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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ M ] / Male announcer

Male announcer tradutor Espanhol

124 parallel translation
( Male announcer )'Drivers wheeling the cars out now, folks.' 'Re-start them.'
Están llevando los coches a la salida.
( Male announcer )'Here they come down the straight away.' There's the flag and they're off.
Ya se aproximan, baja la bandera y comienza la carrera.
( Male announcer )'What a night and what a crowd.'
¡ Qué noche! ¡ Qué multitud!
( Male announcer )'Well, here's a surprise.' 'Number 25 with Spud Connors, substituting for Eddie Greer'
La sorpresa de la noche, el no 25.
( Male announcer )'Fighting it out with everything they've got.' 'There goes Eddie into the lead.'
Luchan con todo lo que tienen.
( Male announcer )'There goes Joe Greer, number one.'
Ahí va el número 1, Joe Greer
( Male announcer )'There goes Eddie Greer in car number two in to the lead.'
Eddie Greer lleva la delantera en el coche número 2
( Male announcer )'Here we are at the 150th lap.''375 miles have been burned up.'
Es la vuelta número 150, ya han recorrido 375 millas.
( Male announcer )'Car number two The Duncan Martin special is back.' 'With Greer's relief driver taking over.'
El coche 2 vuelve a la carrera con el piloto suplente.
( Male announcer )'And Eddie has gone back in as mechanic.'
Eddie ha vuelco a la pista con él.
( Male announcer )'We're now in our 198th lap 'And have less than five miles to go.'
Ahora quedan menos de 5 millas para acabar la carrera.
( Male announcer )'They're on Arnolds tail and gradually creeping up.' 'But can they make it before the end of the race? '
Están muy cerca, ¿ podrán acelerar antes de que acabe la carrera?
( Male announcer )'There goes Joe's tire! '
¡ Ha estallado la rueda Joe!
Una muy buena pregunta que hacer, particularmente... en la Dimensión Desconocida.
( male announcer ) We interrupt Operatic Interludes for a special news bulletin.
Interludios Operísticos cede espacio a noticia de última hora.
[Male Announcer] And here to bring yourjust desserts... and a recipe for a perfect marriage... is that gorgeous gourmet... tossing the uproarious salad oflife...
[Presentador] Y aquí para traer su merecida... receta para un matrimonio perfecto... este maravilloso gourmet... el clamoroso ensalador de vida...
[Male Announcer] If you're sick ofhaving the goodness boiled away out of your coffee... replace that old perk of yours with a coffeemaker of prestigious distinction.
[Hombre] Si estás harto de tener la calidad en cualquier sitio menos en tu café... reemplace esa vieja chatarra con esta prestigiosa y distinguida cafetera.
[Male Announcer] To recap tonight's top story, star jai alai player Tico Arriola was killed tonight... while playing at Miami Fronton.
Volviendo a las noticias de última hora la estrella del Jai Alai, Tico Arriola, ha muerto esta noche durante un partido en Miami.
[Male Announcer Over Radio] Jaguars win the toss and elect to receive.
Los Jaguares eligen recibir.
( male announcer ) Attention students from underdeveloped countries.
Atencion estudiantes de paises subdesarrollados.
( Male announcer # 1 ) The following preview has been rated p.C.
La siguiente preview fue catalogada P.C.
( male announcer ) We interrupt with this late-breaking news.
Interrumpimos este programa con noticias de última hora.
# # [Theme ] [ Male Announcer] The Continental Soccer Association... is coming to Springfield!
La Asociación Continental de Fútbol viene a Springfield.
[Male Announcer] No cocktail party would be complete without the ice plant.
Ninguna fiesta de cócteles estaría completa sin una planta hecha de hielo.
[Male Announcer] Knight Rider.
El Auto Fantástico.
[Male Announcer] Tune in tomorrow, when another lucky family... tries to win their dreams... on Happy Smile Super Challenge Family Wish Show.
Véannos mañana cuando otra familia afortunada intente hacer realidad sus sueños en El show del deseo familiar del superreto sonrisa feliz.
[Male Announcer] And now it's time top lay north Florida cable's... second-most popular game show, Lucky Numbers, with your host, Russ Richards.
Y ahora es tiempo de no cambiar de canal en Florida norte... el segundo programa mas popular de aqui, con su conductor, Russ Richards.
[Male Announcer] Like the cleaning of a house, It Never Ends.
Como la limpieza de una casa, No termina más.
[Male Announcer] Girls, don't let this happen to you.
Chicas, no dejen que esto les pase.
[Male Announcer] Kiosk Productions presents an outer space adventure, starring you!
Producciones Quiosco presenta una aventura del espacio exterior donde tú eres la estrella principal.
[Male Announcer] Direct from our newsroom in New York... this is the CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite.
LA CANDIDATA Desde la sala de redacción en Nueva York... El noticiero vespertino de la CBS con Walter Cronkite.
[Male Announcer] Apaid political announcement by Florida Citizens for Wallace.
Un anuncio político pagado por " Florida en pro de Wallace'.
MALE ANNOUNCER : A second bank was hit today in South LA.
Hoy robaron un segundo banco en Los Ángeles.
MALE ANNOUNCER : It's wilder than Girls Gone Wild.
Más desenfrenado que Chicas desenfrenadas.
MALE ANNOUNCER : The House and Closet Channel is proud to present
El Canal Casa y Armario tiene el orgullo de presentar,
( male announcer ) And now, a word from the White House.
Y ahora una palabra de la Casa Blanca.
( male announcer ) PREVIOUSLY ON THE KILL POINT.
Previamente en THE KILL POINT.
[Male Announcer] And earlier this evening, the State Department... successfully convinced the Yemeni Government... to pardon and release Nicole and Marcus Braden.
Esta tarde, el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores convenció finalmente al gobierno yemení y consiguió el perdón y la liberación de Nicole y Marcus Bradin.
This one is nice and fresh, But if this was all brown, you just simply want to... Male announcer :
Échelas directamente a la olla en la que cocinamos el pollo.
Es una de las personas más temidas en el planeta.
[as male announcer] " Dance Dance Revolution Revolution.
" Dance Dance Revolution Revolution.
Male announcer : Last season on psych...
La pasada temporada en Psych...
Male announcer :
Mujer locutor :
Male announcer : How will his coworkers react
Locutor masculino : ¿ Cómo sus compañeros de trabajo reaccionan
( Male announcer )'Howdy, folks. Well here we're for another Sunday's racing.' 'Down in the pits the boys are doing
Otro domingo en las carreras, los corredores prueban sus coches... y algunos dan unas vueltas de precalentamiento.
Male radio announcer : This is LW-14 transmitting from Buenos Aires with English language news of the world 24 hours a day.
Esta es la LW14 retransmitiendo desde Buenos Aires en inglés las noticias del mundo las 24 horas del día.
[Guttural Sigh ] [ Male Announcer] Lighthearted apron not included.
Delantal atrevido no incluido.
[Male Announcer] The story of the death of a woman and child in Iraq... has taken an even more disturbing turn in the last 24 hours... as insurgents have now kidnapped the journalist who shot the original footage.
[Male Announcer] Previously on My Name ls Earl.
Anteriormente en "Mi nombre es Earl".
Male announcer :
- Su señoría.

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