If he did it tradutor Espanhol
1,480 parallel translation
But Dave said if he did it one more time, he was gonna break his neck,
Pero Dave le dijo que si lo hacia de nuevo le iba a romper el cuello.
If he did it.
- Pero no de la acusación de homicidio.
If he did it, you have my word.
Si él lo hizo, tiene mi palabra.
I think it was the only concert I have ever been at where... that animosity was that strong and you actually felt a little threatened... if you applauded during this, which I did.
Fue el único concierto en el que he estado donde esa animadversión era tan fuerte que te sentías un poco amenazado si aplaudías, cosa que hice.
How would it make you feel if he did?
¿ Cómo te sentirías si él te traiciona?
No if he did, i will remember it that isn't impossible, maybe you choose to not remember them why i can not recognize my husband is your life with your husband normal?
No si lo hizo, lo recordaría eso es imposible, quiza ha escogido no recordarlos ¿ por qué no reconozo a mi marido? ¿ es normal su vida con su marido?
If it's because of something I did,
Si es por algo que he hecho yo,
But he did it, I think, to remind him if he went to that dark place, what his life would be.
Pero creo que él lo hacía para recordarse... lo que sería su vida si fuese a ese lugar oscuro.
So what I'm thinking is that maybe if I went to a prostitute one last time and just did everything I always fantasize about doing, then I think maybe I could get it out of my system once and for all.
Creo que si voy por última vez con una prostituta y hago todo lo que he fantaseado hacer, quizá pueda superar todo eso de una vez por todas.
If it's any consolation, I think the captain knew exactly what he did.
Creo que el Capitán Churchill... sabía exactamente lo que hacía.
Well, if he did, I didn't answer it, Mr. Hoffa.
Si lo hizo, no abrí la puerta, Sr. Hoffa.
He says it would mean a great deal to him if you did.
Dice que significaría mucho para él que lo sacara usted de la celda.
Because if he did, I think he's full of it.
Porque si así fuera, creo que fue muy pretencioso.
If he did... I could find it immediately.
Si las hiciera... lo sabría.
It was, if Westmoreland could wear his uniform being for the war and talking in front of Congress, then as an active duty person, I certainly had the same rights that he did.
Si Westmoreland podía llevar su uniforme y hablar a favor de la guerra delante del Congreso, entonces como persona en servicio activo, yo tenía el mismo derecho que él.
You'll see if it was worth it and when I'm a candidate again... you'll say, "This man did his job or he didn't".
Entonces, vas a ver... si valió la pena o no. Así, la próximavez que yo sea candidato... podrás decir : "él trabajó o no trabajó." ¿ Le parece?
If it's not his handwriting, then whose writing did he swallow?
Si no es su letra, ¿ De quién era la nota que se trago?
He told me not to worry because it did not matter if I was Jewish and he was catholic because we were both children of God.
Me dijo que no me preocupara que no importaba si yo erajudío y él era católico porque ambos éramos niños de Dios.
What Lavoisier did was absolutely central to science and especially to E = mc2, because what he said is if you take a bunch of matter, you can break it apart, you can recombine it, you can do anything to it,
Lo que Lavoisier hizo fue absolutamente central... para la ciencia y especialmente para E = mc ², porque lo que él dijo es que si tomas un puñado de materia, puedes destruirlo, puedes recombinarlo, puedes hacerle cualquier cosa,
It's as if he knew who did it already.
Es como si ya supiera quién es el culpable.
He said if I told anybody that he'd say I did it.
Dijo que si se lo contaba a alguien, diría que había sido yo.
What if I said my brother did it? Did he?
- ¿ Y si lo hizo mi hermano?
So if he did buy it, I don't think it's original.
Asi que si la compro, No creo que sea la original.
If he didn't do it, he knows who did.
Si él no lo hizo, sabe quién fue.
If my father did see that building collapse... it would mean he was... he'd have.. you know...
Quiero decir, que si mi padre lo hizo, querría decir que el era... tú sabes...
A man that did go back to tell his part... and brought the horse that he set loose... to them that he caused to suffer, paid respect for the pain that he couldn't fix... now if'n... if'n it happened... that they forgive him, so he didn't have to do to hisself what he wouldn't let be done to him... well then, I guard, that man might think, setting forth afterwards
Un hombre que volvió a contar su historia y trajo al caballo que dejó escapar para los que les causó sufrimiento y presentar sus respetos por el dolor que no pudo solucionar ahora, si sucediera si lo perdonaran para que no tuviera que hacerse lo que no dejaría que le hicieran entonces, creo ese hombre podría pensar al irse más tarde con cualquier bocón que quisiera acompañarlo...
Yeah, I did think that and that's why I told him if I took the job, it'd meant I'd never work with you again, and he still offered it.
Sí, eso creo, y por eso le dije que si aceptaba el empleo, significaba nunca volver a trabajar contigo, e igual lo ofreció.
It was actually kind of nice to help somebody out. - I don't know if I did anything, but- - - You were willing to try.
Ha sido agradable sentir que podía ayudar a alguien aunque no sé si lo he hecho... pero lo has intentado eso es suficiente para mí
Lois, actually, Dad said he would prefer it if you did not join us, you know, you being a Protestant and all.
Lois, de hecho papá dijo que prefería, que no cenaras con nosotros. Ya sabes, porque eres protestante, y todo eso.
Even if he did, she's made it clear that she will never sell it.
Aunque lo hiciera, ella dejó bien claro que nunca lo vendería.
No, but, yeah, but, no, but, yeah, but, no, but, yeah, but, no, but yeah, no, but, yeah, but, no, but, yeah, but I didn't, but I did, but I didn't because I couldn't because I was busy doing two million hours community service and I couldn't have made it, myself even if I wanted to cos l can't read or write because I'm lexdiclec.
No, pero sí, pero no, pero sí, pero no pero sí, pero no, pero sí, pero no, pero sí pero no, yo no he podido hacerlo, estaba ocupada haciendo dos millones de horas de servicios a la comunidad y no podría haberlo hecho aunque hubiera querido porque no sé escribir, soy totalmente "lexdíxleca".
He told me he'd let me live if I did it, and then I did it.
Él me dijo que me dejaría vivir si lo hacía, y lo hice.
But if Owen Swinscoe were ever to compare that letter with the manuscript, you knew he'd realise it was a fake, and he did.
Pero si Owen Swinscoe alguna vez comparaba esa carta con el manuscrito, sabía que iba a darse cuenta de que era una falsificación, y él lo hizo.
He wouldn't want any part of it if he did.
Él no querría ser parte de eso si la tuviera.
He figured if he shot it to hell, you'd just throw it out. But you never did.
Supuso que si le tiroteaba, tú la botarías.
If he did have a secret sex life, she knew bugger-all about it.
Si él tenía una vida sexual secreta, ella no sabía un carajo de eso.
Well, if I spelt it wrong, then so did you.
Bueno, si yo lo he dicho mal, tú también.
If somebody killed you and Crab could've done something to the guys who did it, you think he would've?
Si alguien la hubiese asesinado y Crab pudiese haber hecho algo a los tipos que lo hicieron ¿ cree que lo hubiese hecho?
I mean, it's not as if he repeatedly and systematically lied to you or abused you or betrayed you, or abused you or betrayed you, like your father did to me. like your father did to me. No, of course not.
Es decir, no es como si el sistematicamente abusara de ti, o te hiriera, o te traicionara como tu padre me hizo a mi
If Caesar doesn't care about the eagle, why did he send us to find it?
Si a César no le importa el águila, ¿ por qué nos envió a hallarla?
If he did, he kept it to himself.
Si la tenía, se la guardó sólo para él.
And even if he did, it wouldn't make you happy.
Y aunque lo hiciera, eso no te haría feliz.
He'll never catch it, and even if he did, he couldn't drive it.
Nunca lo atrapará, e incluso si lo hace, no podrá conducirlo.
If he was a cop, how did it take him all these years to track you down?
Si era policía, ¿ por qué le tomó tantos años encontrarte?
Yeah, but it might be more fun for him if he did know
Sería divertido si las sabe.
You see, it's not the letters after my name that interests me. But if my thesis can prevent another Mack the Knife from preying on women, then maybe I can begin to make up for what he did.
Verá, no son los títulos debajo de mi nombre lo que me interesa pero si mi tesis puede evitar que otro "Mack el cuchillo" ataque mujeres, entonces quizás pueda empezar a pagar lo que él hizo.
Now, if he did kill himself, and someone knew about it and moved him... maybe tried to hide what had happened...
Si se suicidó y alguien lo supo y lo movió tal vez, trató de ocultar lo que sucedió.
No, if he said anything to this and I seriously doubt that he did- - it's because I wasn't listening.
No, si le contó algo a esta mujer y realmente dudo que lo hiciera- - es porque yo no estaba escuchando.
- I didn't ask you if you did it.
- No te he preguntado eso.
If the 78th floor was a raging inferno like the government would have us believe, then Palmer wouldn've got as far as he did and certainly wouldn't be able to put it out.
Si el piso 78 era un infierno ardiente, como el Gobierno quiere que creamos, entonces Palmer no hubiera llegado tan lejos y no habría podido apagarlo.
If he had been a monster you Know if he had come in there and said I did this and this to all these people and I was happy at it, he was a cool objective matter of fact, this is my war duty I did my war duty,
Si él hubiera sido un monstruo, si él hubiera llegado y dicho "yo hice esto y esto a todas esas personas y estaba feliz con ello", él era frío, objetivo, práctico, "este es mi deber de guerra. Cumplí mi deber",
if he's still alive 35
if he didn't 28
if he 47
if he hadn't 19
if he does 148
if he dies 138
if he knew 26
if he wins 28
if he did 163
if he was 62
if he didn't 28
if he 47
if he hadn't 19
if he does 148
if he dies 138
if he knew 26
if he wins 28
if he did 163
if he was 62