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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / Heather

Heather tradutor Espanhol

5,284 parallel translation
You see, Heather here, she's a Twinkie junkie.
Verán, Heather es fanática de los pastelitos.
Me and Heather will check the bedrooms.
Heather y yo revisaremos los dormitorios.
Perhaps you'll find. Heather's lost virginity.
Quizá encuentren la virginidad perdida de Heather.
Johnnie, Heather, secure the main floor.
Johnnie, Heather, aseguren el piso principal.
Hey, you're doing great, Heather, okay?
Vas muy bien, Heather, ¿ sí?
I mean it, Heather.
En serio, Heather.
- Have you seen Heather?
- ¿ Vieron a Heather?
Just heard this girl, Heather, likes me.
Escuché que esta chica, Heather, gusta de mí.
- Hey, Dad, can I ask you about Heather?
Papá, ¿ puedo hablarte de Heather?
So, Heather, you like Zach?
Heather, ¿ te gusta Zach?
It's Heather.
Es Heather.
Well, my girlfriend, Heather?
Mi novia, Heather.
So you're kissin'Heather, right?
Estás besando a Heather.
At Heather's.
En la casa de Heather.
- Hey, Heather.
- Hola, Heather.
Heather Dooley, staff nurse.
- Heather Dooley, enfermería.
Oh, Heather, you look beautiful.
Heather, estás guapísima.
- ¿ Qué?
Hey, Heather, what are you doing here?
Hola, Heather, ¿ qué estás haciendo aquí?
Heather Dooley, staff nurse.
Heather Dooley, enfermería.
Heather Dooley, support nurse.
- Heather Dooley, enfermería.
This is Heather...
Ésta es Heather...
And what about last night when you confronted him about Heather?
¿ Y qué pasó anoche cuando lo confrontó sobre Heather?
Johnny and Heather were having an affair.
Johnny y Heather estaban teniendo un affair.
And Heather...
Y Heather...
Was Johnny having an affair with Heather at the time of his death?
¿ Johnny tenía un affair con Heather en el momento de su muerte?
Other than Heather, was Johnny seeing anyone else back then?
Además de Heather, ¿ Johnny estaba viendo a alguien más por entonces?
If you're saying Heather is involved in this...
Si insinúa que Heather está involucrada en esto...
~ Find Heather. Bring her in.
- Encuentra a Heather y tráela.
HEATHER : Hello, Melody.
Hola, Melody.
Nice try, Heather, but I did go to magic camp, so...
Buen intento, Heather, pero fui a un campamento de magia, asi que...
Hey, Heather. Uh... mm?
Hola, Heather.
Is someone with Heather?
¿ Hay alguien con Heather?
They found Heather.
Encontraron a Heather.
Well, it's no romp in the Heather.
Bueno, no es diversión en el brezo.
Heather... May I call you Heather? Please.
- Heather- - ¿ Puedo llamarla así?
Heather Dunbar?
¿ Heather Dunbar?
- Heather.
- Heather.
- Who? - Heather Dunbar.
- Heather Dunbar.
I don't understand, Heather.
No entiendo, Heather.
You're in over your head, Heather, no matter what Birch and Womack are telling you.
Te mueves en terreno desconocido no importa lo que Birch y Womack te digan.
- Heather...
- Heather...
- Uh... Heather.
- Heather.
- Hey, heather. - I thought you were gone forever.
Creía que te habías ido para siempre.
- Yes. If you had gone to Hong Kong instead of Heather, you would be a partner right now.
Si hubieras ido a Hong Kong en vez de Heather, ya serías socio.
- Thank you, Heather.
- Gracias, Heather.
There they are!
Hey, welcome back, Heather.
Bienvenida de nuevo, Heather.
Hey, Heather.
Heather. Kyle.

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