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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I came to help you

I came to help you tradutor Espanhol

486 parallel translation
I came to help you dress.
He venido para ayudarla a vestirse.
I came to help you.
He venido ayudarla.
I came to help you, but you won't let me.
Vine a ayudar, pero usted no me deja.
I came to help you gather willow.
Vengo a ayudarte a recoger sauce.
- I came to help you.
- Quería ayudarles.
I came to help you clean up.
Quería ayudarte a limpiar.
- I came to help you build railroads.
Vine a ayudarle a construir ferrocarriles.
I came to help you.
He venido a ayudar.
- I came to help you.
- He venido a ayudaros.
I thought you might forget something, so I came down to help you.
Pensé que te olvidarías de algo y vine para ayudar.
You remember a time I got myself in a jam And came to Cousins And Company for a little help?
Una vez estuve en apuros y vine a Cousins y Compañía a pedir ayuda.
Anytime I could help you, ran across a good story I came running to you with it.
Siempre que he encontrado una buena historia... te la he dado.
Well, if the money were mine, I'd be glad to help you, but this money has got to go right back where it came from.
Si el dinero fuese mío, me encantaría ayudarla, pero este dinero debe volver al sitio del que vino.
That's why I came to you for help.
Por eso he venido a pedirle ayuda.
Yes, I heard that you were in trouble and came over to see if I could help you out.
Sí, me he enterado de que tenía problemas y he venido a ver si puedo ayudarle.
I just came up during the holidays to help you catch the murderer.
Vine durante las vacaciones a ayudarte a atrapar al homicida.
- I came to help you.
- Vine a ayudarlo.
Catana Perez told me about you, so I came here to help.
Catana Pérez me contó lo suyo y he venido a ayudarle.
I came up here to help you.
Vine aquí a ayudarte.
"You may wonder why I never came to you for help."
Te preguntarás por qué nunca fui a pedirte ayuda.
This is why I came to you, to ask for your co-operation, your help.
Precisamente por eso he venido a verle, para pedirle su colaboración y ayuda.
What I mean is... Mr. Oberkugen is giving a party tomorrow night at the Vienna Gardens... and if you came to that, it might help you.
Bueno, lo que quiero decir es que... el Sr. Oberkugen dará una fiesta mañana en el Jardín Vienés... y, tal vez, si usted va, podría servirle.
I only came because Colonel Dimalanta said you'd help me get to Australia.
Sólo vine porque me dijeron que me ayudaría a ir a Australia.
I came here to help you.
Vine aquí a ayudarte.
I came back because I wanted to help you.
He vuelto porque quería ayudarte.
So you came to me for help, and all I did was... talk to you some more.
Así que viniste a pedirme ayuda y lo único que hice es hablar contigo.
I came here to help you, not to kill.
Vine a ayudar, no a matar.
I considered starting one, but Davy Crockett said you Texans need some help, so I came here to fight.
Queria empezar una, pero Davey Crockett dijo que Ios tejanos necesitaban ayuda. Asi que lucho aqui.
I came here to help you out. That's the way Skip wanted it.
He venido a ayudarles porque me lo pidió Skip.
Burt, I came to you for help.
Burt, vine a ti por ayuda.
I came here to help you.
He venido para ayudarle.
Mr Kite, I really came round to see if I couId help you settle this strike.
Sr. Kite, vine para ayudarlo a solucionar esta huelga.
When misfortune came upon you, I told myself I have to help you Suffice to say that I found her and from that moment I have stuck to commander Zygfryd de Love as a bur sticks to a dog's tail... - Is Danusia still alive?
Gracias por acogerme y nunca escatimarme monedas ni bebidas, mejores que esta leche, que beberé, aunque me dé asco, para mostrar que un buen peregrino no se amarga ante las penurias.
I came to see how I can help or serve you.
He venido a ver en qué puedo ayudarla o servirla.
I came over here to help you.
he venido a ayudaros.
I came early to ask if you'd help Black George's daughter.
Vine a preguntarte si puedes ayudar a Molly, la hija de Black George.
Hikozo, I came in person partly to help you, but I really came after Ichi.
Hikozo vine en persona en parte para ayudarte pero en realidad vine tras Ichi.
I just came here to tell you about Kisuke, not to help you.
Sólo he venido a hablarte de Kisuke no a ayudarte.
Oh, please believe me I only came here to see if I can help you.
Por favor, créame solo he venido para intentar ayudarle.
I came here to help you, and to ask for your help.
Vine para ayudarte y para pedirte ayuda.
I only came here to help you.
He venido a ayudarle.
You're going to find this hard to believe, but I came up with the idea that you might need some help.
No sé si le parecerá extraño, pero he venido con la idea de que tal vez necesite mi ayuda.
Even when I had that attack and you came to help me?
¿ Incluso cuando tuve aquel ataque y viniste en mi ayuda?
I came to tell you to see things through. Without listening to anyone. To stay close to him... and to help him out.
Sólo he venido para decirte que vayas hasta el final,... sin hacer caso a nadie y estando a su lado para ayudarle.
Hikozo, I came in person partly to help you but I really came after Ichi.
Hikozo vine en persona en parte para ayudarte pero en realidad vine tras Ichi.
I just came here to tell you about Kisuke not to help you.
Sólo he venido a hablarte de Kisuke no a ayudarte.
I came here because I want to help you.
Porque quiero ayudaros.
I hope you forgive us for coming at this hour but we heard you were in trouble and so we came over to see if we could help.
Perdónenos por venir a semejante hora pero nos enteramos por Frank que tenía un problema y vinimos a ayudar.
I came here to help you revive your people.
He venido aquí para ayudarle a revivir a su gente.
I mean, what if a person came to you, you know, that was a murderer or a criminal of some kind and they wanted some kind of help? Would you have to turn them in?
Quiero decir, si una persona un asesino, un delincuente, ya sabe alguien así, le pidiera que le ayudara ¿ Ud. le entregaría?
I came here to offer you my help.
He venido aquí para ofrecerte mi ayuda.

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