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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / It ain't worth it

It ain't worth it tradutor Espanhol

350 parallel translation
It ain't worth over $ 200 to me.
Para mí no vale más de 200 dólares.
And it ain't Worth 30 cents.
Y no vale ni 30 centavos.
But it ain't got a nickel's worth of perspective.
Sin embargo, en cuanto a perspectiva, no vale mucho.
Well, if his life ain't worth $ 500, it ain't worth nothin'.
Si su vida no vale 500 dólares, entonces no vale nada.
It ain't worth a ruble now. Mannion's sure to get me!
Mannion me atrapará seguro.
It ain't worth $ 1 50.
No vale $ 150.
I know it. I ain't worth a bad dime.
No valgo ni dos centavos.
It's worth any sacrifice, ain't it, to be able to protect your home and family and things like that?
Uno tiene que sacrificarse, para proteger su hogar, su familia, y todo eso.
- Ain't no man worth it!
- No vale la pena por ningún hombre.
- It ain't worth it.
- No los vale.
It ain't worth it.
No vale la pena.
It ain't worth it.
Nada funciona.
Leave it to the Guards, or the Greencoats, or the Skirts, or the Umbrella Danglers, and it ain't worth doing.
Si metieran allá a los afeminados, con el rayo en las boinas verdes, o los paracaidistas, estaríamos arreglados.
Oh, don't go back, Clay. It ain't worth it.
No vuelvas, Clay.
Twenty-five American dollars'worth of solid silver, ain't it, brother Wyatt?
Vale 25 dólares. ¿ No es así, hermano Wyatt?
He ain't worth it. Blast his hide.
l no lo vale, maldito sea.
He ain't worth it.
No lo vale.
It ain't worth it, lady.
No merece Ia pena, Srta.
- Ain't worth it.
- No merece la pena.
You'll go but he ain't worth it.
Irás aunque no se lo merezca.
It ain't worth nigh that.
No los vale ni de lejos.
She ain't worth it.
Ella no se lo merece.
It ain't even worth going to see.
No vale la pena ir a verlo.
it ain't worth it.
No vale la pena.
Well, there's... There's the one old-maid sister, one feeble-minded grandmother and one lush of a pop who ain't worth the powder it takes to blow him to... Scusatemi.
Está mi hermana la solterona, Una abuela un poco retrasada, y un padre borrachuzo que no vale...
Well, it ain't worth the mending.
Ni siquiera vale la pena remendarlas.
I ain't worth it.
No valgo la pena.
It ain't worth it. Don't you understand?
No merece la pena. ¿ No Io ves?
It ain't worth it, Hogan.
No vale la pena, Hogan.
It just ain't worth the aggravation.
No compensa las molestias.
If you was worth it, I'd open your face with me nails, but you ain't.
Si vaIieras algo Ia pena, te desfiguraría Ia cara con Ias uñas.
I think it ain't worth it.
creo que no vale la pena.
It ain't that you don't think I'd be worth my salt when the fighting starts?
¿ No es porque duda que haré un buen papel en la lucha?
It belongs to me, Miz Lampert, and you're gonna get it for me... or your life ain't gonna be worth the paper it's printed on.
Ese dinero me pertenece. Y usted me lo va a entregar o su vida tendrá menos valor que la de su marido. ¡ No!
The letter, huh? It ain't worth nothin'.
La carta no tiene ningún valor.
And every man sets foot in this house needs just one look to figure it ain't worth 40.000 acres and a soft spot for the rest of his life.
Y cualquier hombre que pone sus pies en esta casa solo necesita un vistazo para darse cuenta de que no vale 40000 acres de tierra y afecto para el resto de su vida.
It just ain't worth it.
No vale la pena.
This ain't never worth 3 shillings, you know very well it ain't.
Esto no vale ni tres chelines y usted lo sabe muy bien.
I ain't worth much and it's been a real spell since anybody's done anything for me.
No valgo mucho y hace bastante que nadie hacía algo por mí. Con usted me siento en deuda.
Oh, it ain't worth it!
Ah, ¡ no vale la pena!
That stinking piece of Land ain`t worth it.
Esa pieza hedionda de Ain `t de la tierra vale la pena.
The money ain't worth gettin'killed for, now, is it?
No vale la pena morir por el dinero, ¿ verdad?
- It ain't worth it.
- No les trae cuenta.
It ain't worth the money.
¡ No me trae cuenta!
It ain't worth it, Hogue.
No vale la pena, Hogue.
They ain't worth it.
No vale la pena.
- It belonged to my brother and it ain't worth nothin'cept to me, but...
Era de mi hermano y no tiene ningún valor, salvo para mí.
Sure as hell ain't worth it.
No vale la pena.
Paid'em less than I offered you and they ain't worth it.
Les pagué un tercio de lo que te ofrecí a ti y no lo valen.
- It ain't worth beans.
- No vale nada.
He's your man. Ain't it worth a check?
¿ No vale la pena investigarlo?

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