, which is to educate you.
Me meto en lo que me importa, que es educarte.
Imagine trying to educate a pathetic dum-dum like me.
Imagínate tratar de educar a una patética cretina como yo
- Okay, educate him, but with me.
- Está bien, edúcalo, pero conmigo.
I must educate you.
Me lo han ordenado.
It's a blessing to see my darling boy has attained a position I knew was his due. And for which I pinched myself to educate him.
Qué bendición ver que mi hijo ha alcanzado la posición que... siempre quise para él, y que tantos trabajos me costó en la vida.
Now, as Ireland had her fill of kings, I clearly saw I had to educate myself to the way of words.
Pero como Irlanda ya tuvo su grupo de reyes, me quedó claro que tendría que educarme en la poesía.
Educate me.
This gives me an idea. If we educate our potatoes, we can fix it so they walk straight in the pot!
Esto me ha dado una idea, Si pudiéramos educar nuestras patatas podemos hacer que vayan derechas hacia la olla.
My education, she said, excited her, and her desire to educate herself, with my help, excited me.
Decía que mi educación la excitaba y su deseo de educarse, con mi ayuda, me excitaba a mí.
Call me a stick-in-the-mud, but I believe our function is to educate and enlighten.
Me quedé en el tiempo, Pero creo que nuestra función es educar e iluminar.
Mr. Pierce, let me educate you about our organization.
- Sr. Pierce. Deja que te ponga al tanto sobre nuestra organización.
We'll all die, and this pisses me off, Because I spent the last two years of my life teaching Your little idiots how to read, write, educate
Vamos a morir todos y eso me molesta, porque acabo de pasar los 2 últimos años enseñándoles a leer, escribir, educarse a sí mismos, comportarse, ¿ y todo para qué?
I aim to educate the people to accept me as their unquestioned ruler.
Voy a formarles para que me acepten como gobernador.
Even if Jacek gave me a small allowance to educate her, it doesn't mean he's bought her!
La observo. A lo mejor le interesa el Conde, o a lo mejor los dos.
Send him to me so I might educate him.
Enviemelo... que lo voy a re-educar...

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