Maybe i won't tradutor Espanhol
853 parallel translation
Maybe I won't be after you tell me what you want here.
Quizá deje de estarlo si me dices qué quieres.
You know, I've just been thinking. Maybe Nick won't be arrested.
- Quizá no arresten a Nick.
Maybe, I won't be heard.
Tal vez no seré oído.
Maybe I won't care to ride anymore.
Quizá no me apetezca montar mañana.
Maybe I won't see it much longer here
Será porque pronto dejaré de verlo aquí.
Bueno, eso espero, pero tal vez no.
Say, I'll do all the talking. And then again, maybe we won't talk at all.
Yo hablaré todo el tiempo, y entonces otra vez, puede que no hablemos en absoluto.
Maybe, I won't be bothering you anymore again after tonight.
Quizá no vuelva a molestarlo des pués de esta noche.
Maybe I won't be able to return it.
Quizá jamás pueda pagártelo.
All these people, I mean your friends... maybe they won't think it proper
Todas estas personas... Quiero decir, sus amigos. Quizá ellos no lo vean apropiado.
Maybe it won't be so funny when I take that house away from you.
Tal vez no sea tan gracioso cuando le quite su casa.
But maybe you won't resent her and discount everything she says the way you do me just because I happen to be your employer.
Cree que puede inculcaros algo de sentido común pero lo dudo. Aunque quizá le hagáis más caso que a mí porque no es vuestro jefe.
- Well, maybe I won't do. L - - Oh, don't worry.
- Creo que esto no es para mí.
Or maybe I won't wait until I'm on the outside.
Pero quizá no espere a estar afuera.
- Maybe you won't, but I will.
Puede que vosotros no, pero yo sí.
I won't be able to get the falcon till daylight, maybe later.
No podré recoger el halcón hasta mañana, o más tarde.
Maybe I will and maybe I won't.
Tal vez me cuelguen y tal vez no.
Well, Sam, maybe I won't be here long.
Bueno, Sam, quizá no esté aquí mucho tiempo.
Maybe I won't have to. A bribe has worked before.
Ofreceré un soborno.
Maybe I won't have to.
Quizá no sea necesario.
Maybe you'll be waiting here next time and I won't come back.
Quizá la próxima vez que me esperes yo no vuelva.
Maybe I won't be wounded.
Puede que no me hieran.
I'll make soup and read to you. - Maybe I won't get sick.
- Puede que no me ponga enfermo.
Oh, well. I guess it's all right. If I fold it very neatly, maybe he won't notice.
Da igual, si lo doblo con cuidado, no lo notará.
Ask please to do something. Maybe I will maybe I won't.
Pídamelo por favor, y quizás lo haga o quizás no.
Maybe I had Zachetti here so they won't get a chance to trip me up... so we can get the money and be together.
Quizá hice que Zachetti viniera para evitar eso... para obtener el dinero juntos.
I start to figure maybe they won't take me... and some cold sweat runs down the middle of my back, and my head begins to buzz... and everything in the middle of the room begins to swim... and I get black spots in front of my eyes... and they say I've got high blood pressure again.
Empiezo a imaginarme que, a lo mejor, no me cogen... y un sudor frío me corre por la espalda, y la cabeza me empieza a zumbar... y en la habitación todo empieza a balancearse... y tengo manchas negras delante de los ojos... y dicen que otra vez tengo la tensión alta.
Maybe i will... or maybe i won't.
Quizás sí. Quizás no.
I won't try to tell you that you'll get over it soon, because it will take time... maybe a long time.
No te diré que lo superarás pronto porque llevará su tiempo- - quizás mucho tiempo.
Maybe I like the chimneys and won't change my opinion.
Pues a mí me gustan las chimeneas y no cambiaré de opinión.
Maybe I'll be back... and maybe I won't.
Tal vez regrese... tal vez no.
Maybe I won't find someone
Tal vez no encontraré a alguien
Maybe you won't believe it, but.. I murdered her for love.
Quizá no lo crea, pero la maté por amor.
Maybe I won't be here.
Quizás ya no esté acá.
Maybe I won't get a bus back to Ridgeville.
Quizás jamás vuelva a Ridgeville.
Maybe I won't like why I bought it.
Seguro que no me gusta saberlo.
Maybe I won't always be on top, I says. Sometimes, things go wrong.
Podría haber... seguido siempre así, pero a veces las cosas salen mal.
Maybe I am... But your life won't be worth much if Victor finds out what Althea's been telling me.
Pero tu vida no valdrá nada cuando Víctor sepa lo que me contó Altea.
Maybe I won't nurse this quite as long as you figured.
Quizá no tendré que racionarlo tanto como usted pensaba.
They won't be back. Maybe if they come back, you and I
Y si vuelven les daremos una paliza entre los dos, ¿ eh papá?
Lucas can't see through it and I won't Maybe that's wrong
Lucas no ve a través de él, pero nosotros tampoco.
And it won't cost much. Then maybe I can keep some of my pencils.
No es muy cara, quizá sobre para unos lápices.
What I really mean is.. If I put you to all this trouble and you got so little for all that trouble. Maybe you won't want to call me again and..
Lo que quiero decir es que si te has tomado tantas molestias y conseguiste tan poco a cambio, quizás no quieras volver a llamarme.
Maybe I won't like what I find out.
Tal vez no me guste lo que descubra.
Then maybe you won't mind if i scold you just a little.
¿ No te importa que te regañe?
Maybe I'll go and maybe I won't.
Puede que vaya o puede que no.
Maybe I won't.
Tal vez no.
Well, maybe he will and maybe he won't, but I know one thing for sure.
Bueno, puede que sí o puede que no, pero algo es seguro.
Maybe it won't be as difficult as I thought.
A lo mejor no es tan difícil como pensaba.
She won't live long... maybe just a few months, and she worries because I'm not settled.
Ya no vivirá mucho tal vez sólo unos meses, y le preocupa que no me haya formalizado.
- Maybe I won't bring her back, Jerry.
- Tal vez no la vuelva a traer, Jerry.
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe i do 116
maybe i don't 50
maybe i am 188
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe i will 247
maybe i did 99
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it isn't 28
maybe i do 116
maybe i don't 50
maybe i am 188
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe i will 247
maybe i did 99
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it isn't 28