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Informal tradutor Espanhol

1,495 parallel translation
There's a little diner I know, very informal, where we could grab a quick bite.
Hay una cafetería que conozco, muy informal, donde podríamos comer algo.
- No bag boys are gonna stop Lenny... from hosting a casual get-together.
Ningún empacador impedirá que Lenny ofrezca una reunión informal.
¿ Informal?
For those of you who haven't seen it, it's a very lovely ceremony. It's informal.
Para quienes no la vieron, es una ceremonia estupenda, algo informal.
Well, you know, I'm busy tonight, but if you guys wanted to come by tomorrow, I'm having a little get-together, you know, very cas, very Dewar's on the rocks, so if you want to stop by- -
Bueno, esta noche estoy ocupada, pero si vies gustaria venen mañana. Doy una fiesta con algunos amigos como, en plan muy informal. en las rocas, Si quieren, vengan...
Other fish are less casual about their eggs.
Otro pez es menos informal con sus huevos.
- It's a casual thing.
- Es informal.
Believe me, I'm in the mood for totally casual.
En serio, me apetece algo informal.
That's what it is, you know. It's just casual.
Es lo que es, informal.
- So this is casual?
¿ Esto es informal?
It's casual. - He asked me to the theater tonight.
Ya sabes, es una salida como informal.
I know that you came only to honor Crabb-Robinson... at his small, informal party... because he had been of assistance to your illustrious father.
Sé que sólo vino para honrar a Crabb-Robinson... en su pequeña fi'esta informal... porque había ayudado a su ilustre padre.
What about a small, informal party?
¿ Y una fiesta pequeña e informal?
Interaction between young people is polite and casual.
Los jóvenes deben tratarse de manera cortés e informal.
This very informal civil rights committee.
Es un comité de derechos civiles.
It's casual.
Es informal.
It was just casual.
Era algo informal.
I'm thinking this is the part where I say you're a flake, never finishes anything.
Ésta es la parte en la que digo que tú eres un informal y nunca acabas nada.
If 10 don't vote or vote informal, it's 90, and the majority of these 90 is 90 divided in half plus one : 46.
Si 10 no votan o votan en blanco, son 90,... y la mayoría de esos 90 es 90 dividido por la mitad más uno : 46.
You need to be a little bit more casual-like.
Tienes que ser más informal al hablar con la gente.
And in practice?
¿ Y desde el informal?
The unusual series of record breaking rainy days lead to idle talk of it effecting the fruit.
La serie inusual de días lluviosos que han roto records conducen a una charla informal sobre sus efectos en la fruta.
This was an informal meeting of friends.
- Era una reunión informal de amigos.
It was just a conversation.
- Era una charla informal...
You brought me in on this case, detective because you needed someone with a little bit more of a, shall we say casual relationship with the law.
Me trajiste a este caso, detective porque necesitabas alguien con, digámoslo así una relación informal con la ley.
It's all very informal.
Todo es muy informal.
- Oh, sí. Informal "tú", between us, we don't need "usted."
El tú informal entre nosotros, no necesitamos el Ud.
I just wasn't entirely comfortable having a casual meal with my captain.
Es sólo que no me sentía muy cómodo teniendo una comida informal con mi Capitán.
- No one told me it was Casual Friday.
- Nadie me dijo que era una cena informal.
Okay, see, the whole point of having an informal'get to know you'gathering was actually to have an informal'get to know you'gathering.
O.k., mira, El fin de tener una reunión informal es aprender a conocerse Es para que se pueda aprender a conocerse
Someplace easy and casual, nothing fancy.
A algún lugar, sencillo y e informal, nada lujoso.
Not that casual.
No es nada informal.
Casual Friday.
Viernes con ropa informal.
Casual Friday has arrived.
Llegó el viernes informal.
And since it was Casual Friday... Miranda and Max decided to come out of the closet... with their casual clothes.
Y a partir de ese viernes informal Miranda y Max decidieron no esconder nada con su ropa informal.
It's hard to be that casual about it.
Es difícil ser informal.
It's just informal.
Es informal.
- He's very casual about it.
- Es muy informal para eso.
You can dress it up or dress it down
Se puede llevar arreglado o informal.
- Happy. Happiness is unreliable.
La felicidad es informal.
I quote Spook, Informal Ghost, Spectre
"Espectro : formalmente, fantasma,"
There's an informal weekly get-together... of scientifically like-minded colleagues, if you have the time.
Hay una reunión informal semanal... de colegas científicos con pensamientos similares, si tiene tiempo.
This is where people can meet our real estate agents in an informal, yet hygienic setting.
Tendremos la oportunidad de conocer a nuestros clientes en un ambiente informal, pero higiénico.
This one has obviously gotten a little sloppy.
Esta se ha vuelto un poco informal.
Maybe it isn't the printer who's gotten sloppy.
Quizás no sea la imprenta la que se ha vuelto informal.
Completely off the record and really almost human being to human being?
¿ Totalmente informal, y de ser humano a ser humano?
I need totally casual. Great, yeah.
- Necesito algo muy informal.
- Uh, we're friends. It's casual.
Somos amigos, es informal.
Obviously we're going informal today.
- Maggie
Keep it informal.
Pregunta discretamente.
I've talked to them all informally.
Hablé con ellos de manera informal.

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