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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / Irian

Irian tradutor Espanhol

62 parallel translation
None, because they'd all fly away.
Ninguna, todas se irian volando.
But we were a little bit embarrassed, you know, because it never entered our heads that any stranger - outsider - would want to travel on thelady anne.
Temiamos que tuvieramos que volver nadando y eso nos lleno de preocupación. Oh, querida... él pensó que se irian nadando.
Then these idiots would go somewhere else to fight!
¡ Entonces esos idiotas se irian A pelear a otro lado!
And if you've any sense of decency you'll leave in the morning.
Si tuvieran el más minimo sentido de la decencia se irian por la mañana.
You know what would go so good on this cheesecake is those chocolate sprinkles.
- Me parece bien. Con esto irian muy bien unas virutas de chocolate.
They must have left them to tell us where they'll be.
Tendrían que habernos dicho a dónde irian.
You know, it's funny after a couple of hours, I realized you weren't gonna pick me up so I thought, "Well, you know, I'm dizzy and my head hurts what better time to take the bus?"
Tiene gracia tras un par de horas, me di cuenta de que no irian por mi y pensé : "Estoy mareado y me duele la cabeza ¿ qué meior momento para tomar el autobús?"
If they really loved me, they'd be heading in the direction of my house.
Si realmente me amasen, irian con rumbo a mi casa.
Hansen said they was gonna split the money up in Tucson, but if they got hot, they'd head to El Paso, the Border Hotel.
Hansen dijo que repartirian el dinero en Tucson, pero que si los perseguian se irian a El Paso, en el hotel la frontera.
They'd head back to the Demilitarised Zone.
Más bien irian de vuelta hacia la zona desmilitarizada.
Irian jaya, 8.0.
Irán Occidental : 8.0.
You know, one of the things about their diet... is that there were no large mammals on Irian Jaya.
Sabes, una de las cosas acerca de su dieta es que no había grandes mamíferos en Irian Jaya.
Meanwhile, five snipers positioned on the tower and around the airfield would open fire on the remaining terrorists and assault vehicles would rush in to rescue the hostages.
mientras tanto, cinco tiradores colocados sobre la torre y alrdedor de el campo de aviacion abriria fuego sobre el resto de los terroristas y vehiculos de asalto irian en camino para rescatar a los rehenes.
If people weren't forced to come to work at a certain time, they wouldn't come at all.
Si la gente no fuese forzada a ir al trabajo a una cierta hora, ellos no irian para nada.
I thought you were gonna have tea today. - We did.
Pense que hoy irian a tomar te.
I thought they'd never leave.
Pense que nunca se irian.
Man, I thought those guys were down.
Tio, pense que esos tios irian de buen rollo.
- I thought you guys were gonna go into the village?
Pense que irian a la villa...
And where will they go anyway?
¿ y a dónde irian de todos modos?
Then I would go to school... and you and Mom would go to work.
Luego iria a la escuela... y tú y mamá irian a trabajar.
Maggie's mama called to say they were all coming for a visit.
La mamá de Maggie llamo para decir que todos irian a visitarla.
I'm soft on the inside.
- Yo soy suave por dentro. las cosas podrían... las cosas irian mejor si tú... Spike...
I could tell him where I lived, but then he might break in my house.
Les podia decir donde vivia, pero irian a robar mi casa.
They would never go there.
Ellos nunca irian ahi.
But that's impossible. Why on earth would they go to Corfu?
Eso es imposible. ¿ Por que diantres irian a Corfu?
I heard that the two of them are coming to my house so I prepared a present.
Escuché que dos de ellos irian a mi casa y entonces preparé un regalo.
I made you grooms to stay put at home, but you've come here in marriage dress?
Pensamos que si llevamos a cabo su matrimonio, no se irian Pero que de ahi que quieran irse con el traje del matrimonio
I thought you and Sully were having lunch.
Crei que tu y Sullivan irian a comer.
Come on, did she say where they've gone?
Vamos, ella no dijo donde irian?
Why would they leave?
¿ Por qué se irian?
Both he and Irian take longer than me.
El e lrlan tardan más que yo.
I like tattoos so I got one done with "Irian."
Me gustan los tatuajes, me hice uno que dice "Irlan."
- lsn't it, Irian?
- ¿ No es así, lrlan?
Mr. Irian Silva.
Sr. Irlan Silva.
- What's your number, Irian?
- ¿ Cual es tu número, lrlan?
I'm throwing a surprise goodbye party for Irian.
Estoy planeando una fiesta sorpresa de despedida para lrlan.
Taisha messes up again, those kids'll wind up in foster care.
Taisha lo estropea otra vez, esos chicos irian a un centro de acogida,
I'm sure he promised, at the end of the day, you two would be the ones walking off with the money, but you had other ideas.
Estoy seguro que prometió que al final del día ustedes dos serian los que se irian con el dinero, pero tenian otras ideas
But surely no one would choose that if they really believed you existed.
Pero no irian si supieran que existe de verada, que existe de verada?
I mean, yeah, Mom and Anthony would go at it sometimes.
Quiero decir, si, mama y Anthony irian algunas veces
It was during one of his expeditions, some three days'journey from Irian Jaya.
Fue durante una de sus expediciones, a unos tres días de viaje de Irian Jaya.
Found in the Central Cordillera of Irian Jaya.
Encontrada en la Cordillera Central de Irian Jaya.
You know, I thought that after I'd buried my father that all those questions were behind me... who I was, where I came from, and...
Sabes, pensé que después de enterrar a mi padre esas preguntas irian tras mi... quien era, de donde vengo, y...
I thought they would go,
Pense que ellos irian,
I took on the role of being the one who chose which animals would go into which types of study.
Yo tome el rol de ser quien escogia que animales irian a que tipo de estudios.
She said the sessions would probably go better if the primary male in his life was there, too. Yeah. Probably.
ella dijo las sesiones probablemenete irian mejor si el hombre primario de su vida estuviera ahi tambien si, probablemente
I told them they wouldn't make it.
Yo dije que no irián huír. Que no deberián intentar.
Yes, and I thought they`d come after you, too.
Si, y pensé que ellos irián detrás de ti también.
Yes, it's Sunday.
Dijeron que se irian por el fin de semana. Es domingo.
- Jude! Those are my cheerleading nationals. You guys said you would come!
Jude ese dia son los nacionales de animadoras... prometieron que irian ehh buenoo... algunos de nosotros nos cuesta cumplir las promesas ultimamente si puedo te ire a ver cariño
And then I thought that could go on for months.
Yo no te llame la otra anoche porque yo no estaba seguro de que tomarias la llamada Y entonces pensé que se irian los meses.

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