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He wasn't there tradutor Espanhol

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He never saw Licco there, so he wasn't her lover.
Dice que nunca ha visto a Licco entrar en el portal. Así que no podía ser el amante de la mujer de Gurreri.
He wasn't there.
No estaba allí.
He wasn't in the jacuz'when you were there with the vodka and the hookers.
No estaba en el jacuzzi cuando estabas allí con el vodka y las prostitutas.
No, he wasn't there yet.
No, el no había llegado aun.
He wasn't there.
No estaba ahí.
I went into Henry's apartment when he wasn't there... you know, looking for letters or anything... that would have information... that only the two of them would know, and, I mean...
Fui al apartamento de Henry cuando no estaba... en busca de cartas o de algo... con información... que solo ellos dos supieran.
One day we were laughing about how much snot he could blow out his nose, then he wasn't there anymore.
Un día estábamos bromeando sobre la cantidad de mocos que soltaba y de repente se murió.
I just... came by to... tell you I've been doing a lot of thinking, and that you're a horrible boyfriend with a despicable fucking day job, but that it's not your fault that I lost my brother, and it's not your fault that I wasn't there when he needed someone.
Sólo... vine a... decirte que estuve pensando mucho y que eres un novio horrible con un maldito trabajo despreciable, pero que no es culpa tuya que haya perdido a mi hermano, ni es culpa tuya que no estuviera
He would've never had me standing next to Gus if the camera wasn't there.
No me habría hecho ponerme ahí junto a Gus si no fuera por la cámara.
He was a ghost detainee, so he wasn't supposed to be there.
Era un detenido fantasma, así que no debía estar ahí.
She had gone in and when she came out he wasn't there anymore.
Ella entró y cuando salió él ya no estaba allí.
I'm glad I wasn't there today... to see all those brave, smiling faces, hugs and laughter, tears and jokes.
Menos mal que no he estado allí... Para ver sus caras valientes y sonrientes, abrazos y risas, llantos y bromas.
He didn't mean to, but the pipes froze and he took out that damn torch, which I told him not to touch when I wasn't there, and he thawed them out.
No quiso hacerlo, pero la tubería se congeló y tiene este maldito soplete el cual le dije que no usara cuando no estaba e intentó descongelarla.
But when I came home, I tried calling Chris,'cause I really needed him and he wasn't there.
Pero cuando llegué a casa, traté de llamar a Chris porque realmente lo necesitaba y él no estaba ahí.
I'm afraid there wasn't any in the shops.
Oh, lo siento no lo he conseguido.
He told me there was no reason to clean up aracite, because aracite wasn't toxic.
Me dijo que no era necesario eliminar los restos de aerocito porque no eran tóxicos.
That night, Jeffrey was looking for the respect he thought he'd earned from Roy and Michael, and it just wasn't there.
Esa noche, Jeffrey estaba buscando el respeto que pensó que le tenían Roy y Michael y no había nada de eso.
And I don't think he knew exactly where it was that he had to get to, but he just knew that he wasn't there yet.
Y no creo que sabía exactamente dónde era que tenía que llegar, pero sabía que todavía no estaba ahí.
There were club owners that were willing to forgive and forget, cos he was that good, and there were other club owners that... you know, it wasn't worth it.
Había dueños de clubes que estaban dispuestos a perdonar y olvidar, porque era así de bueno, y había otros dueños que... ya sabes, no valía la pena.
The only thing to me that signalled that something was a little bit different is when I suggested something that we were gonna do in the future that he didn't say anything, like he knew there wasn't gonna be a next time.
Lo único que me señaló que algo era un poco diferente es cuando sugerí algo que íbamos a hacer en el futuro que él no dijo nada, como si supiera que no iba a haber una próxima vez.
He wasn't even there.
Ni siquiera estaba allí.
He wasn't wearing any protective gear, There weren't any traces of accelerants on him.
No llevaba ninguna equipo de protección, no encontraron ningún resto de acelerantes en él.
With James. He wasn't there?
¿ James estaba con ustedes?
- He wasn't there.
- No estaba allí.
- He wasn't there.
- No estaba.
He wasn't there to arrest you, Silas.
Él no estaba allí para arrestarlo, Silas.
And on top of that, when you were vulnerable and needed your father the most... he wasn't there for you. Maybe the same way he wasn't there for your mother, when she couldn't get out of bed.
Y, encima de eso cuando estabas vulnerable y necesitabas a tu padre como nunca no pudiste contar con él quizá del mismo modo que lo hizo con tu madre cuando ella no podía salir de la cama.
I wasn't there.
No he ido.
He wasn't even there.
Él ni siquiera estaba allí.
But he said there wasn't anyone there.
Pero dijo que no había que nadie aquí
If he wasn't there for celebrities, let's figure out what he was really doing.
Si el no estaba ahi para fotografiar celebridades vamos a averiguar que hacía
Yeah, well, he wasn't held there long
Yá, bueno, no estuvo mucho tiempo allí.
He wasn't meant to go there.
No se suponía que fuera.
But william and I were married for a very long time, and even after he told me the affair was over, there were times wn I knew something wasn't right, and I just looked the other way.
Pero William y yo estuvimos casados mucho tiempo. E incluso cuando me dijo que la aventura había acabado, a veces sabía que algo no iba bien y simplemente miraba para otro lado.
Porter wasn't there. And she won't tell me where he is.
Porter no estaba allí, y no quería decirme en dónde está.
He wasn't there!
¡ Él no estaba allí!
There was this kid at the party tonight, and they wouldn't let him in because he wasn't...
No era este chico en la fiesta de esta noche, y no le dejaron entrar porque no estaba...
Then again the Prime Minister has guaranteed that diplomatically, he can't enter Floor 13, so whatever happens in there, whatever goes wrong... history will say that it wasn't his fault.
Por otra parte el Primer Ministro garantizó que diplomáticamente, no puede entrar al piso 13. Así que sea lo que suceda ahí adentro sea lo que salga mal la historia dirá que no fue su culpa.
He said there were so few places where one can trust the servants won't go any more, but knowing our servants, that wasn't a worry here.
Dijo que teníamos varias habitaciones donde podemos confiar en que los criados no entren, pero conociendo a nuestros criados, no hay de qué preocuparse.
He wasn't quite there.
Él no estaba del todo allí.
He wasn't there for me, and Brandon was.
No estaba allí para mí, y Brandon sí.
- Like he wasn't there.
Como si no estuviera aqui.
He wasn't exactly a lady-killer but there was something about him. We all tried to study it and imitate it but we could never really catch on.
No era precisamente un donjuán pero tenía un no sé qué que todos tratábamos de analizar e imitar pero que nunca lográbamos captar.
- When he called it was like there was- - it wasn't about sex.
Cuando llamó era como que- - No era sobre sexo.
That time you told me there wasn't a dog, I climbed into a doggy window and there was a dog. And he almost bit me.
La última vez que me dijiste que no había perro entre por la ventana y había un perro que casi me mordió.
Wasn't there a rumor he had a honey on the side?
¿ No hubo un rumor de que él tenía una amante?
There wasn't a single bit of that sentence I understood.
No he entendido ni una parte de esa frase.
He said the wolf was there when it wasn't, so no one helped him when the wolf really came.
El pastor dijo que el lobo había estado allí aunque no era verdad. Y nadie le ayudó cuando el lobo apareció de verdad.
If it's poisoning, then Jonathan wasn't there, he was away.
Si es envenenamiento, entonces Jonathan no estaba ahí, se había ido.
Sadie, your father wasn't involved in this, he was looking for you, that's why he was there.
Sadie, tu padre no estaba involucrado en esto, te estaba buscando por eso estaba allí.
You know, it's like... When we were out bowling, he cut his head, it was like that thirst for blood wasn't there.
Mira... cuando estuvimos en la bolera, se hizo un corte en la cabeza, fue como si la necesidad de sangre no existiera.

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