Look up here tradutor Espanhol
1,187 parallel translation
Look up here a minute.
Mira hacia aquí.
Look up here.
Acá, arriba.
Look up here, look up here!
¡ Aquí arriba!
Thought I'd put the bedroom back over in here in the front of the house so we can wake up every morning and look out that old picture window and watch the sun come up.
Pensé poner nuestro cuarto aquí en la parte de delante... para que al despertarnos por la mañana, veamos por la ventana cómo sale el sol.
Sometimes these islands all look alike from up here.
A veces a esta altura las islas parecen iguales.
Scary place. Look, you are gonna be standing up here tonight and not me. And if you don't know what to do, you'll look the fool.
Mira, tú vas a estar parado ahí esta noche, no yo... si no quieres verte como un tonto... ¡ vamos!
That's funny because it says here in the paper this guy was driving around around midnight, went down to the yacht club or something to look at his boat and kaplooie, somebody just happened to blow up his car.
Dice que ese hombre iba conduciendo a medianoche. Fue al club náutico a ver su barco y alguien hizo estallar el coche.
RICHARD ; You know, when I wake up in the night alone and I can't sleep. I have to go and look and see if I'm still here.
Cuando me despierto por la noche sola y no puedo dormir tengo que mirar para ver si sigo ahí.
I just thought if I got outta here and you didn't maybe I'd look her up.
Porque si tú la palmas y yo no, le haré una proposición deshonesta.
Even the-the stars up here in the-in the sky look like a mess.
hasta las estrellas arriba en el cielo parecen un caos.
Look what he brought up here all by himself.
Mira lo que ha subido hasta aquí él solo.
I figured our fanatic friend here might look you up to get you to repent your sins.
Pensé que nuestro fanático amigo... lo buscaría para que se arrepienta de sus pecados
Look I got to get up early, so why don't you get the fuck outta here?
Andate ya! maldita sea!
Look, can I help you make up the difference here?
¿ Puedo ayudarle a cubrir la diferencia?
But if you look at statistics, you're safer up here than on the ground.
Pero según la estadística, aquí está más seguro que en tierra.
Look, all I know is they wanted me to pick him up and bring him here... no questions asked.
Mire, todo lo que sé es que querían que lo recogiera y lo trajera aquí sin hacer preguntas.
- Maybe put a platform back here... so it'll raise you up and make you feel and look more intimidating, you know.
- Deberías poner una plataforma. Así, estarás más alto. Te sentirás y lucirás más amedrentador.
[Sighs] Look, I can get Barbara Carrow up here in 20 minutes, and we'll straighten this whole thing out.
Puedo traer a Bárbara Carrow en 20 minutos y aclarar todo.
Like how they're gonna cook me and eat me alive up here if I don't look out what I'm doing.
Sobre cómo me comerán vivo aquí si no me cuido en lo que hago.
Look, Braddock, I invited you up here for a nightcap, not...
Braddock, le invité aquí a tomarse una copita no- -
Um, look, Trav... we got quite a bit of traveling'to do here. You're not gonna clam up the whole way, are you?
Oye, Trav, será un viaje muy largo.
Look, she was driving me crazy. She was always hanging around up here.
Me volvía loco, siempre husmeando.
Look here, woman. I'm short on man power. I won't have you goin'around doping'up any of my men without orders from me.
- Escuche, Srta... tengo pocos hombres, no los dope... sin órdenes mías, ¿ está claro?
I'm up here where l can get a better look at you.
Yo estoy aca arriba donde puedo ver mejor.
- Sal, look, isn't this the Allenville exit coming up here again?
¿ no es la salida de Allenville otra vez?
And if you look around, here, or wherever you are now, you see how the modern world is made up of answers.
Y si usted mira alrededor, aquí, o doquiera que esté ahora, usted ve cómo el mundo moderno está hecho de respuestas.
But I was sitting there, playing the piano, wearing my tuxedo, lookin'snazzy as hell? Always try to look snazzy, Edwin? When Johnnie Ray said, "Get up here, Charlie, and sing these people a song."
Pero estaba ahí sentado, tocando el piano con mi esmoquin, tremendamente vistoso siempre intenta lucir vistoso, Edwin cuando Johnnie Ray dijo : "Ven aquí, Charlie, y cántales una canción".
Well, we can't just sit up here and look like a bunch of dummies.
Bueno, no podemos quedarnos sentados y vernos como un montón de tontos.
Look, all you have to do is keep an eye on me until Pamela's investigator gets here and cleans up this mess.
mire, todo lo que usted tiene que hacer es cuidarme Hasta que el investigador de Pamela llegue Aquí y ordene todo.
Look, I knew coming up here was a mistake.
- Sabía que subir era un error.
Look, I'm not looking for any glory here, but I rounded up, single-handed about 10 guys with a weapon.
No busco la gloria, pero he reducido y maniatado a unos 10 tipos.
When you get up - Look here.
Cuando te levantes... Atiende.
Look here, you've managed to muddle me up completely!
Mira, has logrado confundirme completamente.
Hey, you, look! Up here!
Oigan, ustedes, ¡ miren aquí arriba!
And you've been... living here.... lt's sad... I'll go and look her up.
Y tú estabas aquí. Viviendo aquí. Es triste...
Oh here look there's a drill and down here there's a nozzle sucking things up.
Oh, mira aquí hay un taladro y aquí hay una boquilla de succión cosas.
Look at this, I'm hanging Elvis up right here.
Mira esto! Colgué a Elvis aquí.
Look, it's obvious that things are heating up here a little bit too much.
Miren, es obvio que las cosas se están poniendo muy acaloradas.
Look at all the women in the audience right now looking up here like this :
Miren a todas las mujeres en la audiencia ahora mismo mirando hacia aca :
So we'd better have our story straight before they get here, especialy if Kruger turns up dead before they get a chance to look.
Sobre todo si Krueger aparece muerto antes de buscar.
Do you get all dressed up, stay here, and look like an idiot, or go to the game, stand up the only date you'll ever have, and look like an idiot?
Te puedes arreglar y quedarte a hacer el idiota o perderte la única cita de tu vida y hacer el idiota.
I'll look for them. Alright, hurry up. I want to get out of here.
Bueno, date prisa.
I mean, look at this place! It looks like a flamingo threw up in here!
Parece que un flamenco vomitó acá.
A way to structure their deal... so it won't look like the Arabs are buying up the country... making sure they wind up with the money. Here's my idea.
Una manera de estructurar su negocio... por lo tanto no parecerá que los árabes están comprando el país... asegurarse de que terminen con el dinero.
Look, it might come up through here.
Mira, podría subir por aquí.
- Tools are up here, Eddie. - Look at this!
- Las herramientas están aquí, Eddie.
We got you up there, kid! Take a look at the firepower down here.
¡ Estáis rodeados, mira cuántos rifles os apuntan!
Look, it's a two-page layout with her suicide note right up here in the corner.
Mira, es una página doble con la nota de su suicidio aquí arriba, en la esquina.
Yeah, but here, Bud isn't on the floor trying to look up girls'dresses. Shh.
Una docena de polveadores Patty, un cuarto de galón de Adiós-Barbilla, una docena de... delineadores "Él cree que son los ojos de alguien más"
Well, Peg, maybe it's just because we're up here on the second floor and all, and it's hard to get up here to look.
Bien, Peg, quizás sea porque estamos en el segundo piso y es dificil subir aquí a mirar.
Well, Peg, maybe it's just because we're up here on the second floor and all, and it's hard to get up here to look.
Conozco esa mano. ¿ Al?
look up 243
look up there 52
up here 454
here 35434
here we go 9033
here you go 5858
here we go again 374
here comes the sun 21
here goes nothing 99
here comes the bride 39
look up there 52
up here 454
here 35434
here we go 9033
here you go 5858
here we go again 374
here comes the sun 21
here goes nothing 99
here comes the bride 39
here it comes 620
here it is 2313
here we are 2264
here she comes 366
here you are 1966
here i come 382
here's the thing 1106
here's my number 71
here we come 237
here they come 557
here it is 2313
here we are 2264
here she comes 366
here you are 1966
here i come 382
here's the thing 1106
here's my number 71
here we come 237
here they come 557