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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / He got caught

He got caught tradutor Espanhol

677 parallel translation
He got caught last week trying to rape a baby.
Lo sorprendieron la semana pasada tratando de violar a un bebé.
That's it. Stepping out of his class. That's why he got caught.
No, por eso mismo se hizo arrestar.
It was tough he got caught, but it wasn't my fault.
Fue duro que lo cogieran, pero yo no tengo la culpa.
Only one day he came home too early. And she got caught.
Solo que un día regresa antes de lo previsto y la pilla por sorpresa.
- Sure he was, and he got caught.
- Claro, y lo atraparon.
Looks like he got caught in a stampede.
Parece como si le hubiese pasado una estampida por encima.
He got caught on the way here.
¡ Lo han cogido camino aquí!
And he got caught.
Y lo atraparon.
But then somehow or other he got caught up in this.
Pero entonces de algún u otro modo el se atrapó en esto.
He caught cold last week, and it got worse and worse.
Muy enfermo. Se resfrió la semana pasada, y ha ido a peor.
He got caught between the cars.
Quedó atrapado entre los vagones.
Oh, I'll watch him, doctor. You remember, I looked after him... the time he got his face caught in a cash register. Yes.
Yo Ie cuidé cuando se pilló Ia cara con Ia caja registradora.
Why, here's this carefree rollicking spirit who's been going around for years sticking his nose in everybody's business and now he's finally got it caught in a meat grinder.
Este bala perdida que lleva años dando vueltas metiendo las narices en los asuntos de todo el mundo y ahora acaba pillándoselas en una picadora.
He learned how to fly, stole a plane, got caught, put in jail, escaped in an amazingly short space of time.
Aprendió a volar, robó un avión, le atraparon, le encarcelaron, escapó... en un período muy corto de tiempo.
I only caught a swift glimpse of him as you got out of his car.
Lo he visto sólo un momento cuando has salido del coche.
I got caught in traffic.
He pillado un atasco.
He got sore, too, because he caught me looking at him, and threw something at me.
Además se ha picado, porque me ha pillado mirándole y me ha tirado una cosa.
He got his hand caught in a machine.
Se cortó con una máquina.
Once he almost caught me in Cape Town, where I was working as a manicurist... but I got away from there and then Mr. Drake started to hound me... and now —
Casi me atrapa en Ciudad del Cabo, donde era manicura... pero escapé. Luego, el Sr. Drake empezó a acosarme... y ahora...
He must've got caught when she rolled.
Se quedaría atrapado cuando se hundió.
- You're cheating. The fifth one never got over because he caught his pants on a picket.
Está haciendo trampa, el quinto no ha llegado se ha enganchado los pantalones en la valla.
He was just wandering by and got his ear caught in the door. - Oh.
Sólo estaba de paso y se le pegó la oreja a la puerta.
Yes, but he came back and got caught again.
Sí, pero ha vuelto y lo arrestaron otra vez.
Maybe he got caught with some overtime. Maybe.
Sí, puede.
I got my hand caught in the machine and busted my finger.
Me he destrozado el dedo con la máquina. Es formidable, ¿ no?
We almost caught walt a couple of months back, but he got away.
Por poco atrapamos a Walt hace 2 meses, pero huyó.
One night, we got bombed, and he caught it.
Una noche nos bombardearon y resultó herido.
You see how he got up? That right he caught me with?
¿ Visteis cómo se levantó?
That's where he got this withered arm, he caught a chunk of lead.
Ahí es donde él se lesionó el brazo, cogió un trozo de plomo.
Only they haven't caught up with you yet. I got you all out.
Les he sacado a todos y pagado sus multas.
Then he went on and got caught in the storm.
Salió y le pillaría la tormenta.
I almost caught him, but when I got to the airport he was already aboard.
Casi le cojo, pero cuando llegué al aeropuerto, estaba ya a bordo.
Then he got an old BB gun he traded for a chipmunk he'd caught and tamed.
Luego intercambió un rifle de balines por una ardilla que domesticó.
He was dumb, thick-headed - like the rest of you! Freddy got caught because he wasn't smart enough.
A Freddy lo atraparon porque no era listo.
He nearly got caught himself.
Por poco lo capturan.
He knew if you two got caught, you'd be the one that gets the bad rap.
Sabía que si os pillaban te llevarías la mayor condena.
He came here two or three weeks ago and got a job at the phone company, but he was really writing articles against the Klan, and they caught him.
Llegó hace 2 ó 3 semanas y trabajaba para la telefónica... pero en realidad escribía una artículo contra el Klan, y le atraparon.
'And he's got his foot caught in the stirrup.'
Tiene su pie cogido al estribo
Once I knew a man who got his arm caught in a machine. He was lucky, that one.
Conocía a un tipo con un brazo destrozado por una máquina.
Swell. We caught a robber, but he got away.
Agarramos un ladrón pero se nos escapó.
We caught up with Larry before he got to the airport.
Cogimos a Larry antes de que llegara al aeropuerto.
Got caught wrong too often, you know.
Me he equivocado demasiadas veces, ya saben.
He got all the way to Morocco before they caught up with him.
Asesinó a su mujer y llegó a Marruecos antes de ir a Ia cárcel.
Seems he wasn't roped up correctly and the rope got caught up around his neck.
Al parecer la cuerda estaba floja y terminó alrededor de su cuello.
- Damn, he got caught! Goodbye Money!
- ¿ El dinero era tuyo?
- If you'd helped him out, he would have got caught with us and he's be sitting in this cage.
- Si me hubieras ayudado a saltar el muro le habrían atrapado y estaría como nosotros.
He may have got caught in the traffic.
Podría haberse demorado por eI tráfico.
He probably got caught up in some all-night dice game again.
Probablemente se haya enredado otra vez en alguna partida de las que duran toda la noche.
We'd been hunting your poet for three years, and he simply got caught in the street, out walking!
Habíamos estado persiguiendo a su poeta durante tres años y simplemente lo pescaron en la calle, mientras caminaba.
He got away but he'll be caught.
Escapó pero lo atraparemos.
You used my father's political connexions and he used your money - and I got caught in the middle.
Usaste los contactos de mi padre y él usó tu dinero, y yo quedé atrapada en medio.

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