Hours straight tradutor Espanhol
461 parallel translation
You know, the singer sung for him one time, 8 hours straight, without a stop.
El Cantante le cantó una vez... ocho horas seguidas sin parar.
I slept 10 hours straight.
He dormido 10 horas seguidas.
Berty and I had been driving for 60 hours straight.
Berty y yo llevábamos conduciendo 60 horas sin parar.
I've slept ten hours straight.
He dormido diez horas seguidas.
I spent two hours straight with Mrs. LeMoyne Richards and all I got for the building fund was $ 100.
Pasé dos horas seguidas con la Sra. LeMoyne Richards... y conseguí apenas $ 100 para el fondo de construcción.
You've slept for ten hours straight.
Has dormido diez horas seguidas.
I've been driving back-to-back hauls for 30 hours straight!
¡ Me he metido de un tirón 30 horas conduciendo sin parar!
We've been at it five hours straight.
Llevamos 5 horas en esto.
They can also make it for 24 hours straight.
También pueden hacerlo 24 horas seguidas.
- We've been on this road... for practically three hours straight, and you're the first souls we've seen in an hour.
- Hola. Llevamos sobre este camino prácticamente tres horas... Uds. son las primeras personas que se ven desde hace una hora.
Today is Thursday, we have three hours straight.
Hoy es jueves, tenemos tres horas seguidas.
Ten hours straight, I think.
Diez horas seguidas, creo
I have 36 hours straight... - I'm in the Lawrence, starting tomorrow.
Tengo 36 horas dedicadas al Lawrence, empezando desde mañana.
They clear up your nasal passages... for up to 12 hours straight.
Aclaran las vías nasales durante 12 horas seguidas.
I took about six hours straight through.
Llevó unas seis horas corridas.
I can't read and take notes for 5 hours straight.
No puedo leer ni tomar notas por cinco horas seguidas.
Sometimes I'm in there 20, 22 hours straight.
A veces estoy aquí 20 o 22 horas continuas.
Been with him 36 hours straight, but, uh, she didn't look quite old enough to be your mother.
Estuvo con él 36 horas seguidas. Pero, ella no se veía lo suficientemente mayor para ser tu madre.
I've been working on this thing for 36 hours straight.
Llevo trabajando en esto 36 horas seguidas.
You can practise for eight hours straight and can't spend the little bit of time it takes to learn the difference between me and your other woman.
Puedes pasarte ocho horas seguidas ensayando, pero eres incapaz de dedicar un poco de tiempo a aprender la diferencia entre esa otra mujer y yo.
Well, Dad you've been sitting there for 36 hours straight now.
Bien, Papá has estado sentando allí Por 36 horas seguidas.
You know, after about ten hours straight on my feet, making small talk, breathing in that cheap cigar smoke, that is exactly the kind of line I'm ready to fall for.
Sabe? Despues de estar parada por diez horas, haciendo pequeñas charlas y oliendo el humo de cigarro, esa es la frase por la cual voy a caer rendida.
We'll be hours cutting our way through in a straight line.
Tardaríamos horas en abrirnos paso en línea recta.
No man living can kick me around for eight hours until I can't see straight.
Ningún hombre vivo puede abusar de mí durante 8 horas seguidas hasta que ya no puedo ver bien.
Why, I once sat up 72 hours in a straight-jacket case.
Una vez estuve en vela 72 horas con una caso de camisa de fuerza.
Then straight to Mrs. Tossal the Shop... for that toffee which you could chew for hours, it seems to me now.
Y directo a la tienda de la señora Tossal a por el toffee que se podía masticar horas ; al menos me lo parece ahora.
You've been in your boots a straight 30 hours.
Llevas en pie treinta horas seguidas.
I don't remember, I haven't been able to think straight for hours.
No me acuerdo. Hace horas que estoy transtornada.
I need to find another one straight away. I've only hours to live.
Tengo que encontrar una ya. Tengo las horas contadas.
For twenty-five hours you've been playing straight.
Has jugado sin parar 25 horas. - ¿ Tráeme un trago, gquieres?
Whether there are or aren't subs out there, if we steer a straight course, we'd add another six hours to our steaming time.
Si los hay como si no, si navegáramos en línea recta, dispondríamos de seis horas más.
After a couple of hours, we'll shift direction. Strike straight for where he's left his families.
Al cabo de dos horas... cambiaré de rumbo... e iré directamente hacia donde él ha dejado a sus familias.
Ladies and gentlemen, through the Chicane and along the grandstand straight, here is the new leader, Ferrari number five, driven by Lugo Abratte, with only eight minutes remaining in the 24 hours of Le Mans.
Señoras y señores, a través de la chicana y a lo largo de la recta de la tribuna, aquí viene el nuevo líder, la Ferrari número 5, conducida por Lugo Abratte, cuando sólo restan 8 minutos... en las 24 horas de Le Mans.
We've all had 12 straight hours of meatball surgery in there.
Nos hemos pasado 12 horas arreglando una carnicería.
Twelve straight hours of surgery has me whipped.
Las doce horas de quirófano me han dejado baldado.
I just worked through the weekend, 20 straight hours and I loved it. Why do I need what you offer? I'm happy.
Trabajé el fin de semana 20 horas seguidas y me encantó. ¿ Para qué necesito lo que ofreces?
Hey, you've been carving for 20 straight hours.
Has operado durante 20 horas.
I slept 16 hours straight.
He dormido 16 horas seguidas.
Forty-six straight hours, and I feel like I just got up.
Cuarenta y seis horas seguidas, y estoy como recién levantado.
Forty-eight straight hit-making hours.
Cuarenta y ocho horas de éxitos sin parar.
Six straight hours of horror movies.
6 horas de películas de horror.
I've been driving for three straight hours.
Llevo tres horas conduciendo sin parar.
I've been at this for 12 straight hours..
No hemos parado desde hace más de doce horas.
Well, I been on six days straight, 24 hours a day.
He trabajado seis días seguidos, 24 horas al día.
It took us 2 hours to get straight with them.
Nos llevó dos horas convencerles de que no.
I'm on the longest 8 hours straight!
Yo hago el turno más largo.
Following 18 straight hours of work, Holmes turned to us, and those four familiar words shot from his lips : The game is afoot!
Después de 18 horas de trabajo Holmes se volvió hacia nosotros, y dijo las cuatro conocidas palabras ¡ El juego ha comenzado!
No, she's got the kind of headache where you go straight to bed and take a couple of Sammys every four hours.
No, ella tiene el tipo de dolor de cabeza a donde vaya directamente a la cama y tomar un par de Sammys cada cuatro horas.
Come on, Cassey, another straight after hours. You've been on your feet whole day!
Cassie, vamos a tomar algo, llevas todo el día trabajando.
He slept straight through for 16 hours, never even moved a muscle.
Ha dormido de un tirón 16 horas. No ha movido ni un músculo.
Fourteen straight hours on this goddamn murder spree.
Catorce horas continuas de malditos asesinatos.
straight 417
straight to the point 20
straight down 35
straight ahead 225
straightforward 26
straight up 199
straight to voice mail 17
straight back 28
straight through 24
straight away 60
straight to the point 20
straight down 35
straight ahead 225
straightforward 26
straight up 199
straight to voice mail 17
straight back 28
straight through 24
straight away 60
straight out 26
straighten up 49
straight on 32
straight to voicemail 20
straight a's 19
straightaway 25
hours 6338
hours ago 400
hours left 40
hours earlier 17
straighten up 49
straight on 32
straight to voicemail 20
straight a's 19
straightaway 25
hours 6338
hours ago 400
hours left 40
hours earlier 17
hours later 138
hours from now 39
hours to go 16
hours away 26
hours of community service 33
hours a week 59
hours now 24
hours and 143
hours a day 443
hours or so 21
hours from now 39
hours to go 16
hours away 26
hours of community service 33
hours a week 59
hours now 24
hours and 143
hours a day 443
hours or so 21