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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / It always has been

It always has been tradutor Espanhol

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It always has been.
Siempre lo ha sido.
- Well, that's the way it always has been.
Pues siempre se ha pronunciado así.
Everything is just exactly As it always has been.
Todo está como siempre.
It always has been legal. Understand?
¡ Siempre hemos estado dentro de la legalidad!
It always has been
Siempre lo ha estado.
It always has been.
Siempre ha sido así.
- That's civilization, it always has been.
- Es lo civilizado, siempre lo ha sido.
- It's better. My mom has always been a believer in my talent, and taught me to shoot for the stars.
Un poco mejor, ella siempre creyó en mi talento.
- I'm Chi Chi DeVayne, and I've always been a queen who uses what she has, whether it be paper or plastic trash bags.
Yo soy Chi Chi DeVayne y siempre fui una queen que usó lo que tenía a mano. Ya fuera papel o bolsas de basura!
For me, since the first evening, it has always been the same.
Para mí, desde la primera tarde, siempre ha sido lo mismo.
It has always been the policy of this institution...
Siempre ha sido la política de esta institución asignar a sus clientes...
It has always been like that.
Siempre ha sido así.
I always thought that you were making less than you ought to, but it's just that you've been secretly buying things, isn't it.
Siempre me ha parecido que haces menos de lo que debes, pero se trata de que has estado comprando en secreto cosas, ¿ no?
It has always been my wish...
- Siempre fue mi deseo... - ¡ Espere!
It has always been yours
- Fué siempre tuya.
Remy, you've always been a good customer- - well, here it is.
Remy, siempre has sido buen cliente. Aquí está.
Just as it has always been, Sir Henry.
Tal y como siempre ha estado, Sir Henry.
It has not always been pleasant living with this blank.
No siempre ha sido agradable vivir en esta ignorancia.
It has always been repugnant to us... but now we can strike because Prussia is not united.
Siempre nos han envidiado... pero ahora podemos aprovecharnos porque Prusia no está unida
It's always been his breed that has opened up the country and made it what it is.
Los de su raza engrandecieron al país y lo convirtieron en lo que es.
It has always been there.
Ha estado siempre ahí.
England has always been on the side of the moral unless it is true that Maria and Riccio are having... how?
Inglaterra ha estado siempre del lado de la moral. Tendría que ser cierto que María y Riccio... ¿ cómo?
It has.. always been ready.
Siempre lo ha estado.
Her attitude has not always been as cooperative as it might have been.
Su actitud no ha sido siempre tan cooperativa como podría haberlo sido.
Besides, I wouldn't have brought it up right now, but just the same... for the past several weeks you've been going out in the afternoons... and you've always managed to avoid telling me where you were.
Además, no habría sacado el tema en este momento, pero es lo mismo... durante las últimas semanas has estado saliendo por las tardes... y siempre te las has arreglado para no decirme dónde habías estado.
Yes, it has always been blue.
Sí, siempre ha sido el azul.
As a matter of fact, Watson what I did not tell Lestrade, since I can't prove it, is that the Hoxton Creeper has always been Giles Conover's right arm when it comes to killing.
Watson, no le he dicho a Lestrade, porque no tengo pruebas, que Conover utiliza al Reptil para matar.
You've always been thinking of it, every minute, day and night.
Siempre has estado pensándolo, cada minuto, día y noche.
It has always been my dream to help and that is why I invented this simple world language.
Siempre he soñado con poder ayudar. Y es por eso únicamente que inventé esta sencilla lengua internacional.
I hesitate to mention it as you've always been very good to us.
Vacilo en mencionarlo ya que has sido siempre muy buena con nosotras.
Harry, you know that everything I did for you, everything that I've always done for you, has been for the best. Hasn't it?
Siempre he intentado hacer lo mejor para ti, ya lo sabes.
- Life's been gay since we met. - Has it? You've taken me to the playhouse, skating on the river... a drive to Chelsea Village, Birdcage Walk... and so many other places I've always wanted to see.
Me has llevado al teatro, a patinar a un pueblo de Chelsea, a ver a los pájaros todo lo que me apetece hacer.
Has it always been like this?
- Doce años. - ¿ Ha sido siempre así?
It's just that everything has always been so perfect for you.
Es que todo siempre ha sido tan perfecto para vosotros.
- To have kept it would have been a stain on a career that has been stainless always.
- Si la hubiera mantenido habría manchado su carrera, hasta ahora impecable.
If a man has always Been a good husband except for 24 hours, how long Should he be expected to pay for it?
Un hombre que siempre fue un buen marido, excepto durante 24 horas,... ¿ por cuánto tiempo se espera que pague su error?
Has it always been that way?
- ¿ Siempre ha estado allí?
It has always been good.
Siempre ha sido bueno.
How could I have confused it when Augustus has always been one of my favorite names?
Augustus es uno de mis nombres favoritos.
Now, it has always been known that Miramont House was occupied by a Burgundian nobleman styling himself the Count Maurice de Charolais.
Siempre supimos que Miramont House fue ocupado por un noble de Borgoña que se hacia llamar "Conde Maurice de Charoláis".
SenorJeffords... it has always been our right on the land - the right of we, the Herreras, and those of the pueblecitos... for as many years back as you have hairs on your head!
Señor Jeffords siempre hemos tenido derecho sobre este terreno el derecho nuestro, de los Herrera, y de los pueblecitos, ¡ desde hace tantos años como tiene Vd. pelos en la cabeza!
It has always been the right of the Herreras on this land.
Los Herrera siempre han tenido ese derecho en este territorio.
But it has always been my policy to permit my enemies to speak in their own defense before pronouncing sentence.
Pero permito siempre a mis enemigos defenderse antes de dictar sentencia.
It's always been you.
Siempre has sido tu.
Because the municipal lockbox, as well you know, has never had a penny in it, and has always been empty.
¡ Porque la caja municipal, lo sabéis de sobra, no ha tenido nunca un céntimo y siempre ha estado vacía!
Genaro's bus is taking away Manolo and Carmen Vargas, the greatest star of the Andalusian genre, and Villar del Rio returns to what it has always been :
Ahora la consigna es no preocuparse. El autobús se lleva a Manolo y a Carmen Vargas, la estrella de la canción andaluza.
We Maltese do not like war, but it has always been our fate and our destiny.
A los malteses no nos gusta la guerra, pero siempre ha sido nuestro destino.
It has always been, Sire.
Siempre ha sido así.
As it has always been done in the past.
Como siempre se ha hecho en el pasado.
I shouldn't say it, but my son has always been very smart!
No debería decirlo, Pero mi hijo siempre ha sido muy inteligente!
And during the brief time it lasts this maximum force of gravity, notice that always has been an earthquake, and it has coincided with the opening cracks in the earth's surface.
Y durante el breve tiempo que dura esa máxima fuerza de gravedad, observarán que siempre habido un movimiento sísmico, y que éste ha coincidido con la apertura de una grieta en la superficie terrestre.

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