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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ N ] / Nothing's

Nothing's tradutor Espanhol

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First my wife tells me that she's lost everything, now my grandson is telling me that he's nothing but a common crook.
Primero mi mujer me dice que lo ha perdido todo y ahora mi nieto me dice que no es más que un vulgar ratero.
There's no Google campus, there's nothing.
No hay ningún campus de Google, no hay nada.
There's nothing in the world more important than that.
En la vida no hay nada más importante que eso.
Actually, he's there for you, to help you make sure nothing happens to my money.
De hecho, está ahí por ti, para ayudarte a vigilar mi dinero.
I'm gonna assume the worst, cop or no cop. There's nothing I won't do to protect my family.
Si te vuelvo a ver por aquí, me voy a imaginar lo peor, seas poli o no.
- It's most likely nothing.
- Probablemente no sea nada.
And as your mom, there's nothing that gives me greater joy than...
Y como tu madre, no hay nada que me cause mayor alegría que...
Laura, it's nothing against him personally.
Laura, no es nada contra él personalmente.
It's nothing against you.
No es nada en tu contra.
There's nothing left to say.
No hay nada mas que decir.
There's nothing going on between me and Bruce.
No hay nada entre Bruce y yo.
But nothing's gonna happen to you.
Pero no te va a pasar nada.
It's nothing bad.
No pasa nada.
There's nothing to say about it, Miss Gun-Circle... Shoot... Stick.
No hay que hablar, señora "Círculo de Armas" y "Bastón... de Tiro".
It's nothing.
Nada importante.
Nothing's irreparable.
Nada es irreparable.
Nothing's changed, Vanessa.
Nada ha cambiado, Vanessa.
There's nothing in here.
Aquí no hay nada.
There's nothing for you to do.
No hay nada que puedas hacer,
There's nothing wrong with you, david.
No hay nada malo en ti, David.
And at times like these, Americans are dying right now, and there's nothing I can do about it.
Y en momentos como estos, hay americanos muriendo en este instante y no puedo hacer nada al respecto.
Keep it moving. There's nothing to see here.
Aquí no hay nada que ver.
Hey, who's the one that said this old guy was nothing to worry about?
¿ Quién dijo que no había que preocuparse de ese viejo?
There's nothing there.
No, Miguel. No hay nada ahí.
It's like nothing I've seen before.
Nunca antes había visto algo así.
Mr. Klein was the last member of staff to be seen in the Count's room, and if there's nothing to hide...
El Sr. Klein fue el último miembro del personal en ser visto... en la habitación del Conde y si no hay nada que esconder...
There's nothing I can do, is there?
No hay nada que pueda hacer, ¿ verdad?
There's nothing you can do.
No hay nada que puedas hacer.
There's nothing for me out there.
No hay nada para mí ahí fuera.
There's nothing to be done, sir.
No hay nada que hacer, señor.
It's nothing.
No es nada.
There's nothing doom and gloom about it.
No hay nada de malo en ello.
They have a warrant, there's nothing we can do.
Tienen una orden, no podemos hacer nada.
It's not fair, you've done nothing wrong.
- No es justo, no has hecho nada malo.
Seeing as how there's really nothing left to protect, why don't you tell me what the fuck is going on?
¿ así que por qué no me dices qué cojones está pasando?
And there's nothing there in that transcript that impeaches Bosch's long record of veracity under oath. - Your Honor...
Y no hay nada en la transcripción que impugne la veracidad de Bosch bajo juramento.
Kara, there's nothing to do.
Kara, no hay nada qué hacer.
There's nothing on the line for you, so what do you care?
No hay nada en juego para ti, así que ¿ qué te importa?
Nothing's straightforward anymore.
Nada es sencillo ya.
There's nothing.
Nada quedó.
It's nothing I've ever seen before.
No es nada que haya visto antes.
It's really nothing...
No es nada... no tiene importancia.
He's her first love, so I even kissed, but nothing.
Él es su primer amor, así que le he besado, pero nada.
There's nothing like being with somebody and still feeling alone.
Nada como estar con alguien y sentirse sola.
Tell me you and Leonard had nothing to do with Illium's death.
Dime que Leonard y tú no tenéis nada que ver con la muerte de Illium.
It's fairly difficult for me to confess. And it brings me nothing but waves of aching nausea, but...
Me cuesta mucho confesarlo y solo me produce náuseas, pero...
There's nothing to be nervous about.
No tienes por qué estar nervioso.
There's nothing to talk about until you decide whether you're gonna run off with your boyfriend.
No tenemos nada que hablar hasta que no decidas si te irás con tu novio.
You can't be saying there's nothing wrong.
- o dificultades para hablar. - ¿ No le pasa nada?
That's like nothing I've ever smelled before and I work with fertilizer.
Nunca había olido una cosa así y trabajo con fertilizantes.
It's nothing a little vacation won't cure.
No es nada que unas vacaciones no curen.

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