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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ G ] / Go ahead and shoot

Go ahead and shoot tradutor Espanhol

163 parallel translation
Go ahead and shoot the 40.
Adelante, tira por 40.
And if I'm caught, go ahead and shoot me!
¡ Y si me agarran a mi, pues adelante, dispárenme!
Go ahead and shoot, if you want to dive 200 feet for it.
Disparen, si quieren ir a buscarla a 60 m de profundidad.
Es sábado, y no voy.
Well, go ahead and shoot, only make sure you aim at me.
Bueno, adelante y dispara, solo asegúrate de que no me apuntas a mi.
Go ahead and shoot before he bites you.
Vamos, dispare antes de que lo muerda.
Go ahead and shoot.
Anda, dispara.
- Go ahead and shoot.
Vamos dispara.
Go ahead and shoot.
Adelante, dispare.
Adelante, dispara.
If you're so sure, go ahead and shoot me.
Si estás tan segura, dispara.
Maybe you better just go ahead and shoot!
Mejor dispare directamente.
Well, go ahead and shoot.
Adelante, dispara.
I don't like my picture taken usually, but uh... since you've got such pretty eyes... go ahead and shoot.
No me gustan las fotos, pero tiene usted unos ojos tan bonitos... ¡ Hágala!
Go ahead and shoot.
- Vamos, dispárame.
Go ahead and shoot! Why don't you shoot?
¡ Adelante, disparen!
- Go ahead and shoot!
- iEntonces dispara!
Go ahead and shoot!
¡ Empezad si podéis!
Go ahead and shoot.
Adelante, dispara.
Go ahead and shoot me!
¡ Anda, dispárame!
Go ahead and shoot, Arch.
Vamos, dispara.
So go ahead and shoot.
Entonces, vamos, dispara.
Go ahead and shoot me.
Adelante, mátame.
Suppose the stranger spits in your eye and says, "Go ahead and shoot."
Supongan que el extraño escupe en su ojo y dice : "Adelante, disparen".
Go ahead and shoot.
Vaya por delante y dispare.
Go ahead and shoot.
Adelante, disparen.
You can go ahead and shoot now if you want to.
Puedes dispararnos cuando quieras.
Go ahead and shoot.
Dispárame si quieres.
Go ahead and shoot him.
Vamos, dispárele.
Go ahead and shoot.
¡ Vamos, dispara!
Go ahead and shoot. Neither of us can miss at this range.
Siga y dispare, ninguno fallará a esta distancia.
You may go ahead and shoot me, if you can't trust me. But remember... I'm the only one who knows your children's whereabouts.
Puede dispararme si no confía soy el único que sabe donde estan tus hijos
I feel that what I know about you... you're gonna wanna go ahead and shoot.
Creo que por lo que sé de usted, es de los que prefieren disparar.
Vamos, disparará.
You want to die? Go ahead and shoot!
Si quieres morir, dispara.
I can't miss this free throw. " All you have to do is concentrate. Concentrate on taking this little, tenny ball and putting it in this great, big hoop up there... would you go ahead and shoot?
"No puedo fallar este tiro libre." Sólo tienes que concentrarte... en agarrar esta pelotita pequeñita y meterla en ese aro enorme...
You'll have to go ahead and shoot.
Tendrás que disparar.
Go ahead and shoot, I've had a rotten day.
Adelante, dispara.
Go ahead and shoot me.
Apunta y dispárame.
Go ahead and shoot me now.
Adelante, dispárame, no importa.
- Go ahead and shoot.
dispara viejo. - Vamos, Sid.
So go ahead and shoot.
Así que adelante, dispara.
You want to go to the convention and shoot your trap off, go ahead and do it.
Si todavía quiere ir a la convención y hablar, adelante. Nadie se lo impedirá.
Go ahead and shoot, walt.
Adelante, dispara, Walt.
If you want to shoot us in the back, all 3 of us, go ahead and do it.
Si quieres dispararnos por la espalada, hazlo.
Go ahead and shoot.
Go ahead. Load up and shoot.
Adelante, carga y dispara.
And that vodka I was drinking said, go ahead, shoot something else.
¡ Cojones! La botella de vodka me dijo : Anda, dispara otra.
Go ahead and shoot. Shoot her! Do it!
- Dispara si puedes
- Go ahead, man, shoot me. And by the way, boy, she died real hard, you know?
A propósito, muchacho... murió con mucho sufrimiento, ¿ sabes?
Go ahead and shoot.
- Tranqui Frank.

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