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Halliday tradutor Espanhol

213 parallel translation
It's Doc Halliday.!
¡ Es Doc Halliday!
- Doc Halliday just come in.
- Acaba de entrar Doc Halliday.
I'm looking for John Halliday.
Busco a John Halliday
Oh, you mean Doc Halliday?
¿ Se refiere a Doc Halliday?
I'm not the John Halliday you knew back in Illinois.
- No soy el John Halliday que conociste en Illinois.
" Doc Halliday, the killer,'they called you.
- Te llamaron "Doc Halliday, el asesino".
John Halliday, the kind young doctor who leaned over sick babies all night?
- ¿ John Halliday, el amable doctor que cuidaba bebés enfermos toda la noche?
John Halliday, who cried when Mrs. Foster died in childbirth?
- ¿ John Halliday, el que lloró cuando la Sra. Foster murió al dar a luz?
- John Halliday...
- John Halliday -
A man named Doc Halliday just shot a man who tried to shoot the marshal.
- Un tal Doc Halliday hirió a un hombre que intentó matar al alguacil.
Hmm. You girls lookin for Doc Halliday?
¿ Buscan a Doc Halliday, muchachas?
You keep away from Halliday and behave yourself... or I'm gonna run you out of town.
- Pero te lo advierto. Aléjate de Halliday y pórtate bien... - o te echaré del pueblo.
Curly'll get you and Doc Halliday for this... if he has to tear this camp up by the roots.
Curly se vengará de usted y de Doc Halliday... así tenga que arrancar de raíz a esta población.
Will someone get Dr. Halliday?
- Vayan por el Dr. Halliday.
- Will someone please get Dr. Halliday?
- Por favor, traigan al Dr. Halliday. - Sí.
I got your friend Doc Halliday, and you're next.!
¡ Herí a tu amigo Doc Halliday, y tú serás el siguiente!
Hello, Halliday.
Hola, Halliday.
Well, I was in London at the Savoy and I got old Halliday's call and I come straight down.
Estaba en el Savoy, en Londres, y me llamó Halliday así que vine.
Captain Halliday, Royal Army Medical Corp.
Capitán Halliday, Cuerpo Médico del Ejército Real.
- Halliday.
- Halliday.
Captain Halliday, sir.
Capitán Halliday, señor.
I have a letter from Mr. Halliday.
- Sí. Le traigo una carta del Sr. Halliday.
Is Jim Halliday a friend of yours?
¿ Es amigo del Jim Halliday?
Well, I... I know Mr. Halliday.
Conozco al Sr. Halliday.
That's Mr. Halliday's firm. The Globe Cotton Mills.
la fábrica de tejidos de algodón Globo.
- Perhaps Mr. Halliday can help you.
- El Sr. Halliday podría ayudarle.
- How are you, Mr. Halliday?
- ¿ Qué tal, Sr. Halliday?
Halliday phoned that you were coming.
Halliday nos ha avisado de que venía.
Well I guess Halliday covered just about everything.
lmagino que Halliday les ha puesto bien al día.
Mr. Halliday isn't in, he should be back shortly.
El Sr. Halliday no está, no puede tardar.
- Why don't you ask Mr. Halliday.
- Pregúnteselo al Sr. Halliday.
- Obviously Mr. Halliday wasn't here yesterday, or he wouldn't have had to learn from you that Phillips called me, and you're the logical person to know who else Phillips called.
- Él no estaba aquí ayer, o no le habría preguntado sobre la llamada de Phillips. Es lógico que sepa usted a quién más llamó Phillips.
Tell me something, Halliday.
Dígame una cosa, Halliday.
I'm sure my brother wasn't aware they were so well acquainted when he hired Halliday.
Seguro que mi hermano desconocía este trato tan familiar cuando contrató a Halliday.
Halliday was there too, and Stanley confronted them with that letter.
- En casa de la Sra. Phillips. Halliday también estaba, y Stanley les enseñó la carta.
Your husband knew about you and Halliday!
¿ Y la carta? ¿ Sabía su marido lo suyo con Halliday?
He accused Halliday, they fought, and Halliday pushed him over this balcony. And why me?
Acusó a Halliday, pelearon y éste le empujó.
Where is Halliday? Where is he?
¿ Dónde está Halliday?
He was murdered, and that's why Halliday poisoned me.
Le asesinaron, por eso me envenenó Halliday.
Dr. Shipley's been sick himself for months. Dr. Holiday is handling his practice, and we have talked to Dr. Holiday.
El Dr. Chipley lleva enfermo más de un mes, el Dr. Holly ve a sus pacientes, y ya hablamos con el Dr. Halliday.
Tony, this is Mark Halliday.
Tony, él es Mark Halliday.
Tomorrow evening, Halliday, the American boyfriend, and I... will go out to a stag party.
Mañana, Halliday, el novio estadounidense y yo iremos a una fiesta.
I'll bring Halliday back for a nightcap so we'll find her together.
Traeré a Halliday para una copa y la encontraremos juntos.
When you get back with what's-his-name, Halliday...
Cuando regreses con... ¿ cómo se llama? Halliday.
When I come back with Halliday, I'll use my own key to let us in.
Cuando venga con Halliday usaré mi propia llave.
Inspector, this is Mark Halliday.
Éste es el Sr. Halliday.
Mr. Halliday, Mr. and Mrs. Wendice are coming to my office... to make their statements.
Sr. Halliday, los Sres. Wendice vienen conmigo a mi oficina.
You received a letter from Mr. Halliday.
Recibió una carta del Sr. Halliday.
Halliday Doyle Tambul Williams Stegman Frenchie Clarkson they stopped them at El Alamein.
Halliday, Doyle, Tambul,
It was Halliday, believe me it was Halliday!
Ha sido Halliday, créame, ha sido él.
Halliday was desperate.
Halliday estaba desesperado.

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