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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I have nothing to do with it

I have nothing to do with it tradutor Espanhol

214 parallel translation
I have nothing to do with it.
Yo no tengo nada que ver.
I'm afraid I have nothing to do with it.
Me temo que yo no tengo nada que ver.
I have nothing to do with it.
Yo no tengo nada que ver con ello.
Let me go. I have nothing to do with it.
Déjame, yo no hice nada.
- I have nothing to do with it.
- ¿ Yo? No tengo nada que ver.
I have nothing to do with it.
Yo no tengo nada que ver con eso.
Tell him I have nothing to do with it.
Dile que no tengo nada que decir.
I have nothing to do with it.
Pues yo no tengo nada que ver.
I have nothing to do with it. I...
¡ Yo no pinto nada!
I have nothing to do with it, I know...
Yo no tengo nada que ver...
I have nothing to do with it!
¡ No tengo nada que ver!
I have nothing to do with it.
No tengo nada que ver.
I have nothing to do with it.
No tienen nada que ver con eso.
I have nothing to do with it.
No quiero entrometerme.
I have nothing to do with it.
No tengo nada que ver con eso.
I have nothing to do with it!
¡ Yo no tengo nada que ver!
- I tell you, I have nothing to do with it.
- Le digo que no. Gracias.
Don't ever thank me, I have nothing to do with it.
No me lo agradezcan, nada tengo que ver con ello.
And if there is, I have nothing to do with it.
Y si la hay, yo no tengo nada que ver con ella.
I have nothing to do with it.
No puedo hacer nada.
I will have nothing to do with it!
¡ No lo permitiré!
Any doctor can do it, I have nothing to do with Herr Heideneck.
También la buscaremos. Cualquier médico puede ir, yo tengo otras obligaciones.
As the devil would have it, I was in town one day with nothing to do... and joined some fool committee or other that was investigating... labor conditions in a cigarette factory.
Quiso el diablo... que un día estuviera en el pueblo sin nada que hacer... y me uniera a una tonta comisión que investigaba... las condiciones laborales en una fábrica de cigarrillos.
To have nothing more to do with the Stock Exchange? I'm ready to do it.
¿ Qué no me ocupe de la Bolsa?
The pigeon has nothing to do with it, but it is the symbol of the order that I have to defend.
La paloma es un símbolo del orden que debo defender.
I didn't have nothing to do with it.
No tengo nada que ver con todo esto.
And if you're planning to open a dance academy, I'll have nothing to do with it!
¡ Si se trata de abrir una academia de danza, no hay nada que hacer!
I ain't gonna have nothing to do with it myself.
Ni siquiera yo quisiera meterme en medio.
I have nothing to do with any of it.
No tengo nada que ver con eso.
My friends have nothing to do with it. I don't want them involved.
Mis amigos no tienen nada que ver, no quiero implicarles.
I might have killed someone, but it doesn't matter, it has nothing to do with it.
Pude haber matado a alguien, pero no importa. No tiene nada que ver.
I have nothing to do with it.
No soy yo.
I'll have nothing to do with it.
No tendré nada que ver en este asunto.
I didn't have nothing to do with it.
No tuve nada que ver con eso.
I'll have nothing to do with it.
No pienso participar en eso.
I have nothing to do it with.
No hay efectivos.
I'm about to have a little brother, and you had nothing to do with it.
Voy a tener un hermanito, pero tu no tienes parte.
I didn't have nothing to do with it.
No tuve nada que ver.
Nothing to do with luck. I stake on zero, there you have it.
Juego al cero, eso es todo.
Burn it. I want to have nothing to do with foolishness.
- No quiero tener nada que ver con esta locura.
Well, I have... and God has nothing to do with it.
Pues, yo sí, y Dios no tiene nada que ver con eso.
For I will have nothing more to do with it.
Porque yo no tendré nada que ver con ello.
I'll bet they're the kind to carry guns and knives... and put holes in people, and my friend here and I... will have nothing to do with it.
Apuesto a que son de los que llevan pistolas y cuchillos y le hacen agujeros a la gente, y mi amigo y yo no queremos tener nada que ver.
It's past quitting time now, so there's nothing we can do tonight... but tomorrow morning, you're gonna have all that equipment transferred to clear ground... and you're gonna supply me with all the trucks and labor I need to move the Whitlock memorials... and I'm gonna see the job gets done.
Ya se ha terminado la jornada laboral, así que no podemos hacer nada hoy... pero mañana trasladarás todo el equipo a la tierra despejada... pondrás los camiones y unos peones para mover lo de los Whitlock... y yo me encargaré de que eso se haga.
Granville will see you tomorrow with a proposal so disreputable that I can have nothing to do with it publicly.
Granville le verá a usted mañana con una propuesta tan fuera de lugar que no puedo tener que ver con ella públicamente.
I didn't do anything and have nothing to do with it!
No he hecho nada y no tengo nada que ver en esto.
Number two, even if I do have it, it has nothing to do with Karl Lessing because I never touched that vial.
Si la tuviera, no tiene nada que ver con Karl Lessing porque nunca toqué ese frasco.
I've seen them there. I won't have nothing to do with it at all.
Lo he visto, pero no tengo nada que ver con ellos.
I don't have to point out to you that... If we can prove it had nothing to do with Israel we could be averting one mother of a major flare-up.
No necesito decirte que... si podemos probar que Israel no tuvo nada que ver con eso podríamos evitar algo de mayor implicación.
... I don't have nothing to do with it. It's secret, like I told ya.
Es secreto, como te dije.
I didn't do it! I have nothing to do with this.
Yo no lo hice

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