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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I've found him

I've found him tradutor Espanhol

264 parallel translation
And when I've found him?
¿ Y cuándo lo haya conseguido?
I've found him.
Lo encontré.
And is he sometimes cross in the morning or always as charming as I've found him?
¿ Está malhumorado por la mañana o siempre es encantador?
Le he encontrado.
¡ Le he encontrado!
I've found him.
Lo tengo.
I've found a man I love... and I want to marry him and he's asked me and I've said yes...
Me he enamorado de un hombre. Me preguntó si quería casarme con él y le dije que sí. ¡ Vete a la cama!
But I've found a dead man, and I've got the gun that killed him.
Pero encontré a un muerto y la pistola que lo mató.
Oh, my dear little brother. I've found him.
Mi querido hermano, por fin lo he encontrado.
- Thank heavens I've found him.
Gracias a Dios que lo he encontrado.
I've found a nice fellow. Won't you at least meet him?
Tengo un buen pretendiente para ti, ¿ no quieres conocerle?
And now that I've found him, that's all that matters.
Pero lo importante es que lo he vuelto a encontrar.
In all this time I've found him....
En todo ese tiempo, lo encontré...
Here, I found him, I've started on him
Lo he encontrado, está justo debajo.
Now that I've found a man who can dance, I'm going to hang on to him!
Ahora que he encontrado a alguien que sabe bailar, no se me escapa.
I've had several talks with him, but all I've found out is a vague connection between her death and his determination to visit the dark area.
He tenido algunas conversaciones con él, pero no he logrado conocer de donde es su madre, ni el porqué de la determinación de regresar la región desconocida.
"That Officer Luigi Baldini was dying when I found him." Dying, you heard that?
"que el Comandante Luigi Bandini..." "fue recogido por mí, moribundo" Ya ve... moribundo.
I've always found him to be fair.
Siempre me ha parecido justo.
Now I've found him.
Y ahora lo he encontrado.
I've found him.
- Bien, ya he encontrado.
And tell him that I've found his gun.
Y dígale que he encontrado su escopeta.
And please tell him I've found a job
Por favor, dile también que ya he encontrado empleo.
Good. And when I've found him?
¿ Y cuando le encuentre?
- Go to bed. I'll let you know when I've found him.
Ve a la cama, te avisaré en cuanto le encuentre.
Do you think that I'm indifferent to the fact that I might lose a son now, at the exact moment that I've found him once again?
¿ Me crees indiferente al hecho de que puedo perder un hijo... en el mismo momento en que he vuelto a encontrarlo?
I've found him with great effort. He promised to help us.
Me costó mucho encontrarlo y quiere ayudarnos.
For example, I've found sodium pentothal to be very helpful on some occasions. But I couldn't possibly give it to him now.
Por ejemplo, el tiopentato de sodio ha resultado ser de gran ayuda en algunos casos pero no puedo dárselo ahora.
I relieved him on watch once and found a circuit open to the atomic matter piles that should've been closed.
Al relevarlo de una guardia, una vez hallé un circuito abierto de material atómico que debía estar cerrado.
I've found him.
Lo he encontrado.
I found him cheating, and I've said, "he's just a boy."
Lo pillé haciendo trampas y dije que sólo era un niño.
They've killed my Bertin, and I've never found anyone else like him.
¿ Qué voy a decir yo? Ellos mataron a mi Bertin, y ya no encontré a nadie como él.
And I've found out the factory belongs to him. "
Y descubrí que es el dueño de la fábrica ".
I've found him Zoe!
Lo he encontrado, Zoe!
I've always found him more intelligent than he looks.
Siempre me ha parecido más inteligente de lo que parece.
I've found him!
¡ Lo he "encontrao"!
I've always found him rowdy, ill-mannered, and irresponsible.
Siempre me pareció revoltoso, mal educado e irresponsable.
Forget it, I've already found him.
Olvídalo, ya lo encontré.
We've found him, but I don't think he has anything to do with it.
Cambio. Le hemos encontrado, pero es inútil.
And now that I've found him, I'll never give him up again.
Y ahora que lo he encontrado, jamás volveré a dejarlo.
I've found him a wife who's one in a million!
¡ Le he hallado una esposa que es una en un millón!
General, I've found out that the person who helped him was his servant he hired in Guangdong.
General, hemos averiguado que la persona que le ayuda es un sirviente que contrató en Guangdong.
I'll have Steve contact you when I've found him.
Entendido, Mujer Maravilla.
So I found myself a partner for my experiment, a normal, healthy guy, and I took a little of his blood... just a bit... and I've locked myself in with him.
He encontrado un compañero para mi experimento. Es un chico sano, y he tomado un poco de su sangre, y me he encerrado con él.
I've found a way to do God's dirty work for him.
He encontrado la manera de hacer el trabajo sucio de Dios.
- Run! I've found him!
- ¡ Corre que lo he encontrado!
Yeah, oh... I've searched the seven seas for him, and I haven't found him yet.
He buscado en los siete mares por él, y aun no lo he encontrado.
I've found a plumber for you and I've got to let him know
Te he encontrado un fontanero, y debo darle una respuesta hoy. ¡ Por un día más!
- I've found him.
- Ya lo he encontrado.
Once we've found him, I'm sure the A-Team won't be far away.
Al encontrarlo a él, estaremos muy cerca del A-Team.
I've found him.
Le he encontrado.
Think how it would've been if I'd married him and then found out what sort of guy he was.
No sé que hubiera sido si me casaba y luego me enteraba de como es.

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