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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / It means a lot to me

It means a lot to me tradutor Espanhol

387 parallel translation
But I wouldn't let it go cheaply. It means a lot to me on account of the memories.
Significa mucho para mí, me trae muchos recuerdos.
It means a lot to me to win this fight, honey.
Ganar esta pelea significa mucho para mí, cariño.
It means a lot to me.
Significa mucho para mi.
I got a new deal on the fire. It means a lot to me.
Tengo que cerrar hoy un negocio importante.
It means a lot to me.
Significa mucho para mí.
Really, it means a lot to me.
Significa mucho para mí.
It means a lot to me to know that now I have a friend here.
Para mí es muy importante saber que, ahora, tengo una amiga en la región.
It means a lot to me.
Lo aprecio mucho.
Yes, but... it means a lot to me.
Sí, pero para mí significa mucho.
You know... it means a lot to me, having you for a daughter.
Sabes, para mí es muy importante tenerla como hija. Virginia.
It means a lot to me personally.
Significa mucho para mí personalmente.
It means a lot to me.
Eso es lo que más aprecio.
It may not sound like much, but it means a lot to me.
Son cosas que parecen tontas... @ - pero son importantes... para mí... - ¡ De acuerdo!
This means a lot to Senator Birney and it means a lot to me too.
Significa mucho para el senador Birney y para mí.
- I mean, it means a lot to me.
- Para mí significa mucho.
I'd really like to play, and it means a lot to me.
Realmente me gustaría jugar, significa mucho para mi.
Whatever this is, it means a lot to me.
Sea lo que sea, significa mucho para mí.
And it means a lot to me.
Y ahora es para ti.
And I just, would like you to know that my uncle was a really important figure in my life and this would have meant a lot to him and it means a lot to me.
Y solo quería hacerte saber que mi tío fue alguien muy importante en mi vida y esto hubiera significado mucho para él igual que para mí.
- It means a lot to me too, Dwayne
- Para mi también, Dwayne.
It means a lot to me.
Es muy importante para mi.
If it's about magic, let's go on vacation. It means a lot to me. Wherever you want.
Si quieres algo poético, y yo también lo quiero... vámonos de viaje donde quieras.
It means a lot to me that all of you are willing to do this.
Significa mucho para mí el que hagan esto. Gracias.
It means a lot to me, both as an employee and flesh - and blood-wise.
Gracias, como empleado y sangre de tu sangre.
It means a lot to me, too, Vern.
También significa mucho para mí, Vernon.
I fought hard for this job. It means a lot to me.
Este trabajo es importante para mí.
It means a lot to me that you'd...
Para mí significa mucho que usted...
it means a lot to me too
¿ Entendido?
At any rate, although I won't be working on it any more, the script still means a lot to me.
No puedo estar mientras hagan el drama. Pero es un trabajo muy valioso para mí.
Well, family may not mean anything to you... but it means a whole lot to me.
Puede que la familia no signifique nada para ti... pero para mí significa mucho.
It means such a lot to me.
Significa mucho para mí.
Oh, perdóname, Thompson, pero significa muchísimo para mí.
Maybe to you, but to me it means a lot of sacrifices
Lo serán para usted. Para mí es un gran sacrificio, no se hace idea.
All it means to me is that you're terrified... hiding under a lot of rubbish about the functions of a robot.
Sólo demuestra estar aterrorizado, y se esconde con necedades sobre las funciones de un robot.
- It's for someone that means an awful lot to me. - A lady friend.
Es para una persona a la que quiero mucho.
It may seem a little thing to you, Mr. Lawrence but Carlos means a lot to me.
Quizá le parezca insignificante pero Carlos es importante para mí.
This road means a lot to me, and I know what it means to you, but I think the thing for us to do is to stop work on this road.
Este camino significa mucho para Ud.y para mí... pero creo que debemos dejar de construir el camino.
To me it means a lot...
Pero tú a mí, sí que me importas y me importas mucho.
I don't know what that means to you, but to me it meant a lot.
No sé que le dirá eso a usted, pero a mí me dice mucho.
- Out of my own pocket. - It's not the money, Mr Fawlty. My karate means a lot to me.
No es el dinero, el kárate es importante para mí.
Look, I take you in now, it means a lot of money to me.
Mira, te entrego ahora, significa mucho dinero para mí.
Now, that might not mean much to you, but it means a hell of a lot to me!
¡ Puede que no signifique mucho para ti, pero es muy importante para mí!
Why don't you open it? It means a hell of a lot more to you than it does to me.
No tengo ningún interés en involucrarme con un equipo de West Beverly Hills.
I think it's time to propose a toast... to a little lady who means an awful lot to me.
Ha llegado el momento de proponer un brindis. Por una dama que significa mucho para mí.
That bike means a lot to me, it does.
Esa bici significa mucho para mi, esa bici, sí.
While that might not mean jack shit to you, it means a hell of a lot to me.
Aunque eso no signifique una mierda para ti, significa mucho para mí.
You know, Mom, it seems going to some fancy college means a whole lot more to Brenda than it does to me.
Sabes, mamá, el ir a una universidad de moda le importa mucho más a Brenda que a mí.
That means a lot to me, Chief. It really does.
Eso significa mucho para mí, jefe.
It just means a lot to me.
Solo significa mucho para mi.
I was the one that had to remind you when Christmas came around that... while it doesn't mean anything to you, it means a whole hell of a lot to me.
Yo era la que tenía que recordarte cuándo llegaba la Navidad... que aunque no significa nada para ti, era importantísima para mí.
- Well, if- - But before you say anything just know that your opinion means a lot to me and if you hate it I can't anticipate the downward spiral it might send me on.
Pues es... pero, pero antes de que la digas, tienes que saber que tu opinión significa mucho para mí, y que si no te gusta me voy a hundir en un pozo muy profundo.

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