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Killing him tradutor Espanhol

2,354 parallel translation
It must be killing him.
Eso debe estarlo matando.
Even if killing him would clear your name?
¿ Y si matándolo limpiaras tu nombre?
- She's killing him, man.
- Lo está matando, tío.
My God, it's killing him!
Dios mío, que lo está matando!
Let's find it, and kill it, and then we're one step closer to killing him.
Si lo destruimos nos faltará menos para matarlo a él.
Must be good to have kept my son a prisoner in that nasty little trailer before killing him.
Debe ser buena para mantener a mi hijo prisionero en ese sucio acoplado antes de matarlo.
I am killing him in front of you
Voy a matarle delante de ti.
Come on Stu, it's killing him.
Vamos, Stu, lo esta matando.
Listen to wise little Wagner... whose love for his teacher is well-nigh killing him.
Esto le dice el pequeño sabio Wagner,... quien se conmueve de amor por su maestro.
You're mad at me for killing him....
Se enojan porque Io mato...
Which would mean that if he created us and we were to kill him, he would be killing himself?
Lo que significaría que si el nos ha creado y nosotros vamos a matarlo, ¿ él estaría matando a sí mismo?
You're killing him!
¡ La está matando!
That kid talks, I'm killing him I'm killing his family and anyone he's ever talked to in his life!
Si el chico habla, lo mataré ¡ mataré a su familia y a todo con el que haya hablado en su vida!
They were killing him.
Lo estaban matando.
They're fucking killing him!
¡ Lo están matando!
You know what kept me from killing him?
¿ Sabes qué me impedía matarlo?
This business is killing him.
Este negocio lo está matando.
Confirm thrice the death of badri after killing him.
Una vez que mates a Badri, asegúrate tres veces que murió,
No, but killing him was worse.
No, pero matarle fue peor.
But I bet he believed in that creature as it was killing him.
Pero apuesto a que creyó en esa criatura cuando lo estaba matando.
You can never save your tribe without killing him first.
No podras salvar a tus amigos sin esta espada. Encuéntrala primero, antes de ir a salvarlos.
Fry, you are going to shoot Bender, killing him and shattering the fake bottle, just as I predicted.
Fry, vas a dispararle a Bender, matarle y romper la botella falsa, tal y como predije.
And a British flag sure wasn't gonna stop you from killing him.
Y una bandera inglesa seguramente no iba a evitar que lo mates.
Only thing better than killing Jacob in person is killing him when you're not even there.
Mejor que matar a Jacob en persona Es matarlo sin siquiera estar hay.
Killing him would have eliminated that problem, but there was still Jody.
Matándolo podría haber eliminado el problema, pero aún estaba Jody.
Why does everyone think I'm so hell-bent on killing him?
¿ Por qué todo el mundo cree que estoy endiabladamente empeñada en matarlo?
- Killing him was not part of the plan! - I know, Peter.
- Asesinarlo no era parte del plan.
You never had any intention of killing him, did you?
Nunca pensaste en matarlo, ¿ verdad?
You're killing him!
¡ Lo estas matando!
It's killing him.
Le está matando.
You'll have to kill me to stop me killing him.
Tendrás que matarme para que no le mate.
We're killing him.
Lo estamos matando.
Killing him won't solve anything.
Matarle no resolverá nada.
Because after all this time, I still dream about killing him.
Porque después de todo este tiempo, sigo soñando con matarlo.
I'll get sent down for 30 years for killing Gemito, .. when it might not have been him.
Que me voy a comer 30 años por haber matado a Gemito que no tenía nada que ver.
And yet you declared that you spent the afternoon of January 23rd, 1981 with him, when according to Annibaldi, your boyfriend was at the betting shop killing Remo Gemito.
Y sin embargo, declaró haber pasado con él la tarde del 23 de enero de 1981 cuando, sin embargo, según Annibaldi su novio estaba en la sala de apuestas matando a Remo Gemito.
And I alone had stopped him from killing more.
Y yo solo había evitado que siguiera matando.
You think we can toss the idea of him faking the killing outside the door?
¿ Cree que podamos olvidarnos de eso de que finja matarnos detrás de la puerta?
A man we sent in to infiltrate Red Flag last year died when a taxi swerved into him, killing them both.
Un hombre que enviamos a infiltrarse en Red Flag el año pasado murió cuando un taxi se desvió hacia él, matando a ambos.
I have no issues with you killing Athos but if it's all the same to you, I'd rather not watch him die.
- Al contrario no me importa que eliminen a Athos pero... si no te importa preferiría no verlo muerto.
Hard as it surely was and however much pain it's cost him, he refuses to be proud of killing, I suppose.
Seguro fue muy duro y le trajo mucho dolor. Se niega a estar orgulloso de matar, supongo.
I brought her after killing him.
¡ Yo la traje después de que lo mate, papá!
She just wants to stop him from getting rich from a song about killing her mom.
No quiere que se haga rico con una canción de cómo mató a su madre.
The wings he gave him wound up killing his son.
Las alas que le dio terminaron por matar a su hijo.
Killing Mags ain't gonna bring him back.
Matar a Mags no lo revivirá.
So all this? The tag killing, the clues weren't for us at all. It was all for him?
Entonces todo esto... los asesinatos con firma, las pistas ¿ no eran para nosotros sino para él?
We got video of him killing Lieutenant Ross at the Pentagon two days ago.
Tenemos el vídeo de él matando al teniente Ross. en el Pentágono hace dos días.
I could forgive him for killing our folks, but I can't forgive him for what he did to you.
Lo perdoné por matar a nuestros padres, pero no lo puedo perdonar por lo que te hizo.
Salerno suspected him of killing a girl named Lizzy Adler a year ago, but he couldn't make it stick.
Salerno sospechaba que mató a una chica llamada Lizzy Adler hace un año, pero no podía probarlo.
You could never cut somebody up, but you're perfectly capable of killing a man for money, and then leaving him there, for somebody else to find him dead on the floor.
Usted jamás podría cortar a alguien pero es perfectamente capaz de matar a un hombre por dinero. Y dejarlo ahí esperando que alguien encuentre el cuerpo en el suelo.
And it just ain't no way I can see him ever killing anybody.
No hay forma de verlo matar a nadie.

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