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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / He did it again

He did it again tradutor Espanhol

351 parallel translation
He did it again.
Lo hizo otra vez.
- He did it again.
- Lo hizo otra vez.
You mean he did it again?
¿ Quieres decir que lo ha vuelto a hacer?
He did it again!
Me dio otra vez!
See? He did it again. I had to do it again.
Lo mismo que antes, tenía que contestar.
- Well, he did it again.
Lo volvió a hacer.
He did it again.
Lo hizo de nuevo.
- He did it again! He did it again!
Lo ha hecho otra vez.
Mama, he did it again.
¡ Mami, me ha lastimado!
He did it again!
¡ Lo ha vuelto a hacer!
- He did it again.
- Lo ha hecho otra vez.
He did it again. Did you see that?
Lo hizo de nuevo. ¿ Vieron eso?
He said he was just using one that I could understand. He did it again today.
Usaba una que yo podía entender y hoy hizo lo mismo.
He did it again!
¡ Mira! ¡ Otra vez!
He did it again!
¡ Ha vuelto a ganar!
He did it again!
Ha vuelto a hacerlo.
You mean he shot himself in the chest, then fell to the floor, then did it again?
Quiere decir que se disparo a si mismo en el pecho y luego de caer al suelo, se disparo otra vez?
I wouldn't cover Washington crossing the Delaware for you if he did it all over again.
Oh, chico, así se habla. Escuchadle.
Uh-huh. Did it again.
Otra vez lo he conseguido.
How did he do it again?
- Pero, ¿ cómo?
He did it again.
Lo ha hecho de nuevo.
He did it before, he'll do it again.
Lo hizo antes, lo hará otra vez.
Now, if I could get that much together again and hand it over to him... I'm sure he'd go into the City again as he did 20 years ago.
Si pudiera volver a reunir esa cantidad y dársela a él... sé que volvería a Londres como hace 20 años.
And when it come time for them to cut the cake, the band played Kiss Me Again, she put her arms around him, and, boy, did he look scared!
Y a la hora de cortar el pastel, la banda ha tocado "Bésame otra vez" ; y ella le ha abrazado, pero él parecía asustado!
Well, he lost his throne. And how did he get it back again?
Y perdió su trono. ¿ Y cómo lo recuperó?
- He did it before, he can do it again.
- Si lo hizo antes, volverá a hacerlo.
When a man gets his life handed back to him like I just did... he'd be a fool to put it up for sale again.
Cuando a alguien le perdonan la vida como a mí... sería un tonto si la pusiera en venta de nuevo.
- He did. You want it up again?
- Él. ¿ Quieres que la ponga?
The first time I did it, I froze. - But he made me try again.
La primera vez me quedé paralizado, pero Mike me obligó a continuar.
Either you go up there and tell him it was you who did it and chop it off clean so he never comes crying to you again or you hold his hand, wipe his poor, perspiring brow fan his smoldering, dampened ego so it can burst up into flames and burn...
Ve hasta allá y dile que fuiste tú y corta por lo sano para que nunca más venga a llorar a ti. O sostenle la mano, sécale la frente transpirada aliméntale el ego para que estalle en llamas y se queme.
So the old devil did it again, did he?
El viejo diablo lo hizo otra vez, ¿ no?
All right. Now, tell me again. How did he lose it?
Cuéntamelo otra vez. ¿ Cómo la perdió?
If he did it, tell him not to do it again.
Si lo hizo, dile que no vuelva a hacerlo.
- Did he ever try it again?
- ¿ Alguna vez lo intentó de nuevo?
And if the truth be known, i never did care for ephraim while he was living and i don't see why i should go through it all again.
Y si le digo la verdad, nunca le puse atención a Ephraím mientras él vivío y no veo por qué deba pasar por todo de nuevo.
Did it ever occur to you that Charriba gave us what we wanted... because he intends to take it back again?
¿ Se te ha ocurrido que Charriba nos ha dado lo que queríamos... porque pretende volver a arrebatárnoslo?
- I did it again.
- He vuelto a hacerlo.
- Then he came and did it again and again.
Y luego regresó y lo hizo otra y otra vez.
I admit, it did shake me up a little bit, but now that I know he's alive again...
Me afecté un poco pero ahora que se que está vivo...
- Did he attempt it again?
- ¿ Nunca ha vuelto a empezar?
- Did he speak to you? - Look, it's him again.
- ¿ Le ha hecho propuestas obscenas?
I did it again.
Lo he vuelto a hacer.
He did it to us again!
! Lo hizo de nuevo!
- Did it again.
- Lo he vuelto a conseguir.
- Did I miss supper again? Damn it.
- ¡ Me he quedado sin cena otra vez!
I did it again.
He errado el tiro otra vez.
But because he did not destroy it, the spirit of the Dark Lord lived on and began to take shape and grow again.
Pero como no lo destruyó, el espíritu del Señor Oscuro vivió... y volvió a tomar forma y a crecer de nuevo.
He did it to me again.
Lo hizo de nuevo.
Again he got the order : "Crumple it!" So he did.
De nuevo le ordena : "¡ Arrúgalo!" Y el otro arruga el billete.
- He did it in Paris, and then again in London.
- Lo hizo en París y de nuevo en Londres.
Listen, I'll repeat it again - I did not kill Uncle Foo.
Escucha. Te lo repetiré. No he matado al tío Foo.

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