It seems that tradutor Espanhol
8,334 parallel translation
It seems that you're not in a state of distress. It has come to my attention that you intend to participate in the race
Ha llegado a mis oídos que pensáis participar en la carrera que Su Majestad ha dispuesto para mañana.
Well, inspector it seems that these few are using your planet to make a major weapons deal with the Separatist.
Bueno, Inspectora parece que esos pocos estan utilizando su planeta para crear un gran tráfico de armas con los Separatistas.
It seems that Hudson University is more concerned with their Clery Act stats than they are with rape.
Parece que la Universidad Hudson está más preocupada con las estadísticas que con las violaciones.
It seems that Samaritan has been helping people across the city for a few days now.
Parece que Samaritano ha estado ayudando a la gente en toda la ciudad por unos dias ahora.
It seems that we forgot to talk to Lily before coming in to see you.
Parece que nos olvidamos de hablar con Lily... antes de venir a verla.
It seems that when somebody's been touched by the spell, that you can use them to undo it.
- Parece que cuando... alguien fue afectado, puedes usarlos para deshacer el hechizo.
It seems that we're stuck here, then, till Francis finds us.
Parece que estamos atrapadas aquí, hasta que Francisco nos encuentre.
It seems that having hateful views doesn't necessarily make you a liar.
Parece que tener miradas de odio... no necesariamente te convierten en un mentiroso.
Yes and it seems that someone saw them and took a video.
Sí, y parece ser que alguien la vio y grabó el video.
It seems that the, uh... well, the firm was rated quite poorly for diversity, so we need to show them that we have some by taking a few pictures.
Al parecer, la, uh... bien, la firma fue calificado bastante mal a la diversidad, así que necesitamos mostrarles que tenemos alguna tomando algunas fotos.
It seems that that kind of merger between two simpler life forms may be extremely rare.
Parece que ese tipo de fusión entre dos formas de vida más simples puede ser extremadamente raro.
It seems that Witynska laid low after the attack.
Parece que Witynski se escondió después del ataque.
I have been... Through every page of this journal, and it seems that the only troubles left for me to let out are anything but manageable.
He leído cada página de este diario y parece que los problemas que quedan para liberar son casi incontrolables.
And now it seems that I am... giving them out.
Y ahora parece que se los estoy... dando a otros.
In the middle of the night, when it seems that dawn will never come, I paced my chambers, hoping for a sign.
En medio de la noche cuando parecía que no amanecería... caminaba por mi habitación esperando una señal...
mind-blowing truth 0 it seems that a large fraction of stars in the galaxy have planets and in fact many of those stars have multiple planets these XO planets range in size from gas giant planets bigger than Jupiter on to rocky worlds like the earth
a mundos rocosos como la Tierra allí dondequiera que miremos nuestro planeta Tierra no es única ni siquiera está más rara su arte toneladas hordas rebaños si se quiere por encima de otros planetas similares a la Tierra por ahí revoloteando alrededor de las otras estrellas
It seems that way.
Debe ser cierto.
It seems that someone here knows history.
Parece que alguien aquí sabe historia.
It seems that the past comes to us.
Parece que el pasado viene a nosotros.
It seems like you're not the same Francis that we saw just a few weeks ago.
Parece que no eres el mismo Francis que vimos solo hace unas semanas.
It seems from the report that she paid for college by working as an escort.
Por el informe, parece que se pagó la universidad trabajando como acompañante.
Tell that to the author because he seems to have made it a rule that villains don't get happy endings, even if they change, even if they try to be good.
Díselo al autor, porque... parece que su regla es que los villanos no tienen finales felices... aunque cambien e intenten ser buenos.
- Hmm. - And, you know, dad, I read that brochure about native American studies, and it actually seems super-interesting.
Sabes, papá, leí ese folleto sobre los estudios nativo Americanos, y de veras parece súper interesante.
But that seems about right for you. Go for it.
Pero parece ser el correcto para ti.
And even more excited that it And even more excited that it seems like, you know, we can Seems like, you know, we can help each other.
Y más emocionado aún porque podemos ayudarnos el uno al otro.
It seems to me, based on your and Zoe's testimony, that you were also a victim in this matter.
Me parece, en base a su testimonio y el de Zoe... que usted era también una víctima en este asunto.
Here I was thinking that we were gonna be here all day, and it seems like all we needed to do to get a confession was to ask nicely.
Y yo que pensé que estaríamos todo el día... y parece que lo único que necesitábamos para que confesara... era pedirlo educadamente.
♪ Hopin'♪ ♪ Dreams are great or so it seems ♪ ♪ If I never find one I guess that's okay ♪
â ™ ª Deseando â ™ ª â ™ ª Soñar es lo mejor â ™ ª â ™ ª o eso parece ser â ™ ª â ™ ª Deseo por un sueño â ™ ª â ™ ª Deseando, deseando, deseando â ™ ª
It seems like a lot of songwriters will go from Texas to Nashville, but you seem like you were one of the few that went back.
Al parecer muchos compositores se van de Texas a Nashville, pero parece como si fuera uno de los pocos que regresó.
I think that if you believe in yourself and you believe in what it is you're doing and not worry about what's going on outside, that always seems to draw excitement.
Pienso que si creés en vos mismo y creés en lo que es que estás haciendo y no te preocupás por lo que pasa afuera, eso siempre parece atraer entusiasmo.
It seems to me that you are uniquely qualified to paint a portrait of our killer.
Me parece que está únicamente calificada para pintar un retrato de nuestro asesino.
including one civilisation, an intelligent civilisation, that's managed, ultimately, to begin to launch spaceships beyond our solar system into the stars, and, it seems, has also produced aquatic pigs!
que vemos en este planeta, aparecieron casi en un abrir y cerrar de ojos incluyendo una civilización, una civilización inteligente, que ha logrado, por último, empezar a lanzar naves espaciales más allá de nuestro sistema solar hacia las estrellas, y, parece, ¡ que también ha producido cerdos acuáticos!
It seems our powers of prediction failed us and that's because, in reality, nature can be chaotic.
Parece que nuestros poderes de predicción fallaron y eso es porque, en realidad, la naturaleza puede ser caótica.
I think we expect, in fact, we demand that the future is going to be better than the past, but it seems to me that we're not prepared to pay for it.
Creo que esperamos, es más, demandamos que el futuro sea mejor que el pasado, pero me parece que no estamos preparados para pagarlo.
That's what it seems.
Parece que sí.
Funny,'cause it seems like anybody that wanted to could.
Qué curioso, porque parece que cualquiera podría hacerlo.
It's one of those things that seems bad, but really is good.
Es una de esas cosas que parecen malas, pero realmente son buenas.
I know that this seems a little out of the blue, but I've thought a lot about it, and I would really appreciate your support.
Sé que parece traído de los pelos, pero he pensado mucho en ello... y realmente apreciaría su apoyo.
The fascinating news tonight so far is that it seems like everyone's doing 6 and 6.
Sam, me estás estresando y eso no es bueno. Las noticias fascinantes de esta noche hasta ahora son que parece que todo el mundo está haciendo 6 y 6.
So, there are these theories that this was the big shifting point in human history. It is really interesting to note that the interaction with these higher beings seems to only be located in the past.
Betty termina yendo con ellos a algún lugar que cree que es su mundo.
warp drive would fire us to Proxima Centauri in just five months and to the 50 stars be on just a few years but that's still just our galactic backyard work trip to the far side of the Milky Way would take 10,000 the trip beyond it to the closest galaxies hundreds thousands of years on the scale of the universe even work drive seems pathetically slow but there is one last time another way to go faster than the speed of light
tomaría 10.000 el viaje más allá de ella a la más cercana galaxias cientos miles de años en la escala del universo incluso trabajar conducir parece patéticamente lenta pero hay una última vez otra manera de ir más rápido que la velocidad de luz
The adults believe that showing off luxury brands is a statement of success and respect. It seems this kind of behavior has been passed down to their children.
La ostentación de los adultos, de que debes llevar un producto caro en tu brazo o cuerpo para recibir un trato apropiado, ha alzado las voces preocupadas de que los jóvenes puedan estar siendo influenciados.
That's what it seems.
Justo lo que parece.
Without even pausing to think for a second, it seems like it was easy for you to answer that.
Tu respuesta es tan simple, sin duda alguna.
It's interesting to note that a man named Elisha Gray seems to have invented a similar device right about the same time that Bell did.
Es interesante apuntar que un hombre llamado Elisha Gray parace haber inventado un artefacto similar prácticamente al mismo tiempo que Bell.
But it's that state of consciousness to where all time seems to recede into the background.
Pero es el estado de conciencia en donde todo el tiempo parece desvanecerse a un segundo plano.
So if our mind is really part of this universal mind, it seems very possible that we are being bombarded and infused by all kinds of extraterrestrial thoughts and we don't even know it.
Entonces, si nuestra mente es realmente parte de esta mente universal, parece muy posible que estemos siendo bombardeados e influidos por todo tipo de pensamientos extraterrestres y ni siquiera lo sabemos.
Why is it that any one decision always seems too small to be the biggest decision of your life?
Por qué es que cualquier decisión siempre parece demasiado pequeño para ser el decisión más importante de tu vida?
There's no way of knowing ifthe downtown barricade can hold. It seems clear that Outbreak Two is happening.
No hay manera de saber si el bloqueo aguantará... pero está claro que es el comienzo de la segunda epidemia.
Yeah that right, but if you wanna make a real difference in this world... that's a lot harder than it seems.
Sí, pero si quieres cambiar al mundo es mucho más difícil de lo que parece.
Steven, it seems to me that you're using my case to promote your cause, gay marriage.
Steven, me parece que usa mi caso para promocionar su causa el matrimonio gay.
it seems that way 37
it seems to be 17
it seems like 43
it seems today that all you see 46
it seems to me 101
it seems 505
it seems so 68
it seems impossible 22
it seems like it 16
it seems not 17
it seems to be 17
it seems like 43
it seems today that all you see 46
it seems to me 101
it seems 505
it seems so 68
it seems impossible 22
it seems like it 16
it seems not 17
seems that way 46
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25