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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / His name

His name tradutor Espanhol

36,886 parallel translation
- He said his name was Frank.
- Dijo que se llamaba Frank.
- He said his name was Frank?
- ¿ Dijo que se llamaba Frank?
I didn't know his name.
No sabía su nombre.
Agent Onofrio mentioned his name to you.
El Agente Onofrio le mencionó su nombre.
Says his name is Todd Brotzman?
¿ Dijiste que su nombre es Todd Brotzman?
What was his name again?
¿ Cómo se llamaba, otra vez?
That's his name.
Es su nombre.
Definitely his name.
Sin duda lo es.
I have a brother. His name is Alfonso.
Tengo un hermano que se llama Alfonso.
His name was Karl Peter Ulrich, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp.
Su nombre era Carlos Pedro Ulrico, duque de Holstein-Gottorp.
What's his name?
¿ Cómo se llama?
His name is Daniel Cullen.
Se llama Daniel Cullen.
Rejoice at the sweetness of his name
"Celebrad la dulzura de su nombre."
His name was Kevin Paltonic.
Su nombre era Kevin Paltonic.
He was born yesterday and these guys already know his name!
Nació ayer y estos ya saben hasta el nombre.
His name is John Kendrick.
Su nombre es John Kendrick.
Oh, my goodness, I've forgotten his name.
Dios mío, me olvidé de su nombre.
And his name is "All of Us."
Y su nombre es "todos nosotros".
I just liked his name. Theo Sassler!
Me gustó su nombre. ¡ Theo Sassier!
His name is Alaric.
su nombre es Alarico.
His name is Attila!
¡ Su nombre es Atila!
His name is Geiseric.
su nombre es Geiserico.
His name was Al Jenkins.
Se llamaba Al Jenkins.
You used my father, his name, his signature, his legacy to get rid of your own enemies.
Usaste a mi padre, su nombre, su distintivo, su legado, para deshacerte de tus enemigos.
What was his name?
¿ Cómo se llamaba?
- His name's Barry.
- Se llama Barry.
Wait. What's his name?
Espera. ¿ Cómo se llama?
What's his name? What's his name?
Su nombre. ¡ Su nombre!
I remember his name.
Recuerdo su nombre.
His name was Josh Copeland.
Se llamaba Josh Copeland.
So wave and then his name.
Entonces ondas y su apellido.
His name is Zhang Yi.
Se llama Zhang Yi.
What's his name?
¿ Cuál es su nombre?
I don't know his name...
No sé su nombre...
You've said his name twice.
Has dicho su nombre dos veces.
You know, one of my shyest friends, I won't say his name to preserve his privacy, but he found my presence so comforting that he asked me to co-host his TV show
Sabes, uno de mis amigos más tímidos, no voy a decir su nombre para preservar su privacidad, pero, encontró mi presencia tan reconfortante, que me pidió ser co-anfitriona de su programa de televisión.
His name is Akamu.
Su nombre es Akamu.
Tell you what, there's this guy, his name's Tony perotta, and he owes me 1,500 bucks.
Te diré algo, hay un tipo, se llama Tony Perotta y me debe 1.500 pavos.
His name is William dever.
Su nombre era William Dever.
- What's his name?
- ¿ Cómo se llama?
And his name is... "Shawn"?
¿ Y su nombre es... "Shawn"?
It was not his name, it was his image that was sensationalized.
No fue su nombre... FUNDADOR, ♪ CUT50 fue su imagen lo que fue sensacionalizado.
His name is- - Phillip Allen, I know.
- Se llama... - Phillip Allen, lo sé.
- What's his real name?
- ¿ Cuál era su verdadero apellido?
His real name is Jason.
Su verdadero nombre es Jason.
No way he checked in under his real name.
De ninguna manera se registraría bajo su nombre real.
I like his last name.
Me gusta su apellido.
I believe his real name is Bryson Khan, and I think he's Gabriel Mir's cousin.
Creo que su verdadero nombre es Bryson Khan, y creo que es el primo de Gabriel Mir.
Looking at his last name now, it does look suspicious.
Viendo ahora su apellido, parece sospechoso.
ALEC sounds like the name of a high school lacrosse player who just got baked and wrecked his dad's Saab.
ALEC parece el nombre de un jugador de lacrosse de preparatoria que fumó marihuana y chocó el Saab de su papá.
Tell me the son of a bitch's name right now and I'm gonna freeze his assets by the end of the week.
Dime el nombre de ese hijo de puta ahora mismo y congelaré sus bienes para el fin de la semana.

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