It has a tradutor Espanhol
41,166 parallel translation
It has a name?
¿ Tiene nombre?
And every day since, it has absorbed the water and sunshine it needed to grow into a giant.
Y cada día desde entonces, ha absorbido el agua y la luz solar que necesita para crecer hasta ser un gigante.
It has a Pentium processor and...
Tiene un procesador Pentium y...
It has a lot of components that can go bad and will go bad.
Tiene muchos componentes que pueden malograrse y lo harán.
It has a carbon fiber body, eight brushless motors.
Tiene un cuerpo de fibra de carbono, ocho motores sin escobillas.
It has a safety switch. In case I happen to step off the board, it'll kill power to all the motors simultaneously.
Tiene un interruptor de seguridad por si salgo de la patineta, que corta la alimentación de los motores a la vez.
If it were up to me, I'd let you leave now, but Oversight has a few questions about your phone records.
Si fuera por mí, lo dejaría irse ahora mismo, pero los supervisores tienen algunas preguntas sobre los registros telefónicos.
She has a hunch, whoa... whoa, hold on now, then that settles it.
Tiene una corazonada, espera... espera, espera, entonces eso lo arregla.
You haven't always been by my side, but it's better when you are.
No siempre has estado a mi lado, pero es mejor cuando lo estás.
Oh... well, if it has life, maybe it already has a name, huh?
Oh... bien, si contiene vida, quizá ya tiene un nombre, ¿ no?
Between it and the fact that he was shot outside a cheap motel, I cannot help but think that your catfish has migrated north.
Entre eso y el hecho de que le dispararon afuera de un motel barato, no puedo evitar pensar que nuestro señuelo migró al norte.
I have a feeling it has more to do with the... pervert family tree.
Tengo la impresión que se trata más de el árbol familiar de pervertidos.
It has been 302 days since I last saw my wife, Debbie.
Hace 302 días que no veo a mi esposa, Debbie.
She has devoted the last two years to raising her cub and very soon, it will be weaned.
Ha estado criando devotamente a su cachorra durante los últimos dos años, y muy pronto, se destetará.
Each flower only has a small amount at any one time, and so it's first come, first served.
Cada flor solo tiene una pequeña cantidad en el momento, y el primero en venir es el primero que se sirve.
It has found a solution that means it doesn't have to join the fight.
Ha encontrado una solución que supone no tener que unirse a la lucha.
Now it only has a red light on its head.
Ahora solo tiene la luz roja de su cabeza.
The giraffe has the speed and stamina to outrun the pride but it's being chased into a trap.
La jirafa tiene la velocidad y la resistencia para huir de la manada pero está siendo conducida a una trampa.
Instead, it has superb hearing.
A cambio tiene un oído magnífico.
They can travel two thirds of a mile a night in search of its dinner and right now, it has just detected its main course.
Pueden viajar 1 Km por noche en busca de cena... y justo acaba de detectar el plato principal.
Well, his squoosh has a name, and it's Ann Kim.
Bueno, su piva tiene nombre y es Ann Kim.
Did you do it with the five other women he's dating?
¿ Se lo has dado a las otras cinco mujeres con las que sale?
I felt like it was Christmas morning and I was ten.
Mi madre lo ha hecho bien. Oye, ¿ has visto a Dan? Estoy un poco nerviosa.
- Why'd you do it with a british accent?
¿ Por qué has puesto acento británico?
Now, usually a brisket has to grill for hours and hours, but Mac worked his magic on our grill, so now it only takes 30 minutes, when it doesn't suddenly burst into flames.
Usualmente una pechuga debe asarse por horas y horas, pero Mac, hizo su magia en nuestra parrilla, así que ahora solo toma treinta minutos, cuando no se incendia repentinamente
But it seems that you've dragged Riley into a very dangerous line of work.
Pero parece que has arrastrado a Riley a un trabajo muy peligroso.
Something's happened to Balthazar, I just know it has!
Algo le pasó a Balthazar, sé que ha pasado algo.
Without knowing it, you have helped me through the most difficult years of my life.
Sin saberlo, me has ayudado a través de los años más difíciles de mi vida.
May it comfort you as it has comforted me.
Que te consuele como me consoló a mí.
And soon enough, it becomes a rumor... that Marcus Aurelius has died.
Y pronto se convierte en el rumor de que Marco Aurelio ha muerto.
And now that it has been revealed, he cannot risk that the people find out.
Y ahora no puede arriesgarse a que el pueblo se entere.
Yes, our voices sound like garbage, and, yes, the MTA has a huge head start on us, and it's embarrassing.
Sí, nuestras voces son pura basura. Y, sí, la ATM nos lleva una gran ventaja, y es embarazoso.
Infused it with a little RB flavor, did you catch that?
Le he puesto un poco de sabor RnB, ¿ lo has notado?
Marjorie is smart and organized, and if you ever need hand sanitizer or a Band-Aid, she always has it on her.
Marjorie es inteligente y ordenada, y si alguna vez necesitas desinfectante de manos o tiritas, tiene siempre.
Uh, it has turned back on.
Acaba de volver a encenderse.
It's not a radical position, but I have a feeling a man of your intelligence has an interesting take on the subject.
No es una posición radical pero tengo la sensación de que un hombre de tu inteligencia tiene una parte interesante del tema.
It's like a ploughman has taken a team of oxen and a harrow to his face.
Es como si le hubiera arado la cara.
You've always wanted to set fire to the Tate Modern - doesn't mean it's a good idea.
Siempre has querido quemar el Tate Modern pero no significa que fuese una buena idea.
That's true, but when a fret's been fingered as many times as mine has, it gets looser and easier to play.
Eso es cierto, pero cuando un traste ha sido tocado tantas veces como el mío, se vuelve más flexible y fácil de tocar.
Is "back on track" a hint that it has something to do with trains?
¿ Es "volver al curso" una pista que tiene que ver algo con trenes?
It has force sensors that help it grip objects in different ways.
Tiene sensores de fuerza que le ayudan a tomar objetos de distintas maneras.
I estimate it has reached a core meltdown.
Me temo que comenzó la fusión del núcleo.
The government has indeed issued a red alert. But it is only a precautionary measure.
Es verdad lo del Código Rojo pero fue a modo de prevención.
In just five minutes, this crew has not only managed to hijack a helicopter, but they've flown it and landed it on the roof of the prison and now they're going in to get Pascal.
En solo cinco minutos, este equipo no solo secuestró un helicóptero, sino que volaron y lo aterrizaron sobre el techo de la prisión y ahora entrarán para buscar a Pascal.
it surely has to go down as one of the all-time great attempts.
... pasará a la historia como uno de los mejores intentos de todos los tiempos.
The Carbanak Gang has taken remote control of the machines... and commanded it to pay out at a predetermined time.
La Pandilla Carbanak tomó el control de las máquinas en forma remota... y les ordenó pagar en un horario predeterminado.
Sled number one has 300 pounds of knight on it.
El trineo número uno carga a un caballero de 136 kilos.
It has its roots in combat at a time when safety wasn't the highest concern.
Tiene sus raíces en el combate en un momento en que la seguridad no era la máxima preocupación.
This created a pretty big stink when it was introduced because people did not really appreciate their privates going so public, but it's also not wearable, and it also has a $ 100,000 price tag.
Esto creó un gran escándalo cuando se introdujo porque a la gente no le gustaba mostrar sus partes privadas, pero además no se puede llevar encima, y cuesta 100 000 dólares.
Then you open up an umbrella that also has a wire in it, and that's acting as the antenna. That I understand.
Luego abres un paraguas que también tiene un alambre, y eso actúa como antena.
We have to create a device that basically scrolls paper from one side to the other, which is the map and it has to correlate with the speed of the car, so that the map moves as the car moves.
Tenemos que crear un dispositivo que básicamente desplace papel de un lado hacia el otro, que es donde está el mapa y que tiene que guardar relación con la velocidad del auto, para que el mapa se mueva cuando se mueve auto.
it has been a long time 28
it has been a while 26
it has begun 40
it has 378
it hasn't happened yet 22
it has nothing to do with you 93
it hasn't 96
it has happened 17
it has to be you 46
it hasn't been easy 41
it has been a while 26
it has begun 40
it has 378
it hasn't happened yet 22
it has nothing to do with you 93
it hasn't 96
it has happened 17
it has to be you 46
it hasn't been easy 41