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Including us tradutor Espanhol

428 parallel translation
Big Han carried all these bags, including us, in one trip.
Big Han trajo todas estas valijas, y a nosotras, en un solo viaje.
Like everything on this planet, including us.
Como todo en este planeta, incluidos nosotros.
Once these things get rolling, they'll blow that whole town to pieces, including us!
¡ Cuando se pongan en marcha, destruirán el pueblo, y a nosotros dentro!
a day also the Catholic priests, including us... leave in peace São Paulo.
Un día también los curas católicos, incluso nosotros... Deja en paz a San Pablo.
Including us? $ 100,000.
Incluidos nosotros, quinientos mil.
He's ready to sacrifice everything and everyone, including us... just so that the Dalek project can be completed.
Está listo para sacrificarlo todo y a cualquiera,... incluso a nosotros,... sólo para que el proyecto Dalek pueda ser completado...
It's sucking in everything around it like a gigantic whirlpool, including us.
Está absorbiendo todo a su alrededor, como un remolino gigantesco, incluidos nosotros.
- Including us.
- Nosotros incluidos.
We'll have to shoot and kill like mad. Too many people will die, including us and including... some innocent people.
Y que muchos van exponer su pellejo, incluyéndonos a nosotros..... y también a gente inocente.
You got your wish. No one knows where we are, including us.
incluyendonos a nosotros.
There was 23 people there, including us.
Había 23 personas, incluidos nosotros.
cyano bacteria was the first complex organism to evolve on the earth... and it led the way for all life-forms to come, including us.
Las ciano-bacterias fueron los primeros organismos complejos que evolucionaron en la Tierra y mostraron el camino para todas las formas de vida que vinieron, incluyéndonos a nosotros.
They love everyone, including us.
Aman a todos, incluso a nosotros.
We'll steal gold and we'll steal silver and we'll steal jewels and hide them where no one will ever find them, including us.
Robaremos oro, plata y joyas y los esconderemos donde nadie los encuentre, incluidos nosotros.
Six, including us.
Seis, incluyéndonos.
Including those of us who seem most fortunate.
Incluyendo a los que parecemos mas afortunados
Let's see, there are seven of us, including young Hawkins here.
- No tengo miedo. Veamos, somos siete, incluyendo al joven Hawkins.
The commander of the division has ordered us to begin moving again, right away... Take this. ... to reach, as quickly as possible the zone including the 45th kilometre... and 47th kilometre of the carriageway.
El mando de división ordena reemprender inmediatamente el movimiento... ten... para alcanzar rápidamente la zona comprendida entre el km 45... y el 47 de la carretera.
All of us, including Roberto and Barbara, lived off my future marriage.
Todos nosotros vivimos de mi futuro matrimonio.
If we're gonna come through this, he's gonna need some faith from all of us including you.
Si vamos a salir de esta, va a necesitar fe por nuestra parte incluyéndola a usted.
We'll drink to that, because in my considered opinion, none of us is going to come out of this alive, including you.
Bebamos por eso, porque en mi experta opinión, ninguno de nosotros podrá salir vivo, incluyéndote a ti.
There are seven of us now, including you.
Ahora somos siete, contándote.
I see, and you will be taking us along with you, including the TARDIS?
Ya veo, y nos llevarás contigo, ¿ incluyendo al TARDIS?
This is the position we are in, each one of us, including me, except that Wally's gone and we are here.
Ésta es la posición de cada uno, incluyéndome a mí excepto que Wally se ha ido y nosotros seguimos aquí.
Anyway, if they bother us, we'll kick them all out, including her.
Además, si nos joden, los echamos a la calle. Y a ella también.
And when he sent us his son, he made him the shepherd of all sheep, including those who wear a star on their foreheads.
Cuando Él envía a su hijo, envía al pastor de todas las ovejas. Sin distinguir a los que llevan una estrella en la frente.
There were three of us... including Gibaryan.
Éramos tres de nosotros... incluyendo a Gibaryan.
Including ourselves, how many of us are there?
- ¿ A cuántos capta? - A doce, Capitán.
It was paradoxical that some of us, including Viénot, Jean Zay, Wiltzer and I, were tried for desertion, when in fact their original plan had been to go fight.
Resulta paradójico que algunos de nosotros, incluyendo a Viénot, Jean Zay, Wiltzer y yo, fuéramos juzgados como desertores, cuando de hecho su plan original había sido ir a pelear.
In two days off the harbor mouth we sank or burned 40 of the ships they sent out against us... including their flagship.
En dos días fuera de la boca del puerto les hundimos y quemamos 40 de los barcos que enviaron contra nosotros... Incluyendo a su buque insignia.
Nosotros incluidos.
He has duped us all, sergeant including the infallible Monte Cristo.
Nos ha embaucado a todos, incluso al infalible Montecristo.
Six times they had us back, not including reruns.
Nos tuvieron seis veces, sin incluir repeticiones.
No civilised country in Europe will let us unload that train, including the Swiss.
Lo cierto es que ahora ningún país de Europa nos permitirá sacar a nadie de ese tren en su territorio.
I want us all to dine together tonight, including Gabriel and you.
Quiero que esta noche cenemos todos juntos, Gabriel y tú incluidos.
Now, Kay, nobody knows better than you that The Professional cost us $ 1,600,000, including a second run.
Ahora, Kay, nadie sabe mejor que tú que Costo El profesional ; $ 1,600,000, Incluida la segunda parte.
Including almost getting us killed.
Incluso casi nos hace matar.
All the people, including you, shall obey us sooner or later!
Todo el mundo, incluido usted, ¡ nos obedecerán tarde o temprano!
Ted Striker's got more guts in his little finger than most of us have in our large intestine, including the colon!
¡ Ted Striker tiene más agallas en el dedo meñique que nosotros en el intestino grueso, incluyendo el colon!
Anything happened to us, and who knows what'd happen... to all those nice, innocent people out there... including your wife and your daughter.
Si nos ocurriera algo, quién sabe qué les pasaría a todas esas personas buenas e inocentes entre ellas, su esposa y su hija.
Let's leave my grandmother out ofthis. Pee Wee... if you let us use your grandmother's apartment... I'll give you your own private... personal collection of photographs of Dobish and Miss Webster... including "Mack the Knife."
Pee Wee si vamos a utilizar el apartamento de tu abuela, voy a darte una colección personal de imágenes de Dobish y Ms.
But many prisoners, including the Czechs in the family camp, accused us of spreading panic, of having... of having circulated false reports.
Estábamos convencidos de que los iban a gasear la noche siguiente. Pero al ver que ningún equipo nocturno partía, nos calmamos.
I'd like to think that this is not only for those of us who are going off to war but for those who've already left including my younger brother, Lt. William Hazard and especially for those who are staying here at home working for the Union cause with the same dedication and spirit.
Me gustaría pensar que no sólo es para quienes partimos a la guerra... ... sino para quienes ya han partido... ... y, sobre todo, para quienes se quedan en casa...
Our family has recently lost my aunt that had left us three - to me, my brother Harry and my sister, - a little heritage, including a ring.
Nuestra familia ha perdido recientemente una tía que nos habían dejado tres - a mí, mi hermano Harry y mi hermana, - un poco de la herencia, incluyendo un anillo.
There are five of us in the shop, not including Mr. Marks and Mr. Cohen.
Somos cinco en la librería, sin incluir a los señores Marks y Cohen.
Including agnostics, atheists, heathens..? As well as, as you so eloquently put it, those of us of other persuasion?
Incluyendo a agnósticos, ateos, paganos, y también, como tú tan elocuentemente has dicho, aquellos de nosotros con otra convicción.
In November of'69 327 of us from Culloch County Including my father, marched In Washlngton along with 700,000 other Amerlcans to protest the war In Vletnam.
En noviembre del'69 327 personas del condado de Culloch incluido mi padre, marcharon hacia Washington junto a otros 700.000 estadounidenses, para protestarcontra la guerra en Vietnam.
But each of us, including Dr Palmer, took an oath that we would uphold the Prime Directive, if necessary, with our lives.
Pero todos nosotros, incluyendo al Dr. Palmer, un día juramos cumplir y obedecer la Primera Directiva, y morir por ella, si fuera preciso.
You're taking off without leaving a word to any of us, including me Including me uh, Milo
Me pudiste decir a mí, Milo.
Look, if we're gonna salvage this weekend, all of us need to mellow out a little bit, including you.
Si vamos a salvar este fin de semana todos debemos serenarnos un poco, incluyéndote a ti.
The exocomps have interfaced with every part of the station core, something none of us has done, including you.
Durante su servicio, los exocomps han estado en cada parte del núcleo. Algo que ninguno de nosotros ha hecho.

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