In your own way tradutor Espanhol
444 parallel translation
Mr. Livingstone, tell the court in your own way what happened on the night you were shot.
Sr. Livingstone, dígale al tribunal, con sus propias palabras, qué sucedió la noche en que le dispararon.
Tell us exactly what happened, in your own way.
Relátanos qué sucedió, a tu manera.
Each one of you is going to handle your own Precinct in your own way. You know more about conditions there than anybody else.
Cada cual trabajará a su manera en su zona, pues la conoce mejor que nadie.
In your own way, tell us what happened.
Cuéntenos con sus palabras lo que pasó.
Now, Mr. Barsad, will you please tell us, in your own way just what happened on the boat, just how your attention was attracted to the prisoner.
Ahora, señor Barsad, por favor díganos en sus propios términos qué sucedió en el barco, cómo el prisionero llamó su atención.
Will you tell the jury, in your own way what happened on October 26th.
Le puede decir al jurado, a su manera qué pasó el 26 de octubre.
But to pronounce English in your own way is a sign of stupidity.
Pero pronunciar el inglés a vuestra manera es una muestra de estupidez.
I'll give you guys a chance to settle this in your own way.
Les daré la oportunidad de arreglar esto a su manera.
You want to worship God in your own way.
- Y quiere servir a Dios a su manera.
In your own way you were fighting for the same thing.
Luchaste por lo mismo.
Tell the jury now in your own way... the happenings of that day in the late afternoon.
Dígale al jurado ahora a su manera... los sucesos de ese día en las últimas horas de la tarde.
To find Boy in your own way.
Para encontrar a Boy a tu manera.
I even believed that, in your own way, you loved him.
Incluso creí que, a su manera, le amaba.
You're telling me, in your own way, that... that Janet's normal...
A su manera, me está diciendo... que Janet está bien...
Twenty years ago you both made a drastic decision, but each in your own way.
Tú hace veinte años y ahora él habéis tomado una drástica decisión, cada cual a su manera.
Aye, you're as much to blame for it in your own way as anyone else.
Sí, eres tan culpable a tu manera como otra.
You, men of the mafia, and you, Boss Passalacqua you, who are in your own way wise and just you, too have preferred your bloody and cutthroat laws that condemn he who disrespects and protect he who does the condemning laws that allow you to live and slaughter one another like beasts
¡ Vosotros, hombres de la Mafia y tú, colono Passalacqua! Tú que, a tu manera, pretendes ser sabio y justo,... tú también has preferido tu ley sanguinaria y feroz,... que condena a quién te falta al respeto y protege a quienes son condenados por la ley : esa única ley que permite que uno viva junto a otro, sin matarse como bestias feroces.
In your own way, you tell me you love me.
Sin decir nada, a tu manera,... sabes decir que me amas.
Keep Christmas in your own way and leave me to keep it in mine.
Celebra la Navidad a tu manera y déjame que yo la celebre a la mía.
I told you to deal with them in your own way. Yes, Mr Birnley.
Le dije que tratara con ellos a su manera.
It would seem, Father, that in your own way, you are as arrogant as I am.
Me parece, padre, que a su modo, es Vd. tan arrogante como lo pueda ser yo.
You're going after Arkadin's money in your own way... - through his daughter... - aren't you?
Vas tras su dinero usando a su hija, ¿ verdad?
You would there see with your own eyes how Weltmann due to his tremendous suggestive powers, is able to compel people to act in a way diametrically opposite to their nature......
Si va, se convencerá por sus propios ojos de que, gracias a su inaudita habilidad para sugestionar, Weltmann es capaz de obligar a las personas a que actúen de un modo totalmente opuesto a su esencia natural...
Madame Colet, if I were your father... which, fortunately, I am not... and you made any attempt to handle your own business affairs, I would give you a good spanking, in a business way, of course.
Madame Colet, si yo fuera su padre... que, afortunadamente, no soy... e hiciera cualquier intento de manejar sus asuntos financieros, le daría una buena azotaina, en un sentido comercial, por supuesto.
In the past, your chances have all been your own way.
En el pasado, siempre te dejaron hacer las cosas a tu manera.
You'll have to deal with those St Louis hides in your own inimitable way.
¡ Ocúpate del cuero de St. Louis de tu inimitable forma!
Madam, will you tell the generals of the jury, in your own charming way, everything you knew about this case.
Señora, ¿ querríais relatarle al jurado, a vuestro encantador modo, todo lo que sepáis sobre este caso?
So that you can write it in your own sweet charming way that you've made famous, Miss...
Así la escribe en la encantadora forma que la ha hecho famosa... señorita...
You must let me tell her in my own way, in my own time or you may spoil not only your own happiness, but hers.
Debes dejar que yo se lo diga a mi manera y en mi momento o podrías arruinar no sólo la felicidad de ella, sino la tuya también.
And I said the way to get in was for you to be important... to stand on your own feet... not depend on your father for everything you want.
Y te dije que el importante debías ser tú darte a valer solo y no depender de tu padre para todo.
How could you abuse your own children in such a way?
¿ Cómo puede usted hablar así de sus propias hijas?
Supposing you haven't invented this... theory... for your own benefit, how could this phantom assassin have guessed that that night, specifically that night, he would find an easy way in?
Admitiendo que no haya Ud. inventado esta... teoría en su interés, ¿ cómo pudo adivinar su asesino fantasma que aquella noche, aquella noche en particular, encontraría la puerta abierta?
You are, I must remind you, of great value to my country. In your present state of health you must allow me to protect my country's interests in my own way.
Con su actual estado de salud permítanme proteger a mi país a mi manera.
In my own humble way, I, too, try to merit the approval of your people.
Modestamente, yo también trato de ganarme la aprobación de su gente.
And you'd have your own way in everything, wouldn't she, sir?
Y tendría libertad en todo, señor?
It's not fair to stand in her way. - Mind your own business.
- No es asunto tuyo.
And whether you'll meet fair winds or foul, find your own way to harbor in the end.
Y si te topas con vientos buenos o malos... encontrarás tu propio camino hacia el puerto al final.
Greta Ballantine. Tell us in your own way just what happened.
Greta Ballantine.
You're caught in a web of your own making and instead of trying to search for a way out of it, you'd rather strangle it.
Estás atrapado en una telaraña de tus propias decisiones y en vez de intentar buscar una manera de salir de ella, prefieres estrangularte.
In a way, I'm glad you took off the blinkers and wandered away on your own.
Me alegro de que desconfiara e investigara por sí misma.
Cuéntaselo a tu papá, a tu manera, desde el principio.
My men and I came here today, not to listen to your words but to punish Paolino's killer and deliver justice swiftly, in our own way.
Mi gente y yo hemos venido aquí hoy no para escuchar sus palabras, que no esperábamos,... sino para castigar al asesino de Paolino y para hacer justicia rápidamente, a nuestro modo.
In your own sweet way, of course.
- A su dulce manera, claro.
Brother Bernardo, why do you not explain in your own sweet way how creatures are to attain such peace of the spirit?
¿ Pero por qué Fray Bernardo, no muestras en tus dulces palabras... de qué modo las criaturas deben obrar para alcanzar la paz del alma?
I suppose in your own peculiar way you're trying - to tell me you're sorry.
Supongo que a tu manera estás intentando decirme que lo sientes.
While you have been making a career your way I have been making a career in my own way.
Mientras que tu has estado haciendo una profesión a tu manera yo he estado haciendo una profesión a mi manera.
You mean that youre a genius In your own peculiar way
Quieres decir que eres un genio a tu manera
You just stick to your pills, Doc, and I'll handle this in my own way.
Usted ocúpese de sus pastillas Doc, que yo manejaré esto a mi manera.
She told me that when you were a boy and didn't get your own way, you'd lie on the floor and kick, and get red in the face.
Me ha dicho que, cuando eras niño y no te salías con la tuya, te tirabas al suelo, pataleabas y te ponías rojo.
Thanks for letting me in on your secret... that you own all the way from 23rd Street down to Canal.
Gracias por contarme el secreto... ... de que es tuyo todo desde Ia 23 hasta canal.
Have you tried it in your own way, right?
Ya probamos a tu manera, ¿ verdad? Ahora probaremos a la mía.
in your mouth 17
in your dreams 215
in your hands 23
in your 51
in your heart 60
in your own words 44
in your house 29
in your own time 47
in your face 181
in your absence 21
in your dreams 215
in your hands 23
in your 51
in your heart 60
in your own words 44
in your house 29
in your own time 47
in your face 181
in your absence 21