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Imperative tradutor Espanhol

1,036 parallel translation
I think it's imperative.
Pienso que es imperativo.
"Precision bombardment imperative."
"Bombardeo de precisión imperativo".
The man's not even checked out on a Piper Cub, he tells me what's imperative.
Ese hombre no ha volado ni en avioneta y osa decirme lo que es imperativo.
It is imperative. I gave orders to have them both removed.
He ordenado que echen al hombre y al perro.
Remember Sire, it's absolutely imperative that this time you keep your word.
Recordadlo, es imprescindible que mantengáis vuestra palabra.
Now it was imperative to secure concrete evidence to obtain a conviction... and to ferret out who in the police department... was making the Bureau's records available to the gang.
Ahora era imperioso asegurar evidencias concretas para obtener una condena... y averiguar quién en la policía... le estaba pasando los expedientes del FBI a la pandilla.
It's imperative that no one suspect I've had anything to do with your leaving.
Es imprescindible que nadie sospeche que tengo algo que ver con vuestra marcha.
He said it's most urgent and imperative that he reach you at once.
Ha dicho que era urgente e imprescindible dar contigo.
But it is imperative that I have a few words with Mr. Harry Fabian.
Pero es imperativo que tenga unas cuantas palabras con el Sr. Harry Fabian.
It's imperative to take the strain off himself.
Es indispensable que elimine su estrés.
- Imperative you report your progress.
- Es imperativo que informe.
My friends, it is imperative that you listen closely.
Amigos míos, es imprescindible que escuchen con atención.
It's imperative that you have rest.
Es imperativo que descanses.
But now... You will agree with me : an estrangement is imperative.
Si eres tan sensata como dices, estarás de acuerdo en que la primera medida que ahora debe imponerse es el alejamiento.
Absolute secrecy is imperative.
La reserva es imperativa.
Time makes it imperative.
Queda poco tiempo.
Imperative you come home immediately.
Imperioso que vuelva inmediatamente.
- But it is imperative that you come.
- Pero es indispensable que venga.
It is imperative you both return here at once to complete your report.
Les solicitan para completar su informe.
Yes, I think that's imperative.
Sí, creo que es necesario.
So? Clayborne's at that number, and it's imperative that I speak to him right now.
Claiborne está allá y es imperativo que hable con él de inmediato.
It is imperative that I speak to you at once.
Debo hablar imperativamente con usted.
¿ lmperativamente?
What makes imperative?
¿ Por qué imperativamente?
It is imperative that we reach Paris before the family council.
Sí. Es absolutamente necesario que llegue a París, antes de la reunión de la familia.
I consider his invitation an imperative one.
Considero su invitación como algo imperioso.
It is imperative that I remain at the palace.
Es necesario que permanezca en Palacio.
It's imperative that they get one of their men ashore... here on Cape Gloucester.
Es muy importante que consigan desembarcar a uno de sus hombres... aqui en Cabo Gloucester.
It is imperative that the luggage from my car is brought in here.
Es fundamental que traigan aquí el equipaje que hay en mi coche.
But I am convinced that a devaluation is imperative.
Pero estoy convencido que la devaluación es imperativa.
The imperative of the moment is this :
El imperativo del momento es el siguiente :
We must meet the professor at the observatory. Work is imperative. Work at this late hour?
Y recuerdo estar totalmente fascinado por la fotografía, y me preguntaba qué diablos pasaba con estas películas.
- Imperative.
- Imperativo.
"Three Japanese divisions invading India." " Imperative we take Myitkyina.
" Imprescindible tomar Myitkyina.
Look at it from the political angle, because, like it or not, Nottola and his gang are powerful, and it's imperative that we bring them over to our side.
Mírelo desde el punto de vista político, porque bien o mal, Nottola y los suyos son todavía fuertes, y es indispensable para nosotros tenerlos de nuestra parte.
Why is it imperative?
¿ Por qué es indispensable?
It is imperative.
Así que...
It is imperative you come immediately.
Venga de inmediato.
Whatever the time, it is imperative I see you tonight.
No importa la hora, es necesario que lo vea esta noche.
It's imperative.
Es fundamental.
The dangers of your reaching us make it imperative that our powers are never diminished... not for one moment of any day.
El peligro de que nos alcancen nos obliga a no disminuir nuestro poder, ni por un momento de ningún día.
And there's not a moment to lose and remember - I want samples from all the outlying districts. It's imperative!
No hay ni un momento que perder, y recuerden,... quiero muestras de todos los distritos que haya. ¡ Es imperativo!
You understand it is imperative I see for myself that you have... completed your task.
Hablando de exactitud, debe usted comprender que es imperativo... que compruebe por mi mismo... que ha ejecutado su trabajo.
It's imperative we leave at once!
Es imperativo que dejar de una vez!
Es imperativo que sigamos reduciendo el peso del príncipe por otras 48 horas.
It's imperative that we take every precaution tonight.
- He? No, No nos haremos responsables sin su ayuda.
In my profession, to win is imperative. To win easily is a blessing.
En mi profesión, ganar es mandatorio, Ganar fácilmente, una bendición.
In my profession, to win is imperative.
Espero se quede, Gran Leslie. Gustosamente.
That is imperative.
Eso es primordial.
The imperative of the moment is to take away the suitcase!
Lo más urgente ahora es sacar de aquí la maleta.

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