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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / His eyes

His eyes tradutor Espanhol

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He would see an invention appear before his eyes in almost holographic detail.
Vería aparecer ante sus ojos una invención en casi detalle holográfico.
Well, I had another look at the world through his eyes, and I was surprised by what I saw.
Bueno, he tenido otro vistazo del mundo a través de sus ojos, y estuve sorprendido con lo que vi.
Then this one morning I rolled over in bed, and I looked at him laying there, his eyes closed.
Luego de eso una mañana me di vuelta en la cama, y me lo vi ahí tendido, sus ojos cerrados.
I wanted to see life through his eyes.
Quisiera ver vida en sus ojos.
I can see it in his eyes.
Lo veo en sus ojos.
Checking the whites of his eyes for any evidence of liver failure.
Comprobación de la parte blanca de los ojos cualquier evidencia de insuficiencia hepática.
With his eyes for a sec.
Con sus ojos por un momento.
And his eyes... They glowed.
Y sus ojos... brillaban.
I wanna be the first person he sees when he opens his eyes.
Quiero ser la primera persona que vea cuando abra los ojos.
And his eyes.
Y sus ojos.
That same dead look in his eyes.
La misma mirada perdida en sus ojos.
No, but he had this look in his eyes
No, pero tenía esa mirada en sus ojos.
I looked into his eyes.
Lo vi en sus ojos.
Petechial hemorrhaging could have been from impact but... the whites of his eyes, yellow and jaundiced like he overdosed.
La hemorragia petequial podría ser del impacto pero... el blanco de sus ojos está amarillo e ictérico como si tuviera una sobredosis.
I got lost in his eyes and his ponytail and I'm going to be so embarrassed on Friday if I don't have anything.
Me he perdido en sus ojos y en su coleta de caballo y voy a estar muy avergonzada el viernes si no tengo nada.
His eyes, maybe. What about the colour of his eyes?
Quizá sus ojos. ¿ De qué color eran sus ojos?
His eyes were bulging.
Sus ojos estaban desorbitados.
I don't know if he was a colicky baby or a happy one or if his eyes were like his father's.
No sé si fue un bebé llorón o uno feliz o si sus ojos eran como los de su padre.
His eyes, his smile... always reminding me it was my fault.
Sus ojos, su sonrisa... siempre recordándome que era mi culpa.
Jordi's entire life is about to change, and I'm the only one who knows just how much and how bad it's gonna be, so I plan on being the first face he sees when his eyes open,
Toda la vida de Jordi está a punto de cambiar, y yo soy el único que sabe cuánto y cómo de malo va a ser, así que pretendo ser la primera cara que vea cuando abra los ojos,
This time, his eyes pop open, he looks at me, I look at him... and then he punches me right in the face.
Esta vez, se le abren los ojos, me mira a mí, yo le miro a él... y luego me da un puñetazo en la cara.
He signed for the money to open his eyes again.
Firmó para conseguir el dinero para volver a ver.
Latin lover narrator : And maybe it was the look in his eyes, But jane felt compelled to touch rafael's arm.
Y tal vez fue al mirar a sus ojos pero Jane se sintió obligada a tocar el brazo de Rafael.
His tongue, his eyes.
Su lengua y sus ojos.
When they went back to hers and got up to whatever they got up to... did you carry on watching through his eyes?
Cuando fueron a su casa e hicieron lo que hayan hecho. ¿ Seguiste observando a través de sus ojos?
Later I realize that Brother Bao always cries his eyes out when watching the movies. It's not because the movies are moving.
Después me di cuenta... de que el Hermano Bao siempre llora cuando ve películas pero... no es porque las películas sean conmovedoras.
It's never the guy who closes his eyes.
El chico nunca es el que cierra los ojos.
I stared into his eyes for the longest time, just looking for some sign he was still in there.
Miré sus ojos por mucho tiempo, solo buscando alguna señal de que seguía ahí dentro.
I remember the look in his face when the light went out behind his eyes.
Recuerdo la mirada en su cara cuando la luz se fue de sus ojos.
- His eyes, they burn like..
- Sus ojos, se funden como...
She said he wouldn't open his eyes.
Dijo que no abría sus ojos.
What His Majesty needs is a fortune... to fund his armies... and he has his eyes on mine!
Su Majestad necesita dinero para financiar su ejército, ¡ y puso sus ojos en el mío!
What if the squirrel has lasers... that he shoots out of his eyes!
¡ ¿ Y si la ardilla tuviera láseres que dispara por los ojos? !
You have his eyes.
- Tienes sus ojos.
Falcone has his eyes everywhere.
Falcone tiene ojos en todas partes.
His eyes started to wander to younger women.
Empezó a mirar a mujeres más jóvenes.
Oh, yeah, like his eyes. Ooh.
Sí, como sus ojos.
I know exactly how you feel... Seeing the fear in his eyes.
Sé exactamente cómo te sientes... viendo el miedo en sus ojos.
His eyes were wide open, And he was holding his head,
Tenía los ojos muy abiertos y se agarraba la cabeza, balanceándose, y colapsó sobre mí.
Yeah, his eyes are much sadder.
Sí, sus ojos son ahora más tristes.
Something else behind his eyes.
Algo más detrás de sus ojos.
I looked into his eyes, and I believed him.
Le miré a los ojos y le creí.
His eyes locked in on the light.
Sus ojos miraron a la luz.
His wide eyes and twitching hands go beyond the standard for ten cans of Mountain Dew.
Sus ojos tan abiertos las manos con espasmos sobrepasan lo normal para diez latas de bebidas energéticas.
My Uncle Benny and his girl will be there, so plenty eyes on the kids.
Mi tío Benny y su chica estarán allí, habrá muchos ojos sobre los niños.
He's got eyes like his papa.
Tiene los ojos de su padre.
When I wake up, before I open my eyes, I... I listen for his laugh... because I'd gotten so used to hearing it, you know?
Cuando me despierto, antes de abrir los ojos... escucho su risa... porque me había acostumbrado a oírla, ¿ sabes?
But finally he began to talk about his experiences of the cavalry man's eyes.
Pero, al final, empezó a contar sus impresiones... acerca de los ojos de ese jinete.
I'm gonna look him in the eyes and tell him his days are numbered.
Lo miraré a los ojos y le diré que tiene los días contados.
Aaaaaah! Did you see his eyes? !
¿ Viste sus ojos?
You... I can't wait to see his big eyes light up when he opens it on Christmas day.
No puedo esperar a ver sus grandes ojos iluminarse cuando lo abra en Navidad.

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