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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ J ] / Just answer me

Just answer me tradutor Espanhol

600 parallel translation
but you've asked me to come but you said you... you'd never come but it's beautiful that you're here, sit down just answer me one question?
pero usted me ha pedido que venga pero usted dijo... que nunca vendría pero es agradable que esté aquí, siéntese ¿ solo contésteme una pregunta?
¡ Un millón de cosas!
Just answer me one question, that's all I ask
Contéstame una sola pregunta, sólo te pido eso.
Just answer me that.
Contésteme a eso.
Just answer me yes or no.
Solo contéstame sí o no.
Just answer me that. What for?
Sólo responde eso : ¿ para qué?
Just answer me!
¡ Contéstame!
Just answer me yes or no.
Sólo responde sí o no.
Just answer me!
¡ Responde!
And just answer me man-to-man : you just want to dump me, right.
Y nomás contéstame a lo macho : tú te quieres separar de mí.
You won't answer anyone's questions at all, but you'll ask me questions, huh? If you don't want to answer me, then you don't have to. Just like me.
pero sí me las harás... no tienes que hacerlo.
And anyone who can come up with an idea as good as the one that you just had can also come up with the answer.
Cualquiera que me de una idea tan buena como la tuya, podría ayudarme a encontrar la solución. podría ayudarme a encontrar la solución.
Then just tell him if he doesn't pay his bill today he'll have to answer to me.
Entonces dígale que si no paga sus deudas hoy Me va a tener que escuchar.
Just me own drinking to answer for.
Padezco resaca.
Now I'm going to make you hear it and give me an answer for l just can't go on so any longer.
Y ahora vas a oírlo y me darás una respuesta porque así no puedo continuar.
- You know... Just a moment ago, if I didn't answer, it's because...
- Sabes... si no me ofrecí como voluntario, el caso es que...
I haven't even noticed how it happened, I just asked, the old or the new Palace, and I didn't get an answer, I asked again, please, old or new Corso Palace hotel, there are two of them.
Ni siquiera he notado cómo sucedió, Acababa de preguntarle, si el Palace viejo o el nuevo y no me respondió. Volví a preguntarle, por favor, el viejo o el nuevo Corso Palace Hotel, hay dos...
Just answer yes or no, but don't explain.
Responde sólo sí o no, pero no me expliques.
Yes, but if you did ask me, and I did answer yes, and we did get married, now, mind you, I'm just supposing, where would we live?
Sí, pero si lo hubieses hecho, y yo te hubiese aceptado, estaríamos casados... Cuidado, no son más que suposiciones, ¿ dónde viviríamos?
I'm afraid i haven't very much of an answer To what you just said.
Me temo que no tiene mucho de respuesta a lo que acaba de decir.
I have an answer for that... but I can't think of it just now.
Tengo una respuesta para eso, pero no se me ocurre en este momento.
I want you to answer just one question.
Quiero que me respondas una sola pregunta.
I just called again and I couldn't get an answer.
Acabo de volver a llamar y no me contestan.
If you would answer me just one question
Sólo se trata de contestar a una pregunta.
When you ask me something like that, I should have a good answer... and I will, but I just can't think of one now.
Cuando me preguntas algo así, debería tener una buena respuesta y ya la tendré, lo que pasa es que ahora mismo no se me ocurre ninguna.
Won't you answer just one question?
¿ No me contestas siquiera una pregunta?
Just give me an honest answer.
Responde con sinceridad.
It's just that if you want to ask me any other question, I'm sure I can answer it.
Si me hace otra pregunta, sé que podría contestarla.
Could you answer one simple question just to cheer me up?
¿ Me podrías responder, para darme el gusto?
Uh, he'd just like me to put you wise to a few things, uh, show you the ropes, answer any questions.
Sólo quiere que le enseñe unas cosas. Cómo desenvolverse. - Contestaré a sus preguntas.
Might as well just ask me if I want to get married, period. And the answer to that is no.
Debería preguntarme si quiero casarme antes que nada y la respuesta es no.
Answer me just one question, will ya?
Escucha, contéstame una pregunta, ¿ sí?
Did she say something about me? Why don't you answer? Maricchia's just a kid.
¿ Has encontrado a otra y yo ya no te gusto?
Look, just because I'm your mother in law, you could answer me.
Oye, aunque sólo sea porque soy tu suegra, podrías responderme, ¿ no?
You don't have to talk to me, just answer yes or no.
No necesita hablar conmigo, diga solo si o no.
Just give me the answer.
Sólo dígamelo.
If I've left anything out, just ask me specific questions - - And I'll be glad to answer them one by one.
Se me ha olvidado algo, pero háganme preguntas concretas y las contestaré una a una.
I used to sit and just glare at people... or I wouldn't even answer when they spoke to me.
Me sentaba y miraba a la gente... o ni siquiera respondía cuando me hablaban.
I just want you to answer me.
Pero respóndeme.
You don't have to answer me now if you don't want to, but just say something.
No tiene que responder ahora si no quiere. Pero diga algo.
I know Larry asked me not to discuss this with you... but I just have to have an answer on this Hawaiian deal.
Sé que Larry me pidió que no hablase de esto contigo... pero necesito una respuesta sobre lo de Hawai.
May I ask one question? Just answer yes or no.
Sólo una pregunta si me lo permites Contesta sólo sí o no.
Judge, it don't do me no good... to talk against people who ain't here to answer back... but all we done to Nick and Carmine... was just return a package they left at our house.
Juez, no me hace ningún bien... hablar de gente que no esta aquí para defenderse... pero todo lo que le hicimos a Nick y Carmine.... fue devolverle el paquete que ellos dejaron en nuestra casa.
I'm willing to forget all this... but you have to give me your answer by tommorrow, otherwise... I'll just have to defend my own interests.
Yo estoy dispuesto a olvidar todo... pero decidan antes de mañana, o de lo contrario... tendré que decidirme a defender mis intereses.
So answer instead of just standing there.
Me podrías haber respondido directamente.
I puzzled over it for days, let me tell you, and then suddenly the answer came to me just like that. Are you ready?
Lo he meditado durante días, y entonces, de repente la respuesta se me ha ocurrido sin más. ¿ Estás listo?
So tell me. Just answer.
¡ Contesta!
I believe i can get the answer, sir, if you'll just leave me alone with her.
Creo que puedo obtener la respuesta, señor, si sólo me deja a solas con ella.
Go sit down, please! - Mario, enough of this balloon!... give me an answer, I've been here for half a hour... Excuse me, just a moment...
¡ Siéntate, haz el favor!
He looks like he's makin'to answer or to take a mouth of coffee... when just like that... his face all spitters out... spilling in his coffee and all over hisself... with none of his face left on with it.
Me pareció que iba a contestar, o a tomar otro sorbo de café cuando... de repente, le estalla la cara. Y se le cayó el café encima.
I'll just wait right here until you come out and give me an answer.
Esperaré justo aquí hasta que salgas y me des una respuesta.

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