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One by friend tradutor Espanhol

119 parallel translation
Inspecteut Juve in his office, accompanied by friend and occasional collaborator and volunteer journalist Jerome Fandor, a reporter of "La Capitale" one of the most widely read daily in Paris...
En su oficina, el inspector Juve, en compañia de su benévolo amigo y colaborador ocasional, el periodista Jérôme Fandor, reportero en "La Capitale", uno de los diarios más leídos de Paris
of Alfred E. Smith, I place a nomination, one whose integrity is conceded by friend and foe alike.
de Alfred E. Smith, yo propongo un nombre, alguien cuya integridad es reconocida tanto por sus amigos como por sus enemigos.
Our beloved friend Alexei just told one of the funniest stories ever told by any Commander of the Palace Guard!
Porque Alexei ha contado un chiste muy gracioso. ¿ Comprende?
If one day you learn I've departed... go, my friend, go by my tombstone... and shed a sorrowful tear... for this here bosom friend.
Si un día te enteraras de que desaparecí... ve amigo ve a mi tumba... a derramar una lágrima de dolor... en el pecho de este amigo.
And the new one recommended by our friend Rainaldi I'm sure is a complete cutthroat.
El último fue recomendado por nuestro amigo Rainaldi.
A friend of mine at mission preparatory had his head torn from his body by one of them beasts.
A un amigo mío del seminario misional una de esas bestias le arrancó la cabeza.
I can't imagine him at death's door, being held up by a friend and hitting a running man with one shot.
No le imagino entregando su alma sostenido por un amigo, y abatiendo de un tiro a un tipo que corre a toda velocidad.
Sheikh Ali Ibrahim has been induced by my friend and great emir, Mohammed el-Kheir, to acknowledge me as the Expected One, the true Mahdi.
El Jeque Ali Ibrahim ha sido convencido por mi amigo y gran emir, Mohammed el-Kheir, para reconocerme como El Esperado, el verdadero Mahdi.
One, I think the first, was bought by my friend, a certain Higgins...
Una, creo que la primera, fue comprada por mi amigo, Higgins...
"Dear Reverend, Amedeo's picture is not to my liking,... " but I've been favorably struck by his friend,... " the one with the moustache, and I'd like to have the chance...
" Estimado reverendo, la foto de Amedeo no me convence pero estoy favorablemente impresionada por su amigo el del bigote, y quisiera mantener correspondencia con él para arreglar un matrimonio.
And another thing. I was given a very good horse by a great friend of mine, one Bob Rusk.
Y además, un buen amigo, Bob Rusk, me recomendó un caballo ganador.
And yet I accepted it as, one would accept an act performed by a very dear friend.
Y aún asi yo lo acepto como uno acepta algo realizado por un amigo muy querido...
I had one friend by my side # # Now I have two #
ahora tengo dos.
Ah, I forgot. A friend came by for you, the one who always looks like he's smiling.
Lo olvidé, un amigo vino a verle, el que siempre parece estar riendo.
So I'm asking you... as a friend... stand by my side this one last time.
Así que te pido... como amigo... que me apoyes esta última vez.
The one that was written by your friend.
¿ Ése que escribió tu amigo?
The next song was written by a friend of mine, one of the great little ladies of jazz.
Esta siguiente canción fue escrita por una amiga mía. Una de las grandes mujercitas del jazz.
Until one day, a friend lent me the book by Warren, "The 100 Mystical Thinning Recipes."
Hasta que un día, un amigo me prestó el libro de Warren "Las cien recetas místicas para adelgazar".
I am assured by my friend Tomaso that this manuscript is the work of Liberale di Verona, one of our foremost artists.
Me asegura mi amigo Tomaso que este manuscrito es la obra de Liberale de Verona, uno de nuestros artistas prominentes.
A friend of my cousin was blinded by one ofthese things.
Un amigo de mi primo quedó ciego por una de estas cosas.
Perhaps you should remind my old friend Garak that the Bajor withdrawal was a decision made by the civilian leaders, one which I opposed.
Quizás debería recordar a mi viejo amigo Garak que la retirada de Bajor fue decisión de los líderes civiles a la cual yo me oponía.
One of the stories I had in mind suggested to me by a friend and the story had drawn me here in the first place.
Una de las historias me la sugirió un amigo. Esa historia me ha traído hasta aquí.
No one is to be out there until Iolaus is dead, and Hercules is standing staggered by the weight of what he's done to his best friend.
Nadie saldrá allí hasta que Iolaus esté muerto, y Hércules abatido por el peso de lo que acaba de hacerle a su mejor amigo.
Judging from the description given by one of the condo tenants, the attacker had to be your friend.
De acuerdo a la descripción que dio uno de los inquilinos... el agresor tiene que ser su amiga.
No mistake... one day we have to die... and it's better to be killed by a friend.
No hay problema. Un día tenemos que morir, no. Mejor morir en Ia mano de amigos que en Ia mano de cualquier uno.
Not a week goes by that someone doesn't find the name of a loved one a friend or an acquaintance on that damned list.
No hay semana en que alguien no encuentre el nombre de un amigo, un ser querido o un conocido en esa condenada lista.
It's an alcoholic, man... compelled to go to this group meeting by his one and only friend left.
Es sobre un alcohólico, tío... animado a ir a terapia de grupo por el único amigo que le queda.
The role of Will's best friend has always been and will always be filled by one scrappy little Grace Adler.
El papel de mejor amiga de Will siempre ha sido y será ocupado por una chiquita llamada Grace Adler.
I've had one cop, my best friend, driven insane by the angels shrieking in his head... before somehow spontaneously combusting... in a madhouse he had mistaken for a monastery.
He tenido un policía mi mejor amigo, que quedó loco por los gritos de los Ángeles en su cabeza... antes de que de alguna forma combustionara espontáneamente... en un manicomio que confundió con un monasterio.
I say, young Roo, If you suggest that a letter... would bring cheer to our friend Tigger, then we shall, by all means, write one!
Bueno joven Rito, si tú crees que una carta alegrará a nuestro amigo Tigger, ¡ entonces es imprescindible hacerla!
One of my people found out... our "friend" has been able to track your whereabouts... by intercepting your e-mails.
Uno de mis tipos se enteró que nuestro amigo pudo... encontrarlo al interceptar sus emails.
One singer will win the prize before all the people on Midsummer Day. He shall be rewarded by me, a friend of Art Veit Pogner of Nuremberg. He shall receive all the goods I have acquired.
Al cantor que con su arte gane el premio ante todo el pueblo el día de San Juan, quienquiera que sea a él le concedo yo, un amigo del arte Veit Pogner, de Núremberg junto a todos mis bienes, en su presente condición a mi única hija, Eva, en matrimonio
We know that there are societies... there is at least one, studied by a friend of mine, the anthropologist Mary Douglas, it's a small-scale society where differences hardly exist at all.
Hay sociedades, por lo menos una ha sido estudiada por una amiga socióloga, Mary Douglas... Es una pequeña sociedad donde casi no hay diferencias.
It's never too late to one-up your best friend by telling him that you raped the love of his life in high school. Especially if you can do it in front of her.
Nunca es muy tarde para superar a tu mejor amigo diciéndole que violaste al amor de su vida en la secundaria, especialmente si puedes hacerlo frente a ella.
The last one killed thousands, and when the rarefaction wave comes... it collapses great and high buildings, tombs, bridges and soon the old friend comes radiation, scattered by rain, the water, the wind affecting the alive ones, and to the small ones to be born
La última mató a miles, y cuando viene la onda expansiva... derrumba grandes y altos edificios, tumbas, puentes y luego viene la vieja amiga radiación, esparcida por la lluvia, el agua, el viento afectando a los vivos, y a los pequeños por nacer
I almost forgot, one day a friend of yours came by...
Casi me olvidaba, un día vino una amiga tuya..
Matter of fact, my friend Jasper told me one of them coons came by his house to pick his sister up for a date.
De hecho, mi amigo Jasper me contó... uno de esos negratas pasó por su casa a recoger a su hermana para salir, y le dijo :
Perhaps she was required to erase your memories by laws of the Others, but, as your friend and mentor, she wished you one day to regain it.
Quizás las leyes de los otros le exigían que borrara todos tus recuerdos,... pero como tu amiga y mentora, deseaba que los recuperaras algún día.
On an interesting note, the situation was brought to the attention of police... by a friend of one of the hostages, Eric Gotts.
Cabe destacar que la policía se enteró de la situación gracias a Eric Gotts, amigo de uno de los rehenes.
My friend Joan, her youngest granddaughter goes to a very good one up by The Bard.
Mi amiga Joan, su biznieto menor va a una muy buena por el Bard.
Because I've learned that with one close friend by your side Even the worst things in life will eventually pass in just one short breath.
Porqué aprendí que, teniendo amigos cerca de uno incluso las peores cosas de la vida... eventualmente pasan...
One night, he and a friend were attacked by some boys from another gang
Una noche, él y su amigo fueron atacados por chicos de otra pandilla.
I'll warn you again, Mr Grantham. If you don't uphold your side of the bargain and see we reach the Uvodni ship in one piece, my friend Mr Smith has detailed files on you that will be in the hands of the police by midnight.
Si no mantienes tu parte del trato, y no alcanzamos la nave Uvodni, el Sr Smith tiene archivos detallados suyos que acabarán en manos de la policía.
Your friend came in here, and as hard as it was for him to turn you in, he did the right thing by letting me know you were the one who defaced school property.
- Sí. Tu amigo vino, y por más duro que haya sido para él delatarte, hizo lo correcto al decirme que fuiste tú quien desfiguró la propiedad escolar...
So in one day, I destroyed my parents, got kicked out by my best friend, made my ex-boyfriend homeless and almost burned down my own apartment.
Así que en un día, destruí a mis padres, me echó a patadas mi mejor amiga, convertí a mi ex-novio en un desamparado y casi quemo mi propio departamento.
The pictures were taken by a friend of mine, one of these expert divers.
Las imágenes las tomó un amigo mío, que es un buceador experto.
This was given to me by a friend, the one who taught me to stick fight better than you.
Esto me lo dio un amigo el que me enseñó a luchar mejor que usted.
You mean that friend there? The one that stood by while I played the bongos on your head with a shovel?
¿ Ese que miraba mientras yo tocaba el tambor en tu cabeza...
My friend ashley Was taken by one of your guys.
A mi amiga Ashley se la llevó uno de sus hombres.
He wants to leave the game by being voted out because he thinks that's honorable, but i think it would be totally more00able to help tracy, his longtime friend since he's been in the the game, and myself to get out one of the bigger threats right now.
Quiere salirse del juego... siendo expulsado porque cree que eso es honorable... pero creo que sería más honorable ayudar a Tracy... su mejor amiga desde que comenzó el juego... y a mí para sacar a una de las grandes amenazas en este momento.
My gut tells me that your friend's life, the one hanging in the balance not gonna be saved by a tube of toothpaste.
Mis tripas me dicen que la vida de su amigo, la que pende de la balanza,... no va a salvarla un tubo de dentífrico.

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