Northwestern tradutor Espanhol
417 parallel translation
Look at what Michigan's team did to Northwestern. - Ah!
Miren lo que Michigan le hizo a la Universidad Northwestern.
"The funeral yesterday of Paul Drummond prominent young business executive, saddened many especially those who remembered his brilliant athletic career at Northwestern." - Where's the bacon?
"El funeral ayer de Paul Drummond destacado ejecutivo empresarial, entristecio a muchos especialmente a los que recuerdan su brillante carrera atletica en Northwestern." - ¿ Donde esta el bacon?
Think the boys'll make the team at Northwestern like Mr. Drummond?
¿ Cree que los chicos formaran parte del equipo de Northwestern como el Sr. Drummond?
Deep-sea fishermen along the northwestern US coast... are complaining because of the poor fishing there.
"Pescadores de altura de la costa noroeste de EE. UU... se están quejando de que la pesca es mala".
I'm from Northwestern.
Soy de Northwestern.
Empezarás con Michigan-Northwestern.
And then a guy named David Carlyle of Northwestern Packers.
Y después un tipo llamado David Carlyle, de Northwestern Packers.
You two go to the Union Hotel on the Northwestern border.
Ustedes dos vayan al hotel Unión, en la frontera noroeste.
He was a conductor on the Chicago-Northwestern.
Era supervisor de trenes.
I taught at Boston University for three years Northwestern University for two years then UCLA for three years more, and I am now at Berkeley.
Di clases en la Universidad de Boston tres años en la Universidad de Northwestern dos años luego en la UCLA tres años más, y ahora estoy en Berkeley.
I have a married daughter in Seattle who's six months pregnant... and a younger girl who's starting at Northwestern in January.
Tengo una hija casada en Seattle que tiene seis meses de embarazo... y una hija menor que empieza la universidad en enero.
After I graduated from Northwestern, my first summer job was in Lake Michigan.
Después de graduarme en el Northwestern... mi primer trabajo de verano fue en el Lago Michigan.
Well, I got straight A's at Northwestern School of Journalism :
Obtuve las mejores notas en la Escuela de Periodismo Northwestern.
Our commando unit will approach from Fish Street and make our way to the northwestern main drain.
Nuestro comando vendrá por la calle Pez... ... hacia el drenaje noroeste.
Today I've got rail tickets waiting for you and Mae at the Chicago North Western
- Hay billetes para ti y May... esperando en Chicago Northwestern.
Chicago Western? Yep
- ¿ A Chicago Northwestern?
Told her I'm at Northwestern working'on my PhD.
Le dije que estoy haciendo un doctorado en Northwestern.
- Yeah. To Northwestern.
- Sí, a Northwestern.
At Northwestern?
¿ En Northwestern?
Oh, Doc, did you see what Northwestern did last week?
Doc, ¿ Vio lo que hizo Northwestern la semana pasada?
Northwestern, 20 seconds to go, they got the ball, he fades back for a pass,
Northwestern, faltando 20 segundos, toman la bola, él corre por un pase,
Charlie, do you have any idea what Northwestern's gonna do this week?
Charlie, ¿ Tienes idea de qué Va a hacer Northwestern esta semana?
- Wait a minute, To Northwestern,
- Espera un minuto, por Northwestern,
I'm at 579B, Block 19, Northwestern Section D.
Vivo en el 579B, Bloque 19, Sección D Noroeste.
And when they ask about a fight that stands alone... in their memory indelibly written... the memory of Bo Keeler... standing toe to toe with Grant... under that northwestern sky.
Estaremos de acuerdo en unos años en que el mejor combate fue... el de Keeler y Grant. Estará en nuestra memoria su frente a frente aquí.
- Yeah, Northwestern.
Sí, en Northwestern.
From the northwestern Pacific.
Del norte de Great Pacific.
No, she went to Northwestern, but they`re both Big Ten schools.
No, ella fue a Northwestern, pero las dos están entre las 1 0 Grandes.
Suspects are believed traveling in a northwestern route to New Mexico.
Se cree que los sospechosos van al noroeste, hacia Nuevo México.
I like Northwestern.
Me gusta la Northwestern.
He applied to Northwestern University's Theatre Department and was accepted.
Fue aceptado en el Departamento de Teatro de la Northwestern.
Well, I'm not sure. I was thinking about Northwestern.
No lo sé, estaba pensando en Northwestern.
Definitely Northwestern.
Definitivamente Northwestern.
He secretly didn't want me to get into Yale, he wanted me to go to Northwestern with him.
Él no quería que entre a Yale quería que fuera a Northwestern con él.
So, Jay, are you still at Northwestern?
Jay, ¿ todavía estás en Northwestern?
Score : Irish, 7, Northwestern, nothing.
Los Irlandeses van ganando por 7.
Computer, establish a link with the Bajoran Medical Index for the Northwestern District.
Ordenador, enlace con el índice médico bajorano del distrito noroeste.
I got a call from a northwestern outpost... just before the summit started.
- Me llamaron de la frontera noroccidental... justo antes de iniciar la cumbre.
The soldiers chased them northward through two states... right up into the mountains of northwestern Montana.
Así que los soldados los persiguieron a través de dos estados. hasta las montañas del noroeste de Montana.
Three-point-seven-three grade point average, Northwestern University.
Promedio de calificaciones, 3,73, Northwestern.
Man, ever since Northwestern left the Big Ten, they have kicked butt.
¡ Sí! Desde que Northwestern dejó los diez primeros puestos, les va muy mal.
... rocked northwestern New Mexico this morning. Centered in the desert, the 5.6 temblor... was felt as far away south as Corona and Roswell.
... sacudió a Nuevo Méjico con epicentro en el desierto, el temblor de 5.6 se sintió hasta en Corona y Roswell.
Northwestern took four, Mercy three, we got the rest.
El Northwestern ha recogido a cuatro, el Mercy a tres y nosotros al resto.
There's a conference on Saturday at Northwestern.
El sábado hay una conferencia en la Northwestern.
Did you get a chance to read that synopsis of Donald Anspaugh's speech at Northwestern?
¿ Leíste la sinopsis del discurso de Donald Anspaugh en la Northwestern?
McCullers, all-American wrestler from Northwestern,
McCullers, luchador nacional para Northwestern.
You practiced at Northwestern?
Creía que estabas en el Northwestern.
... There she was, just walkin'down the street She looked good, she looked fine Before I knew it, she was walkin'next to me I knew we was falling in love...
Comp lit, Northwestern University.
Literatura comparada, Northwestern.
north 417
northwest 51
northeast 38
northman 49
north carolina 83
north america 24
north korea 68
northern light 22
north dakota 52
north africa 17
northwest 51
northeast 38
northman 49
north carolina 83
north america 24
north korea 68
northern light 22
north dakota 52
north africa 17