If i did that tradutor Espanhol
2,720 parallel translation
Because if I did that it would be a full time job, all right, Imogene?
Porque si lo hiciera, no terminaría nunca, ¿ verdad, Imogene?
If I did that I'd be everything Jameson ever accused me of.
Si hiciera eso sería todo aquello de lo que Jameson me ha acusado.
Well, if I did that, then that would be unpredictable, right?
Eso significa que hice algo impredecible, ¿ no?
If I did that secretarial course you said I could go to art college, that were the deal.
Me dijiste que si hacía el curso de secretaria podría ir a la Escuela de Arte, ese era el trato.
- What would you say if I did that?
- ¿ Qué dirías si yo hiciera eso?
And if he did, you think I would put up with that?
Y si lo hubiera hecho, ¿ crees que lo toleraría?
I'm not sure if you knew this, doctor, but my mother was involved in an exorcism while she committed those murders. Did you know that?
No sé si Ud. lo sabía, pero estaban exorcizando a mi madre cuando mató a esa gente.
Because he thinks I did it already, and if I ask him, then he's going to know that I'm lying.
Porque cree que ya lo hice, y si se lo pido, sabrá que estoy mintiendo.
I suppose that'd serve the Colonel right, if I did take you on.
Supongo que eso le haría bien al coronel. Si los recibo.
I wouldn't have a problem if you did'cause that's the kinda guy I am.
No tendría problema si lo hicieras porque esa es la clase de tipo que soy.
I think if we did that we'd probably be taking like a gigantic risk.
Si hiciéramos eso, estaríamos corriendo un riesgo enorme.
- If you did that, you know what I'd have to do!
Si lo hicieras, sabes qué tendría que hacer.
I'll just be thinking about whether or not to invite Luke or Henry. Then if I don't invite them, I'll just wish that I did.
Solo pensaría en si invitar o no a Luke y a Henry y si no los invito, me arrepentiría.
Perhaps I was afraid that if I did otherwise I'd slowly cease to be a human being and soon start to crawl about, filthy and stinking, emitting incomprehensible sounds.
Tal vez tenga miedo, de poder hacerlo de otro modo y terminar lentamente dejando de ser humano y estaría pronto sucia arrastrándome y maloliente y pronunciando sonidos incomprensibles.
She got diagnosed that year, but I still wanted to believe I had microphones in my hair, because if I did, it would mean I could keep my mom.
Ese año la diagnosticaron, pero aún así, quería creer que tenía micrófonos en el cabello, porque si así fuese, significaría que podía quedarme con mi mamá.
You know, if everybody out there in that line gets the same treatment I did, you are in for a long night.
Sabes, si todos en esa fila reciben el mismo tratamiento que yo te espera una larga noche.
Tell me every fucking thing you did between now and then. If I like what I hear, I'll give you a million dollars for the next 12 months that you work for me.
Vuelve mañana y me dirás en detalle cada puta cosa que hiciste entre ahora y entonces si me gusta lo que dices, te daré 1 millón de dólares por los próximos 12 meses que trabajarás para mí.
I'd be a fool, if you did not shout out that I'm wrong, with you,
( Off ) " Sería un imbécil si no gritara que me he equivocado... contigo.
What If I did a little strip for him... would that be okay?
Y si lo hiciera un pequeño centro para él... habría que estar bien?
So, that first time, the client asked if I did a "passionate" service.
Así, por primera vez, preguntó el cliente si lo hiciera un servicio "en el amor".
Never. And A-A-And even if I did, killing her after writing that would be insane.
Y si lo había escrito, los aspirantes han sido asesinados después de un completo estúpido.
No we're just going to my uncles place and he said we could stay there if we did some work. That sounds super lame. Yeah I said'lame'.
a no.. es que vamos a casa de mi tío y dijo que podíamos quedarnos si hacíamos algunos arreglillos eso suena súper triste si puede estar bien ya... he dicho triste, es lo contrario de bien gracias tío
I mean, I wrote two books that wouldn't have gotten published if that one never did.
Digo, escribí dos libros que no habría podido editar si este no se hubiese publicado.
Listen, um... if you ever need any advice- - now I'm not saying you ever would- - but if you ever did, let's just say I know a lot about kids like that, all right?
Escuche... si necesita algún consejo... y no digo que le haga falta... pero si se lo hiciera, digamos que conozco a muchos chicos como este, ¿ vale?
I did not intend to kill Spike that day, but if anyone had it coming...
No buscaba matar a Spike ese día, pero si alguien se lo había buscado...
Well, if I did it... And I'm not saying that I am. We would have to see how our school with the same kids could do even better.
Si lo hiciera y no digo que lo haré habría que ver cómo mejorar la escuela con el mínimo de niños.
- But what I did know was that if I worked hard enough and a miracle happened and Ron got in, that the world would somehow be a better place.
- Pero lo que sí sabía era que si trabajaba lo suficiente y sucedió un milagro y Ron entró, que el mundo de alguna manera será un lugar mejor.
Now if that ain't the biggest purple helmeted snot Nazi I ever did see.
Ahora si que no es el más grande violeta cascos Nazis moco he hecho ver.
- No, my clients would get angry if I did something like that.
No, mis clientes se enfurecerían si hiciera algo así.
Mr. McDeere, if I did this, if I shot that guy, I would tell you, I swear.
Señor McDeere, si hubiera disparado a ese tipo, se lo diría, lo juro.
If there's something else that's going on in your personal or professional life that is more than important than me spending the rest of my life in prison for something I did not do, then I wish you'd indicated as much
Si hay algo mas que esta pasando en tu vida personal o profesional es más importante que pasar el resto de mi vida en prisión por algo que no he hecho, porque entonces desearía que me lo hubieras indicado al menos
And if you were any kind of detective, you'd know that I'm not the one who did that.
Y cualquier clase de detective, sabría que yo no soy el que hizo eso.
If Jason did something to Nicholas, I didn't know about it and I can't imagine Jason ever doing that.
Si Jason le hizo algo a Nicholas, yo no sabría nada de ello y no puedo imaginar que Jason hiciera eso.
If it turns out that you did, I'm going to have to fire you on the spot.
Si resulta que sí lo hiciste, voy a tener que despedirte ahí mismo.
'Cause I really don't think I had anything to do with that, but if I did, I'm sorry, okay?
Porque de verdad no creo que tuve nada que ver con eso, pero de lo contrario, lo siento, ¿ bien?
I figured it was worth lying and saying that I did it if--if you two could be together again.
Supuse que valía la pena mentir y decir que fui yo si vosotros dos volvíais a estar juntos de nuevo.
You know, I did tell Dan that if you said he has to go, he has to go.
Sabes, le dije a Dan que si decías que se tiene que ir, se tendría que ir.
And if I did, I'd say that he had his teeth pulled out and his fingers cut off by now.
Y si lo hice, yo diría que se quedó sin dientes y sus dedos cortados, por ahora
If that's what I did, it wasn't for you. It was for Troy.
Si eso fue lo que hice, no fue por ti.
I watched all that stuff you did to try to be a Belle and, uh, well, the fact that you toughed it out and you never quit you know, that is a Wilkes if I ever did see one.
Bueno, he visto todas esas cosas que has hecho para ser una Belle, y, bueno, el hecho de que pasaras por todo y no lo dejaras, eso es ser una Wilkes.
"I'm entitled to infer that you did if you won't say you didn't."
"Tengo derecho a deducir que lo hiciste si no dices que no".
All I did for him, was eh... I just advised him... that if he wanted to sell his painting I could get him a good price for it.
Todo lo que hice para él fue avisarle que si quería vender la pintura, podía conseguirle un buen precio.
"but, um, he plays pranks on the Internet, " and there's this urban legend that says " if you type'I did it for the lulz'
Internet y existe esta leyenda urbana que... dice que si escribes tres veces "lo hice para perturbarte"... en un Chat un tipo Smiley aparece detrás de la otra persona y...
And even if I fail, I'll go home to Indiana penniless, knowing that I did the right thing.
E incluso si fracaso, me iré a Indiana sin un céntimo, sabiendo que he hecho lo correcto.
I thought... in my stupidity, that... If I did a fantastic job up here as a policeman, then... they'd hire me again.
Yo pensaba... tonto como fui, que... si hago aquí bien mi trabajo... si realizo un buen trabajo policial... ellos querrían reincorporarme.
I don't know how emily found out that it was me On that crisis hotline, But I knew that she was going to tell you If I did it, so I took you out onto the lake
No sé como Emily se dio cuenta de que era yo el de la línea de crisis, pero sabía que iba a decírtelo si lo hacía, así que te llevé al lago para que pudiéramos estar solos.
I'm sorry for how it happened, but I love you, Dan, and I don't think that you would've done what you did if you didn't still have feelings for me.
Lo siento por como ha pasado, pero te quiero, Dan, y no creo que hubieras hecho lo que hiciste si ya no sientieras nada por mí.
If I did it, that would be because you cannot win without something big.
Si es que fue así, sería porque Ud. necesita algo grande para ganar.
But if I did something bad, to help David... And that something bad got him killed...
Pero si hice algo malo, para ayudar a David... y ese algo hizo que le mataran...
Because whoever is out there that killed David, if they find out what I did, they might kill me, too.
Porque quienquiera que esté ahí fuera que matara a David, si se enteraba de lo que hice, me mataría a mí también.
I don't know if she's sucking me into another lying game, but she did offer me the one thing- - besides you- - that I want.
No sé si me estará arrastrando en otro juego de mentiras, pero me ofreció la única cosa... además de ti... que quiero.
if it's meant to be 16
if i didn't know better 127
if i were you 923
if it wasn't for you 99
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if i knew 98
if i may ask 88
if i can 158
if it isn't 54
if i didn't know better 127
if i were you 923
if it wasn't for you 99
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if i knew 98
if i may ask 88
if i can 158
if it isn't 54
if i may 812
if it's a girl 43
if it's any consolation 226
if i do 197
if it wasn't 30
if it was 105
if i could 203
if it were up to me 123
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's a girl 43
if it's any consolation 226
if i do 197
if it wasn't 30
if it was 105
if i could 203
if it were up to me 123
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's all right 48
if i did 272
if i'm not mistaken 223
if it's a boy 49
if i do say so myself 43
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if it's not 54
if i win 152
if it helps 159
if i did 272
if i'm not mistaken 223
if it's a boy 49
if i do say so myself 43
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if it's not 54
if i win 152
if it helps 159