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Insisting tradutor Espanhol

997 parallel translation
- Dammit, stop insisting!
oh ahora, mi eprixes!
It's no use insisting.n
No acostumbro insistir
The other night, I wasn't insisting.
- La otra noche no quise insistir.
"The man who is too insisting asks too much and obtains nothing."
"El hombre muy insistente pide mucho y nada obtiene."
They keep insisting they should have some nuisance value.
Insisten en que pueden causarnos problemas.
Well, it's all so hazy, and you kept on insisting, and, oh, I had lots of champagne, I guess.
Bueno, es todo tan difuso, y siguió insistiendo, y, oh, tomé mucho champán, creo.
She was insisting, so I let her wait in your room
Ha insistido, así que la he dejado esperando en su cuarto.
My opinion will evolve openly, but if you keep insisting on yours...
Mi mente está abierta a todo, pero si insistís en ellos....
I want to apologize for insisting upon seeing you, but... believe me, it's most important.
Discúlpeme por mi insistencia en verle, pero... créame, es muy importante.
It's useless insisting, I told you that I won't repeat it!
Es inútil, no insistas. ¡ Te digo que no me atrevo!
The whole marriage is just another campaign stunt to him — insisting we hold it the day before the election... so I'll get a good publicity break on election day.
Para él todo eso de la boda es un truco publicitario Nos casamos el día antes de las elecciones para tener más publicidad
She keeps insisting that she witnessed a murder... which, obviously...
Insiste en que presenció un homicidio... Io cual, obviamente...
She kept insisting that you were a murderer.
insiste en que Ud. es un asesino.
But the little girl's mother is insisting and I need to calm her fears, officially.
Pero la madre de la pequeña insiste, y yo tengo mucho interés en calmar oficialmente su aprensión.
I didn't see him personally, but they told me at the office that he came in this afternoon, extremely agitated, looking for her, insisting on finding her at once.
Yo no lo vi, pero me dijeron en el despacho que había ido a buscarla y parecía muy nervioso.
Forgive me for insisting, but at my age you have these whims.
Perdone que insista, pero a mi edad se tienen esos caprichos.
He's insisting we return to his village and be his guests.
Insiste en que volvamos al pueblo y seamos sus invitados.
But, Dave, I told him I didn't wanna call you but he kept insisting.
Le dije que no te llamaría, pero insistió.
Why, she came in here insisting you needed treatment. That's ridiculous.
Vino insistiendo en que Vd. necesitaba tratamiento, pero eso es ridículo.
Yes, but he kept insisting, and I felt sorry for him.
Sí, pero insistió y me dio mucha lástima.
In your editorials you've been insisting that because a thing is big, it's bad
Usted insiste en que un negocio por ser grande es malo.
And then he kept insisting I have a doctor look at me right away.
... ha llamado a Ia grúa y ha insistido... ... en que me viera un doctor...
You've been insisting that you just arrived from America on a sailing ship.
Insistías en que acababas de llegar de EE.UU. en un barco de vela.
So then to try to make up for it, he starts insisting to take a cab. As if we had that kind of money to throw around.
Como llegábamos tarde, insistió en que cogiéramos un taxi ¡ como si tuviéramos dinero para esas cosas!
Bill's insisting upon going on, but there's no Ted.
Bill insiste en continuar. Pero Ted no está.
Come on The weatherman's insisting
Vamos El meteorólogo insiste
We can go on following her, insisting!
Podemos seguir vigilándola, insistir.
You're insisting on this out of a sense of duty.
Insistes porque crees que es tu obligación.
I've got it. No use insisting.
Bien, vale, déjalo ya.
Insisting on being put up in a luxury hotel.
Poniendo como condición ser alojado en un gran hotel.
Oh, Tom's always been insisting that there were photographs, But he couldn't possibly have known About the pictures in the car.
Oh, Tom siempre ha insistido en que había fotografías, pero él no sabía que las llevaba en el coche.
You keep insisting that I had everything to do with...
Insistes en que la culpa de lo que le pasa la tengo yo.
I know why Alec kept insisting that that girl was drunk.
Sé por qué Alec insistió en que la chica estaba borracha.
He's insisting.
Ok, it's stupid to keep insisting.
Muy bien. No tiene sentido seguir insistiendo.
I told him so, but he kept insisting.
- Ya se lo he dicho, pero él insistía porque es un gran negocio.
Why do you keep insisting he was writing about you?
¿ Por qué insistes en que se refería a ti?
It's useless insisting, I'm not coming!
¡ Es inútil que insistáis, no voy!
- He kept insisting.
- Ha insistido mucho.
- You kept on insisting!
- Sólo porque has insistido.
I'm sorry to trouble you but we've got a man in the drunk tank that keeps insisting he knows you.
Lamento molestarlo pero tenemos a un hombre que insiste en que lo conoce.
Stop insisting.
No insistas
Until then, he had been insisting my price was too high.
Hasta ese momento se empeñaba en decir que le quería cobrar demasiado.
My friend kept insisting Picasso was a bum, so she started to do that mural.
¡ Mi amiga insistía en que Picasso era un vago, y empezó a pintar ese mural!
His father's insisting on a civic wedding!
¡ Su padre lo va a casar en la Municipalidad!
It's no use insisting. I'm leaving in an hour.
Hijo mío, no incistas parto en una hora.
Your parents are insisting on taking you out of the school.
Tus padres insisten en sacarte de la escuela.
Yes, I heard. Other ronin who got wind of the story began presenting themselves at the gates of daimyo houses all over Edo, insisting on committing harakiri and refusing to budge.
Por lo que he oído, en vista de esa buena fortuna otros ronin presionan en varias Mansiones, amenazando con el harakiri.
He came at me, insisting that I give him money, even though I told him I didn't have any, and I tried to get the gun away from him and it went off.
Se me acercó, insistiendo en que le diera dinero, aunque le dije que no tenía nada, y al tratar de quitarle la pistola se disparó.
Look, I'm not insisting on this other man.
No insistiré con lo del otro muchacho.
- It's no use insisting.
- Es inútil que insista.

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