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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ M ] / Mothercare

Mothercare tradutor Espanhol

5 parallel translation
- Ten o'clock at Mothercare, Pats.
- A las diez en Premamá, Pats.
Mothercare, here I come!
Guardería, aquí voy!
We remolded an old maternity mannequin we used to make for Mothercare.
Remodelamos un maniquí que usábamos para las maternidades.
Looks up a lot. Gets his clothes from Mothercare.
Usa mucha, tiene un cuidado especial.
We remoulded an old maternity mannequin we used to make for Mothercare.
Remodelamos un maniqui que usabamos para las maternidades.

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