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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ F ] / Fielding

Fielding tradutor Espanhol

748 parallel translation
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Buzz Fielding!
¡ Damas y caballeros, el Sr. Buzz Fielding!
If you'll have patience, you'll soon hear... the genial voice of your own announcer, Mr. Buzz Fielding.
Si tienen paciencia... pronto escucharán la cordial voz de su locutor, Buzz Fielding.
Buzz Fielding!
¡ Buzz Fielding!
Because I'm Buzz Fielding.
- ¡ Porque yo soy Buzz Fielding!
Oh, Mrs. Fielding, Mrs. Fielding and... uh, Mrs. Fielding.
La Sra. Fielding, la Sra. Fielding y la Sra. Fielding.
One and two, Mrs. Fielding number three.
Una, dos y la número tres.
I'm looking for Mrs. Fielding.
Disculpen. Busco a la Sra. Fielding.
Everybody here is Mrs. Fielding but me.
Todas aquí son señoras Fielding, menos yo.
The judge said he wanted to see Mrs. Fielding, so I guess you'll all have to come along.
El juez quiere ver a la Sra. Fielding, así que vengan todas.
Excuse me, Mrs. Fielding.
Disculpe, Sra. Fielding.
Sure fun havin'you here again, Mr. Fielding.
Fue un gusto tenerlo aquí otra vez, Sr. Fielding.
This is Buzz Fielding speaking, and I'm not going to say anything about the race... except that we're gaining with every turn of the turbines.
Habla Buzz Fielding. No diré nada respecto a la carrera... excepto que estamos ganando cada vez que giran las turbinas.
I know you can hit, but fielding is important, too.
Ya sé que sabes batear, pero el juego de campo también es importante.
I'm Dr. Fielding.
Soy el Dr. Fielding.
What seems to be his trouble, doctor? [FIELDING SIGHS]
¿ Cuál parece ser el problema, doctor?
Dazzling fielding marked every inning, but it was not until the eighth, with the score tied one to one, that the fans got the real thrills.
Fue un partido vibrante, pero fue en la octava entrada, con el marcador en empate a uno, cuando se vivió la máxima emoción.
Took Minnie Fraser, the Scots piece out of Fielding Street.
- Di una vuelta con Minnie Fraser.
Well, it's really Fielding.
En realidad es Fielding.
"For Fielding Carlisle, we have only sympathy. " For the voters, we have only pity. "
"Sentimos por Fielding Carlisle, una gran simpatía, pero por los votantes, sólo sentimos pena."
Mrs. Senator Fielding Carlisle.
La Sra. del senador Fielding Carlisle.
Good hitting and fielding.
Louis tiene un equipo de buenos bateadores y corredores.
Colonel Fielding, please.
Póngame con el Coronel Fielding.
That was Colonel Fielding, in charge of the Task Force at Coral Bluffs.
Era el Coronel Fielding, a cargo del destacamento de Coral Bluffs.
Fielding here.
Aquí Fielding.
¡ Fielding!
Colonel Fielding!
¡ Coronel Fielding!
Colonel Fielding! Colonel Fielding!
¡ Coronel Fielding!
Her name is Karen, Karen Fielding.
Su nombre es Karen Fielding.
A couple who just left. Fielding is the name I think. Do you know them?
Esa pareja que acaba de salir creo que su nombre es Fielding.
Mr. and Mrs. Fielding. Oh yes.
Señor y señora Fielding.
- Is Mr. Fielding in, please?
- La Sra. Fielding, por favor.
- No. Oh... Mr. and Mrs. Fielding live here long?
- ¿ Hace mucho que viven aquí?
Mr Fielding only uses this house during his visits in England.
El Sr. Fielding usa esta casa cuando viene desde Londres.
My life began with Douglas Fielding and... I'm quite content with that life.
Estoy satisfecha con Douglas Fielding a día de hoy.
Mr. Fielding has called, madam.
El Sr. Fielding llamó, señora.
Tell Mr. Fielding I had to go out. I shan't be very long.
Dile al Sr. Fielding que tuve que salir, regresaré pronto.
I really came to ask about Mrs. Fielding.
Realmente vine a preguntarle por la Sra. Fielding.
Brennan. Mrs. Fielding never returned home.
Brennan, la Sra. Fielding jamás regresó a casa.
You know of course that we have Mrs. Fielding.
Usted sabe que tenemos a la Sra. Fielding.
That might upset Mr. Fielding. But I don't see how it will buy any diamonds.
Eso podría molestar al Sr. Fielding pero no creo que él tenga los diamantes.
The diamonds in return for Mrs. Fielding's release. Alive and well.
Los diamantes por la libertad de la Sra. Fielding viva.
As far as I'm concerned, Mrs. Fielding might be home right now with her husband.
En lo que a mí concierne la Sra. Fielding podría estar en casa.
Let her rest, Mrs. Fielding.
Deje que descanse, Sr. Fielding.
Victor Bailey, vice president and cashier of the Zenith bank, was arraigned before united states commissioner Alvin fielding charged with the embezzlement of over $ 1 million.
"Victor Bailey, Vicepresidente y Tesorero del Banco Zineth..." "... fue arrestado por el Comisario Alvin Fielding... " "... acusado de robar más de 1 millón de dólares. "
You observe it too, Profesor Fielding!
Este ser desconocido se ha incorporado a los tejidos del brazo y ha absorbido la linfa vital.
Yes, it's me, Fielding.
Hola, sí, soy yo.
Professor Fielding's line.
Con la villa del profesor de John Fielding.
There's no time to lose. I must go to Fielding's house.
No hay tiempo que perder.
Perhaps you can persuade Mrs. Fielding.
Quizá podamos persuadirla.
What's strange is, why an organism of this type would need millennia to develop this way.
¡ Mire usted, profesor Fielding!
We're confronted with a serious lack of knowledge, Mr Fielding.
Nos encontramos ante una enfermedad desconocida.

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