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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ G ] / Grigor

Grigor tradutor Espanhol

43 parallel translation
Then there is Grigor Rinot, Spy, 3,000 francs.
Después está Grigor Rinot, espía, 3.000 francos.
Here, Grigor, over here!
¡ Aquí, Grigor, por aquí!
¡ Grigor!
Grigor, get me a Scotch, huh?
Grigor, dame un scotch.
Grigor remains.
Grigor se queda.
I will go with you, Grigor.
Iré contigo, Grigor.
- Never mind, Grigor.
- Déjalo, Grigor.
My name is Grigor
Me llamo Grigor.
Where's Grigor?
¿ Dónde está Grigor?
Grigor? Grigor, I have to talk to you
Grigor, debo hablar contigo.
- Damn it, Grigor
- Rayos, Grigor.
You're late, Grigor
Llegas tarde, Grigor. ¿ Tarde para qué?
Damn you, Grigor You're trying to help him
Rayos, Grigor. Intentas ayudarlo.
Grigor St Christopher
Grigor. St. Christopher.
He came to the casino with Grigor.
Fue al casino con Grigor.
Of course, Grigor was there to protect him, which, of course, he's not supposed to do
Grigor estaba ahí para protegerlo, cosa que se supone que no debe hacer.
He thinks he can charm Grigor
Cree que puede cautivar a Grigor.
Well, Grigor can't protect him for long
Pues, Grigor no podrá protegerlo durante mucho tiempo.
I don't trust Grigor
No confío en Grigor.
On the contrary, Grigor
Al contrario, Grigor.
Not even Grigor Albu is as rich as him.
Ni Grigor Albu tiene tanto.
Grigor Albu's daughter is a gem.
La hija de Grigor Albu es una maravilla de mujer.
It's me, Grigor!
¡ Soy yo, Grigor!
The snake guy's a Russian called Grigor.
El tipo de la serpiente es un ruso llamado Grigor.
That guy in the photo with the snake tattoo is a Russian called Grigor?
¿ Ese tio de la foto con el tattoo de la serpiente es el ruso que se llama Grigor?
Grigor Tchevsky.
Grigor Tchevsky.
Andre Botha, Grigor Tchevsky, and a third mercenary, Casper Bryce.
Andre Botha, Grigor Tchevsky, y el tercer mercenario, Casper Bryce.
Mr Grigor.
Sr. Grigor.
Reverend Grigor.
Reverendo Grigor.
Reverend Grigor. We're about to start the Thanksgiving ceremony.
Reverendo Grigor. estamos a punto de comenzar la ceremonia de acción de gracias.
But I can tell you that Mr Grigor was right about one thing.
Pero le puedo decir que el Sr. Grigor tenía razón en una cosa.
GRIGOR : Hold on, do not let him get up!
Esperen, no dejen que se levante.
Why was he talking to the Reverend Grigor?
¿ Por qué estaba hablando con el Reverendo Grigor?
The Reverend Grigor...
El reverendo Grigor.
Grigor's very fond of it.
Grigor está muy encariñado con él.
( Chuckles ) The Reverend Grigor.
Al reverendo Grigor.
Reverend Grigor?
¿ Reverendo Grigor?
They've got the Reverend Grigor locked up.
Tienen al reverendo Grigor encerrado.
Nikola Magro, Girgor Magro, Stiefnu Testa and Nunzju Rigos.
Nikola Magro, Grigor Magro, Stiefnu Testa y Nunzju Rigos.

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