Now you're tradutor Espanhol
61,732 parallel translation
I hope you don't mind me using your title, even though you're now retired.
Espero que no le importe que utilice su cargo, aunque ya esté jubilado.
Now, what's the first thing you're going to do?
Ahora, ¿ qué es lo primero que vas a hacer?
Now, Mrs Pettybon, I understand you're on something of a crusade at the moment?
Ahora, señora Pettybon, tengo entendido que está en una cruzada en este momento.
Y-You're making that mistake right now.
Estás cometiendo ese error ahora mismo.
You were always the sheep hiding among the wolves, now you're going to die.
Siempre eras la oveja escondida entre los lobos. Ahora vas a morir.
If you were my man, working all day so I could stay at home... which, uh let's face it... it was a bitch when they were little, but... but now they're both teens and in school all day.
Si fueras mi hombre y trabajaras todo el día para que me quedara en casa lo cual es, digamos la verdad fue tremendo cuando los niños eran pequeños pero ahora los dos son adolescentes y pasan todo el día en la escuela.
Right now, you're calculating the smart move.
Ahora mismo estás calculando qué te conviene hacer.
So, you're fucking her now?
¿ Y ahora te la coges a ella?
Because right now, you and I and Cersei and everyone else, we're children playing at a game, screaming that the rules aren't fair.
Porque ahora, tú y yo, y Cersei y todos los demás, Somos niños jugando en un juego, Gritando que las reglas no son justas.
And you're now engaged in a conflict on several fronts.
Y ahora estás involucrada en un conflicto en varios frentes.
You're Lord of Winterfell now.
Ahora eres el Señor de Winterfell.
Of course, you're serving her now, aren't you?
Por supuesto, le sirves ahora, ¿ no?
You're thinking it right now.
Lo estás pensando ahora mismo.
You're acting like a couple of selfish brats right now.
Ahora están actuando como un par de malcriados egoístas.
Now you're gonna strong arm me?
Así que va a forzarme.
You have a good group of friends, you have a great relationship with your father now... you're going to have a great life.
Tienes un buen grupo de amigos, ahora tienes una relación maravillosa con tu padre... Vas a tener una vida genial.
Now, if you set that fire, we're talking about murder.
Si comenzaste ese fuego, hablamos de homicidio.
And a very short engagement in private security, and now you're an EMT.
Un período breve en seguridad privada, y ahora eres paramédico.
Ha. Now I know you're lying. But at least you haven't been caught.
Ahora sé que estás mintiendo, pero al menos no te han pillado.
Now, you're gonna need the right stance if you're gonna block it properly.
Necesitas tener la postura correcta para bloquearlo correctamente.
- Now you just let Gunther know when you're ready, and he'll show you to your quarters.
Ahora haz saber a Gunther cuando estés lista, y él te mostrará tus habitaciones.
Roderick, I know what you're going through, with the loss of your parents, and now your sister, her illness.
Roderick, sé lo que estás pasando, con la pérdida de tus padres. Y ahora tu hermana, su enfermedad.
- You're home now.
Estás en casa ahora.
Now... you're finally home.
Y ahora, finalmente estás en casa.
Now that you're here,
Now you're breaking the law?
¿ Y ahora infringes la ley?
Well, you're here now, so there must be some part of you
Pues estás aquí, así que debe haber una parte de ti
Listen, if you're having any second thoughts, you want to call this off, now is the time.
Oye, si estás teniendo dudas y quieres cancelarlo, ahora es el momento.
Now... you're gonna drop us off at our car.
Ahora... nos vas a dejar en nuestro auto.
But what's different now is that you're right here next to me.
Pero lo que es diferente ahora es que tú estás justo aquí a mi lado.
Hey, you're okay now.
Oye, ahora estás bien.
You're unreliable with your sister, and now you're blaming some poor guy for running your friend off the road?
No eres confiable con tu hermana, y ahora culpas a un pobre tipo por sacar a tu amiga del camino?
And now when it looks like he'll succeed, you're prepared to just give up.
Y ahora, cuando parece que tendrá éxito, estás preparado para rendirte.
Now you're not even answering your walkie-talkie?
¿ Ni siquiera contestarás el walkie-talkie?
Oh, now you're worried.
Ahora te preocupas.
It's just pure stream of consciousness, what you're hearing right now.
Es puro flujo de conciencia lo que estás escuchando en este momento.
So you're wishing you never met me right now, right?
¿ Ahora lamentas haberme conocido, no?
You're talking to the new Oscar Hodges now.
Ahora estás hablando con el nuevo Oscar Hodges.
We want you to know we're here for you now, for whatever you need... vacation, money, counseling.
Queremos que sepas que estamos aquí para ti para lo que necesites : Vacaciones, dinero, consejos.
I'm gonna let go of you now. And you're gonna walk away.
Ahora te soltaré y te irás.
It means you're safe now, and you will always remain safe as long as I am watching, protecting, because I got you.
Significa que estás a salvo ahora y siempre lo estarás mientras yo esté vigilando y protegiendo, porque te tengo.
Okay, I don't know if you're playing it cool, but now is not the time to play it cool.
Vale, no sé si actúas como si no pasara nada, pero ahora no es momento de actuar como si no pasara nada.
You're above politics now, okay?
Ahora estás por encima de la política, ¿ vale?
You're not supposed to know yet, and I can't tell you where she is right now, but she's safe.
Todavía no debes saberlo y no puedo decirte dónde está ahora mismo, pero está a salvo.
You're not in the strongest deal-making position right now, Ms. Whelan.
No está en la mejor posición de hacer tratos ahora mismo, Srta. Whelan.
- Now you're wasting your time.
- Pierdes el tiempo.
Now... I'm gonna take this tape off, and you're gonna tell me about Huck.
Ahora... voy a quitarte esta cinta, y me vas a hablar de Huck.
Now you're here.
Ahora estás aquí.
I mean now that you're free of those people.
Digo ahora que estás libre de esa gente.
You're not one now.
Ahora no.
The only reason you're not frying right now is because you can help.
La única razón por la que no estás en la silla eléctrica es porque puedes ayudar.
now you're talking 179
now you're just showing off 20
now you're getting it 42
now you're thinking 17
now you're dead 18
now you're scaring me 19
now you're here 51
now you're back 22
now you're not 16
you're cute 195
now you're just showing off 20
now you're getting it 42
now you're thinking 17
now you're dead 18
now you're scaring me 19
now you're here 51
now you're back 22
now you're not 16
you're cute 195
you're welcome 5601
you're right 14205
you're awesome 166
you're so pretty 112
you're so stupid 85
you're not my type 58
you're so handsome 35
you're so sweet 212
you're sorry 317
you're 4202
you're right 14205
you're awesome 166
you're so pretty 112
you're so stupid 85
you're not my type 58
you're so handsome 35
you're so sweet 212
you're sorry 317
you're 4202