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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ M ] / Minnie

Minnie tradutor Espanhol

1,248 parallel translation
- Oh, well, Minnie, you and I must eat alone.
- Oh, bien, Minnie, tú y yo debemos comer solos.
they nicknamed her midland minnie.
La llamaron Media Tierra Minnie.
Yeah, and if Mickey's dating Minnie, how come he has such a high voice?
Sí, y si Minnie data de Mickey, ¿ Cómo es que tiene una voz tan alta?
Who am I, Minnie Eisenhower?
¿ Quién soy, Mimi Eisenhower?
Can't you think of any more interesting news than that, Minnie May?
- ¿ No puedes pensar en otra noticia más interesante que ésa, Minnie May?
Minnie May, hold your tongue.
- Minnie May, cállate.
Why, Minnie May!
- Pero, ¡ Minnie May!
I understand from Minnie May Barry that you have an excellent watch dog looking out for you, Anthony.
Minnie May Barry me dice que tienes un excelente perro guardián que te cuida, Anthony.
A finer watch dog you'll never see, so Minnie May was just telling me.
- No hay perro guardián mejor que ése, así me decía Minnie May.
Did you know Gilbert Blythe was dying?
- ¿ Sabía que Gilbert Blythe se está muriendo? - Minnie May, cállate.
Now here, try taking Minnie's maid Cleopatra... to the Stork Club.
Prueba llevar a la chica de Cleopatra, Minnie al Stork Club.
Gene barry, barry nelson, nelson eddy, eddie albert And gotcha the wonder goose In minnie tells mickey that roger rabbit died.
Gene Barry, Barry Nelson, Nelson Eddy, Eddie Albert y conseguí al ganso maravilla en Minnie le dice a Mickey que Roger Rabbit murió.
Minnie always fixes crab.
Minnie siempre prepara cangrejo.
- Who is this, Minnie Pearl?
- ¿ Quién es ésta?
Sure, Minnie Mouse!
¡ Claro, Minnie Mouse!
No, yourboobs were Minnie andMickey. Irememberthat because ofDisney world.
No, tus senos eran Minnie y Mickey.
Now, I assume that you've all had an opportunity to look at the transcripts. First impressions? Yeah, Minnie.
Supongo que habéis leído los registros del juicio. ¿ Primeras impresiones?
- Come on, Minnie.
- Vamos, Minnie.
Minnie! Please? Come on.
- Come on, Minnie.
- Venga, Minnie.
Minnie what's-her-name.
Minnie... ¿ Cómo te llamabas?
Objection, it could happen to my Aunt Minnie, but it doesn't.
Objeción, podría ocurrirle a mi tía Minnie y no le ocurre.
May I call you Minnie?
¿ Puedo llamarte Minnie?
Don't think I haven't heard the lyrics to "Minnie the Moocher."
No creas que no escuché las letras de "Minnie the Moocher."
Ask your Aunt Minnie.
Pregúntele a su tía Minnie.
This is Minnie.
Ella es Minnie.
Minnie, answer the door. Hurry up.
Minnie, abre la puerta.
I mean Minnie, uh, Mimi.
No, Minnie. Digo Mimí.
My Aunt Minnie in here?
¿ Està aquí mi tía Minnie?
Minnie here, had a history of miscarriages.
Minnie había sufrido varios abortos.
I see you kept Minnie and Moe.
Veo que se quedó con Minnie y Moe.
Yes, Minnie and Moe. - Kept them.
Sí, Minnie y Moe.
- Kitty, Minnie. This is Miss March.
Kitty, Minnie... ésta es la Srta. March.
My little students, Kitty and Minnie, are dear girls.
Mis alumnitas, kitty y Minnie, son unas niñas adorables.
There lived a lassie named Minnie Breeze
Hay una chica llamada Minnie Breeze
They call her Minnie from Trinidad
La llaman Minnie de Trinidad
They all love Minnie from Trinidad
Todos aman a Minnie de Trinidad
And all the natives would be so sad If Minnie ever left Trinidad
Y todos los nativos sentirían ansiedad si Minnie se fuera de Trinidad
And all the natives would be so glad If Minnie Came back to Trinidad
Y todos los nativos sentirían felicidad si Minnie regresara a Trinidad
For Minnie
Pues Minnie
Came back to Trinidad
Minnie regresó a Trinidad
If it's a boy. Minnie, if it's a girl.
Minnie, si es niña.
Still, you say "Minnie," you hear "Mouse."
No importa. Si dices "Minnie", le sigue la "ratona".
- We agreed on Minnie.
- Aceptamos Minnie.
A great Minnie whining overhead.
A veces pasa un avión sobre nuestras cabezas.
Van Damme and Minnie Pearl.
¡ Van Damme y Minnie Pearl!
Goodbye Minnie May!
- Adiós, Minnie May.
You still have Minnie May.
Todavía te queda Minnie May.
¿ Minnie?
So I thought we'd go to Minnie's playtime at the library. I don't think that starts till next week.
Disculpa. ¿ Estás...?

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