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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ E ] / Execute him

Execute him tradutor Espanhol

333 parallel translation
and that we are planning to execute him, possibly tonight.
y que planeamos ejecutarlo, probablemente esta misma noche.
They'll execute him with something they call hydrocyanic gas, and the antidote for that is Methylene Blue.
Le ejecutarán con algo que llaman gas cianhídrico, y el antídoto para eso es el azul de metileno.
Execute him in the night?
¿ Quiere ejecutarle así, en plena noche?
- Execute him.
- Ejecutadle.
If the Germans catch him, they'll execute him.
Pero si lo atrapan los alemanes lo pueden fusilar.
I had to execute him with my pistol.
Tuve que ejecutarle con mi pistola.
Execute him!
¡ Ejecutadle!
Master Ichi... that man named Shimazo who asked for your help... they really are going to execute him.
Maestro Ichi ese hombre llamado Shimazo que te pidió ayuda van a ejecutarlo de veras.
Execute him according to the law.
Ejecutarlo según la ley.
I received orders to execute him in 48 hours.
He recibido orden de ejecutarlo en 48 horas.
I received orders to execute him in 48 hours.
Tengo órdenes de ejecutarlo dentro de 48 horas.
My guess is they plan to execute him soon.
Creo que planean ejecutarlo pronto.
Execute him!
¡ Ejecutadlo!
All that remains is to execute him.
Lo único que falta es ejecutarle.
Therefore, you can't execute him.
Por consiguiente, no le podéis ejecutar.
We'll never execute him if he acts like this
Nunca le ejecutaremos si actúa así.
Let's execute him now
If anything goes wrong, we execute him.
Si todo va mal, lo liquidamos.
Why execute him in a haste?
¿ Por qué tanta prisa?
- Execute him!
- ¡ Ejecutadlo!
Your Majesty, if you value your safety, either imprison or execute him.
Majestad, si valoras nuestra seguridad debes encarcelarlo o ejecutarlo.
- We have to take him to the property and execute him. - No.
- Hay que llevarle a la finca...
If we execute him, the press, the television, the radio will speak of his seven children.
Si le ejecutamos, la prensa, la televisión, la radio hablarán de sus siete hijos.
If we did not execute him, the Governments will be strengthened, the revolutionary movements will be weakened.
Si no le ejecutamos, los Gobiernos se reforzarán, los movimientos revolucionarios se debilitarán.
On August 14, in 1904, a crack-shot, 12-man Athenian firing squad... tried three times to execute him and couldn't.
El 14 de agosto de 1904 un pelotón de fusilamiento de primera de 12 atenienses intentó ejecutarlo tres veces y no pudo.
You gonna execute him instead? Tough luck. He's down in Tokyo attending a series of medical conferences.
Está en Tokio, asistiendo a una conferencia médica.
I've got his son as a hostage. I swore I'd execute him. But he's such a likeable little chap.
Tengo a su hijo como rehén, y he jurado ejecutarlo, pero es un joven tan agradable.
Lieutenant Espinoza, take the charge. Execute him!
¡ Teniente Espinoza, hágase cargo, fusílelo!
Execute him, it's an order!
¡ Fusílelo, ordeno!
Execute him!
¡ EjecutadIo!
- I demand that you execute him now.
- Exijo que se le ejecute ahora.
Execute him.
. Ejecútenlo.
My women will execute him.
Mis mujeres lo ejecutarán.
I don't wanna see you till they execute him.
No quiero volver a verla hasta que ejecuten a su padre.
It's not clear, but they mean to execute him tonight.
No está claro, pero quieren ejecutarlo esta noche.
- They'll execute him now?
- ¿ Van a ejecutarlo ya?
The decision to execute him or not lies with the SS Commandant. Kappler!
La decisión de ejecutarlo o no debe tomarla el comandante de las SS.
- You are to execute him.
Le ejecutarás tú.
Execute him tomorrow at 3 : 00 in the afternoon.
Hazlo mañana a las 3 de la tarde.
Execute him!
¡ Ejecútale!
He / she wants them to judge it and him execute, he / she is a crazy poor person.
Quiere que lo juzguen y lo ejecuten, es un pobre loco.
Montano and myself being in speech there comes a fellow crying out for help and Cassio following him with determined sword to execute upon him.
Le seguía Cassio espada en ristre, decidido a ejecutarle.
Execute him!
Now he dare challenge our right to execute him.
Ahora se atreve a desafiar nuestro derecho a ejecutarlo.
Execute him.
Execute me after I say good-bye to him.
Ejecútame después de despedirme de el.
I have to get to Seoul so we can execute him over the weekend.
Tengo que ir a Seúl para que lo ejecuten el fin de semana.
If our instructions are not followed NADA will not execute their hostage but simply and modestly assassinate him.
De no seguir estas instrucciones NADA procederá, no a la ejecución de su rehén sino simple y modestamente... a su asesinato
Execute him.
He'll execute your whole perverted secret police. I demand to see him!
Ejecutará a toda tu pervertida policía secreta. ¡ Quiero verlo!
- [Chattering] We've been searching for him for two bloody hours... and I don't need you to tell me when to execute a search.
Lo buscamos por dos malditas horas... y no necesito que me digas cuándo comenzar una búsqueda.

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