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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ O ] / Oppie

Oppie tradutor Espanhol

36 parallel translation
- We'll miss you, Oppie! We'll miss you, Oppie!
- ¡ Le echaremos de menos, Oppie!
Oppie's boys.
Los chicos de Oppie.
Still, Oppie's got the best theoreticians and engineers in the world.
Aun así, tenemos a los mejores teóricos e ingenieros del mundo.
Oppie's quite a match for the general.
Oppie domina al general.
Oppie, I've been so frightened.
- Oppie, he pasado mucho miedo.
Oppie, maybe implosion's just a blind alley.
- La implosión es un callejón sin salida.
- No, Oppie. - Shit.
- No, Oppie.
Look at it, Oppie, it's twisted.
Mírelo, está doblado.
Oppie, some way I have to focus... I have to focus the shock waves. Look at me!
Oppie, tengo que centrar la onda expansiva.
If you can't, I'll find somebody else. Oppie?
Si no se siente capaz, buscaremos a otro.
- Oppie?
- ¿ Oppie?
You know, if Oppie doesn't let up, he's going to implode.
Si Oppie sigue así, va a implosionar.
Are you all right, Oppie?
¿ Está bien, Oppie?
Neddermeyer gave up on his explosion that goes in. Not Oppie, though. He brought in two explosive experts from the outside.
Neddermeyer ha renunciado a realizar la implosión, así que Oppie ha traído a dos expertos en explosivos de fuera.
- Some orange, hey, Oppie?
- ¿ Unas naranjas, Oppie?
The right mix and we're home, Oppie!
¡ Tenemos la victoria asegurada!
But, as brilliant as he is, Oppie's beginning to show the strain.
Por muy brillante que sea, Oppie está presionado.
We all depend on Oppie.
Todos dependemos de él.
Something Oppie said today. I don't know.
- Algo que ha dicho hoy Oppie.
We haven't thought about the consequences, Oppie.
¡ No hemos pensado en las consecuencias, Oppie!
- Oppie? - Wilson! We've been waiting for the data for two weeks.
Wilson, llevamos esperando dos semanas a los datos ciclotrónicos.
You got to speak up. The generals won't listen to us.
Oppie, sea nuestro portavoz o no nos harán caso.
Oppie, it's for you.
Oppie, es para usted.
- Oppie, it doesn't look good.
- Nada bueno.
Is Opie getting angry?
¿ Oppie se está enojando?
What did I tell you about calling me Opie?
¿ Qué les dije acerca de llamarme Oppie?
Opie, look out for that keg in the middle of the road!
¡ Oppie cuidado con ese barril en el medio de la calle!
Believe me, a parade float, marching band, Akley and Oppie high in the saddle.
Créeme, una carroza, una banda, Akley y Oppie montando alto.
If I were Oppie... I'd wait for a year from now to become the world's most famous scientist.
Si yo fuese Oppie, esperaría dentro de un año... convertirme en el científico más famoso del mundo.
Now he's got Oppie in his crosshairs.
Ahora tiene a Oppie en la mira.
If we have any chance of hitting our targets, we need Oppie.
Para tener oportunidad de conseguir nuestros objetivos, necesitamos a Oppie.
Well, we had been thinking of the processes as competitors and Oppie realized they were more efficient when linked in tandem.
Bien, habíamos estado pensando en los procesos como competidores y Oppie se dio cuenta de que eran más eficaces actuando enlazados.
Oppie realized the same thing you did six months ago.
Oppie se dio cuenta de lo mismo que usted hace seis meses.
I'm forming a council, Oppie.
Estoy formando un comité, Oppie.
- Some orange. - Sure is.
- Unas naranjas, ¿ eh, Oppie?
Hey, Oppie?
- Sí.

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