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Identifies tradutor Espanhol

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He identifies with the crowd very strongly.
Se identificaba fuertemente con las multitudes.
And if any one of his family identifies Campo at the hearing tomorrow. That's the last you'll ever see of him.
Si un miembro de su familia identifica a Campo mañana, no lo volverá a ver.
- The landlady identifies her as Mrs. Grover.
- La casera la identifica como la Sra. Grover.
She identifies her as Mrs. Grover.
La identifica como la Sra. Grover.
By the way, would you mind letting me know whom your prisoner identifies?
¿ Le importa llamarme para decirme a quién identifica el detenido?
I promised Taylor if his brother identifies the men who drove into the garage and agrees to stand as witness for us, we'll drop all charges against him.
He prometido a Taylor que si su hermano identificaba a los del garaje y aceptaba testificar para nosotros, lo dejaríamos libre.
It's fine. We can't move until sister Augustine identifies him.
Magnífico, no podemos actuar hasta que Sor Agustina le identifique.
We had reason to believe their real identifies had been discovered.
Teníamos razón para creer que sus identidades habían sido descubiertas.
Who identifies what's important?
¿ Quién identifica lo que es importante?
The world identifies with you.
El mundo se identifica contigo.
He identifies with them completely.
Se identificó absolutamente con ellos.
That doesn't tell us anything... merely identifies her.
Eso no nos dice nada, solamente la identifica.
Niccolo subconsciously identifies his cello with his wife the very things he holds most dear, and sometimes he confuses them.
Niccolò identifica en su inconsciente el violoncelo con su mujer... estos es, las dos cosas que le resultan más queridas y algunas veces hasta las confunde.
This may be the token which identifies him.
Puede ser la señal que lo identifique.
It identifies you as a war criminal.
Le identifica como criminal de guerra.
As for the ludicrous dogmas of its actual bosses, it identifies with them so completely that it doesn't even recognize their existence.
en cuanto a los ridículos dogmas de sus patronos, se identifican con ellos tan plenamente que ni los conocen.
Hamilton is a man who, besides being fascinated by the supernatural, identifies himselfwith the ideology of Zé do Caixão in search for the superior woman.
Hamilton es un hombre que, además de la fascinación por el supernatural se identifica con la ideología de Zé do Caixão en la búsqueda por la mujersuperior.
He identifies himself as Lieutenant Arras of the police department.
Es el teniente Arras de Dpto de policia.
There is, however, one sign that identifies him as the Antichrist.
Sin embargo, hay una señal que identifica al Anticristo.
The ideal woman for me, is the one who identifies with this other person.
La mujer ideal para mí, es aquella que se identifica con esta otra persona.
"If a man who identifies himself as... the King..."
''Si a un hombre que se identifica como... el rey...''.
When it identifies an enemy, it glows.
Cuando identifica a un enemigo, brilla.
When one identifies with his superior's will.
Cuando uno se identifica con la voluntad de su superior.
"Leonard identifies with me... " and is convinced that he is a doctor.
" Leonard se ídentífíca conmígo y está convencído de que es doctor.
In the entry of July 8, 1942, not even two weeks before his death, he identifies himself to this captain of the sinking ship. Yes. Of course, there is no jazz, but there is a kind of children's festival.
En su diario, el 8 de julio de 1942, ni siquiera 2 semanas antes de su muerte, él se identifica con el comandante del buque que se va pique.
Throughout the diary, she only refers to him as J.D. It's only in the last few pages that she identifies him by name.
Se refiere a él como JD, y en las últimas páginas...
He identifies amorous melancholia with lycanthropy a disease that induces wolflike behavior in its victims.
Relaciona melancolía amorosa con licantropía una enfermedad que induce a un comportamiento lobuno.
You'll swing with us if that woman identifies you.
Caerás con nosotros si esa mujer te identifica.
And this is a summation of the South African internal investigation which identifies the man as one Jan Marais.
Según la investigación del Servicio Interno Sudafricano... se trata del mismo hombre. Jan Marais.
" she identifies P.C. Brecken-Coolidge as her attacker.
" identifica a la oficial Brecken-Coolidge como su atacante.
Your thing for her can cost us 30 years in the can if she identifies us.
Tus asuntos con ella podrían costarnos 30 años de cárcel si ella nos delata.
El se identifica con el.
In other words, the world identifies itself with the Devil. Won't that be a bit too much?
En otras palabras, el mundo se identifica a sí mismo con el diablo.
If no one claims it or identifies it in 30 days, it's yours.
Si nadie lo reclama en 30 días, es suyo.
She practically announced she identifies with Mrs. Driscoll.
Anunció que se identifica con la Sra. Driscoll.
Something that identifies Al Bundy, the man.
Algo que identifica a Al Bundy, El hombre.
On the contrary, Lt Worf, your clothing identifies you as Will Scarlet.
Al contrario, teniente. Su vestimenta le identifica con el personaje Will Scarlet.
Geordi's mandolin identifies him as Alan-a-Dale.
Igual que la mandolina de Geordi le identifica con el de Alan.
The world identifies me with these things, right?
El mundo me identifica como estas cosas, no es así?
People's exhibit 21 identifies the head and regions of the neck of case number 90 dash 0391.
Prueba del estado 21... identifica la cabeza y regiones del cuello... del caso número 90-0391.
The computer identifies it as USS Bozeman, a Federation starship.
Se trata del USS Bozeman, una nave de la Federación
Of course, if a caller identifies your voice - as they often do with mine because it's quite distinctive - and they use your name, then it's fine to use theirs back.
Evidentemente, si la persona que llama identifica tu voz... como hacen a menudo con la mía porque es bastante inconfundible... y utilizan tu nombre, entonces está bien que utilices el suyo. - O para ponerte un ejemplo...
Well, the chromatography identifies the chemical constituents in it, but I don't know what it's called.
Bueno, la cromatografía identifica los componentes químicos. pero no sé cómo se llama.
It identifies exactly the route my husband was taking on his way back from the capital to the front.
Identifica la ruta exacta que mi marido tomó en su camino de regreso de la capital al frente.
Yeah. She identifies with her patient, a bit.
... se identificará con su paciente.
The body mistakenly identifies the embryo as an unwanted foreign substance and creates antibodies to fight and reject it.
El cuerpo erróneamente identifica al embrión como algo extraño... y fabrica anticuerpos para rechazarlo.
" But U. S. Marshal Daniel Kurtz dismissed this claim... saying,'Every time there's a robbery, someone identifies Kane.
Pero el Marshal Daniel Kurtz Desmintió esto... diciendo, " Cada ves que hay un robo, alguien identifica a Kane.
- The distress call identifies as...
- La llamada se identifica como...
- He identifies himself as -
Se identifica como...
These outward cultural activities, these festivals, uh, they're not simply morale-building devices, which is what Czerniakow identifies them to be.
Todo existe hasta el último momento. ¡ Pero esos son símbolos!
She identifies with him.
hasta identificarse con él.

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