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Got married tradutor Espanhol

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I thought at least my in-laws would respect me once you got married... but no.
Pensé, al menos que mi familia política me respetaría una vez que te cases pero no.
Like we got married, me and Mom, I only talked to her 10 minutes.
Cuando tu mamá y yo nos casamos solo le hablé durante diez minutos.
My brother got married to her sister.
Mi hermano se casó con su hermana.
He was 50 years old when we got married.
Tenía 50 años cuando nos casamos.
She got married.
Se casó.
I tried to focus on my work, started exercising, and got married, but it didn't pan out.
Intenté concentrarme en mi trabajo, empecé a hacer ejercicio, me casé, pero eso no funcionó.
When they got married we moved and my new school was having this big father daughter dance and I was so new and completely terrified.
Cuando se casaron nos mudamos y mi nueva escuela estaba teniendo este gran baile padre-hija y yo era tan nuevo y estaba completamente aterrorizado.
That makes sense. He got married young.
Eso tiene sentido Se casó JOVEN
I tried to warn Bobby before he got married to that bitch.
Traté de advertirle a Bobby antes de casarse con esa furcia.
- Grant had two when we got married and now Carter is 22 and Elaina is 19. - Hey, how many kids did you...
Oye, ¿ cuántos hijos tú...?
Do you remember Jason with Penny and all that back-and-forth back-and-forth shit and they still got married?
¿ Recuerdas a Jason? , ¿ con Penny? y toda sus idas y vueltas, una y otra vez, que mierda
Chloe, I think you know that your mother and I got married at a very young age... and there is always a change for between 15-20 years
Chloe, creo que sabes que tu madre y yo nos casamos en una edad muy joven... y siempre hay un cambio de entre 15-20 años
♪ Because I'd respect you too much ♪ ♪ Yeah, that's why I'd wait until we got married ♪
♪ por eso esperare a que nos casemos ♪
- Because a bunch of my buddies just got married and I don't have a lot of people to hang out with. - I could do with less sarcasm.
- I podría hacer con menos sarcasmo.
Jed, what did we have when we first got married?
Jed, ¿ qué teníamos cuando nos casamos?
We got married tonight.
Nos casamos anoche.
If he got married you'd be like his mother.
Si se casa serías algo igual que su madre.
Hermiine now belongs to the chairman of the kolkhoz, they got married.
Hermiine ahora pertenece al jefe del koljós. Se casaron.
My friend got married.
Se casó mi amiga.
Because the one who got married is a military man.
Se casó un militar.
yöu got married.
¿ Te casaste?
That's it, it was so different when we got married.
Es que todo... fue tan diferente cuando nos casamos.
I tried to tell her before we got married.
Intenté decírselo antes de casarnos.
I got married pretty young.
Me casé muy joven.
When we got married, she was -
Cuando nos casamos ella era...
- They just got married, too.
- Acaban de casarse, también. - De ninguna manera!
Ah, this is where me and your mom got married.
Ah, aquí es donde y tu mamá y yo nos casamos.
I got married.
Me casé.
But we got married and then, bing, bang, boom, we have the children.
Pero nos casamos, y luego, pim, pam, pum, llegaron los niños.
Oh. I was waiting till we got married.
Estaba esperando hasta estar casados.
Oh, look at you two, you should have got married.
Vaya par, deberíais haberos casado.
Okay, I got married a lot of times.
Me casé varias veces.
He got married to a nice, young girl.
Se casó con una buena chica.
We just got married.
Nos acabamos de casar.
We got married there and then we moved to London.
Nos casamos allí y luego nos mudamos a Londres.
Just a few years after Chloé's father and I got married.
Sólo unos pocos años después El padre de Chloé y yo se casó.
Then you got married?
Luego te casaste, ¿ no?
Since we got married, I've wanted to tell you something.
Desde que nos casamos, He querido decirte algo.
Is this why we got married?
es por esto que nos casamos?
We got married when it was still illegal in 30 states.
Nos casamos cuando era ilegal en 30 estados.
I'm older than you were when you got married.
Soy más grande que tú cuando te casaste.
You got married in Tinguit?
¿ Te casaste en Tinguit?
I got married to Tom.
Me casé con Tom.
We actually never got married.
En realidad nunca me casé
When I got older, I realized I stood little chance of getting married for the same reason I hadn't been adopted.
Cuando me hice mayor me di cuenta de que tenía pocas probabilidades de casarme por la misma razón por la que nadie me había adoptado.
I ve been married for over 30 years. My wife moved out last month and now she's got this lawyer down in Pierce County
Mi esposa se fue el mes pasado y ahora ella contrató un abogado en el condado de Pierce
If he would've said he liked the girl the day he had come.. ... we would got them married before he left.
Si él hubiera dicho que le gustaba la chica, el día habría llegado y le hubiéramos casado antes de marchar.
I woulďve happily got you married
Yo felizmente te habría casado.
We've got three more days and then we're married.
Faltan tres días para el casamiento.
Then you got married.
Entonces te casaste.
I got a girl pregnant, and married her and made a family.
Tenía una novia embarazada, me casé. Y forme mi familia.

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