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Impetuous tradutor Espanhol

311 parallel translation
The young clerk chasing the girl was so far a person of no consequence, and yet - rather impetuous.
El joven funcionario que perseguía a la muchacha, aunque era una persona insignificante, era bastante impetuoso.
He is so impetuous.
Él es tan temerario.
But I can't make up my mind in three minutes.. how impetuous you are!
No puedo decidirme en tres minutos. Qué impetuoso eres.
Quite right. Of course, that's me, you know, always impetuous.
Yo soy muy impetuoso.
What an impetuous young man.
¡ Qué joven tan impetuoso!
He's so impetuous.
Es muy impetuoso.
Clumsy, impetuous, generous warmhearted fool.
Torpe, impetuosa, generosa, cariñosa y tonta.
Innocent man unfortunately wounded by impetuous marksman... call for daughter not seen for many years.
Un hombre inocente que lamentablemente fue herido por un tirador impulsivo... llama a su hija que no ha visto desde hace muchos años.
Maybe you were a little impetuous.
Quizá fueras un poco impetuoso.
Sir, you're so impetuous, you frighten the wits out of me.
Su galanteria me halaga.
Impetuous, friendly, enthusiastic, guileless.
lmpetuoso, amable, entusiasta, sin malicia.
- He's so impetuous.
- Es muy impulsivo.
You are very impetuous, Mr. Featherstone.
Es usted muy impetuoso, Sr. Featherstone.
I'd rather you conserve your impetuous energies for emotions more deserving.
Prefiero que conserves tu energía impetuosa para otras emociones.
Wait. Would she think me impetuous if I asked her for a tryst?
Un momento. ¿ Me considerará impetuoso si la invito a una cita?
One rough, impetuous bee can completely destroy the bloom.
Una abeja ruda e impetuosa puede destruir completamente el florecimiento.
I thought Lola too impetuous, and
Me pareció que era un poco impulsiva y...
About. Poor old Lew Rankin and those two impetuous Mullavey brothers May their souls rest in cement.
Sobre el pobre Lew Rankin y esos impetuosos hermanos Mollary, cuyas almas descansan en cemento.
# He's such an impetuous fellow He's like a dog having his day
Es un tipo tan impetuoso, un tipo con su día de suerte... porque sabemos, amigo, que en realidad es de Oswego.
You mustn't be too impetuous.
No sean impetuosos.
"Phillip is an impetuous soul who insists that war is impending and he must be in it." " Such nonsense.
'Phillip es impetuoso e insiste en que la guerra es inminente y debe estar ahí. ¡ Tonterías!
Who is that headstrong, impetuous boy?
¿ Quién es ese joven tan impetuoso?
Now, I don't want to seem impetuous.
No quiero ser impetuosa.
All right, I do want to seem impetuous, then.
Bueno, al menos contigo.
Suppose yourself a boy... a thoughtless, impetuous boy indulged from childhood upwards.
Suponga que usted es un muchacho, inconsciente, impetuoso, consentido desde niño en adelante.
You haven't changed at all, dimitrios, always impetuous, always a little unkind.
No has cambiado nada, siempre impetuoso. Siempre tan grosero.
About the affair of the Queens godchild Lady Anne Dunstan and your shipmaster Mr Mercy? Oh that poor impetuous fellow, Sire... Inveigled that bud of innocence, he did, into running away with him.
No sé si podríais aclararme el destino de lady Dunstan y su patrón el señor Adam Mercy.
Chris, you are very impetuous.
Chris, eres muy impetuoso.
He would not unjustly demand the death of peace-loving men of good faith and an impetuous child.
No exigiría injustamente la muerte de hombres de buena fe amantes de la paz y de un niño impetuoso.
- Maybe I was a bit impetuous...
- He sido impetuoso.
No, he'll never do anything as impetuous as that.
Nunca haría algo tan impetuoso como eso.
She is very young. Sometimes a little headstrong, a little impetuous.
Aún es muy joven, y seguramente un poco impetuosa.
You're almost as impetuous as before your wedding.
Eres casi tan impulsivo como antes de la boda.
Our impetuous young man has come to rescue his lady in distress.
Nuestro impetuoso joven ha venido a rescatar a su dama dolorida.
And so impetuous.
Y un impetuoso.
"When you will read these words," "Your ardent, impetuous, admirer" "Will be, alas, far from you and from old Russia,"
" Cuando lea estas líneas, su ardiente admirador estará lejos de Ud. y de la vieja Rusia, en camino hacia Venecia.
Isn't this a bit too sudden? I mean, aren't you rather impetuous, Freddy?
¿ No es un poco precipitado?
- What did you say? - They're impetuous men, Your Majesty. Impetuous imbeciles!
- Que son hombres impetuosos, majestad lmpetuosos imbéciles, dirás
You are not as impetuous as you used to be, Morris.
No eres tan impetuoso como solías, Morris.
¿ Impetuoso?
Oh, it seems he took an impetuous gentleman somewhat beyond the main hunting party.
Llevó a un caballero lejos del grupo de cacería.
He got him back, but the two fell into the hands of the diamond police and the impetuous gentleman who so badly wanted to shoot a lion died, babbling incoherently.
Ambos cayeron en manos de la policía de diamantes y el caballero que quería dispararle a un león murió diciendo incoherencias. Pobre caballero.
Huey was the impetuous one.
Hughie era el impetuoso.
They might say you've been a bit impetuous
Podrían decir que eres un poco impetuosa.
¿ Impetuosa?
Impetuous little fool.
Tontita impetuosa.
Oh, Cynthia, you're a gay, impetuous fool, aren't you?
Ay, Cintia, eres una jovial, e impetuosa tonta, ¿ sabías?
You're a mad, impetuous fool, aren't you?
Eres un imbécil impetuoso, ¿ sabías?
This time I won't be impetuous
No seré impetuosa.
You would've been rid of him once and for all. Let's not be impetuous, Mr Povey.
Será interesante averiguar qué es lo que pretende.
- They're impetuous men, Your Majesty.
Son hombres impetuosos.

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